Essential things all parents should know:
1. There should ALWAYS be homework written in the planner. Never
Accept I didn’t have any. Planners should be checked every night
at home.
2.All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Children will lose recess and special privileges in order to work on late assignments.
3.Final tests will be sent home for parent signatures to keep you aware of their progress. Please return to school.
4. Right now the state assessment dates are:
ELA-April 5-7
Math-April 13-15
Please make every effort for you r children to be here these days.
5. We go outside every day weather permitting (snowy days too!) Please dress your child accordingly. They have cubbies to store an extra sweatshirt, hat, mittens, etc.
6. Check out my website for classroom information. Homework is only posted in the planners; not on the website.
7. Feel free to email me with concerns, questions, and also good news!
Telephone- 646-3370 x3109
Fifth Grade Curriculum
English Language Arts (ELA)
Your student will be actively engaged in reading and writing workshops. We will be reading several novels, state modules and many short reads over the course of the year.
v The students will be taking the New York State ELA Assessment April 5-7
Ø EcosystemsØ Meet the Creatures
Ø Optics
Ø Traveling in Space
Ø Electromagnetism / Ø Abduction
Ø Growth and Development
Ø Abuse
Ø Alcohol
Social Studies
United States, Latin America, and Canada· Map skills
· history
· politics / · geography
· social structure
· economy
v The students will not be taking the New York State Social Studies Assessment.
· The students will be taking the New York State Math Assessment
April 13-15
A variety of educational software, internet sites, word processing, and publishing programs. Check my website for great internet sites.