EG Chairs and ITAs
Fifteenth Meeting
Helsinki, Finland
4 February 2013
Reference / EG Chairs and ITAs 15/2/1Title / Provisional agenda with timetable
Submitted by / Secretariat
Summary / Note / -
Requested action / Adoption
9:00 – 12:00: Subject to agreement between Prof. Dr. Dirk van den Boom of the Evaluation Consultant Team and the respective EG/TG leadership(s), individual interviews can be held with the latter by the Consultant. If held, they will take place at the premises of the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, 8 Meritullinkatu Str, where a meeting room will be arranged for.
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch (will be served at the meeting place)
13:00 – 15:00 1. Welcome and opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Information by the NDPHS Chair Country and the NDPHS Secretariat
4. Implementation of the NDPHS Strategy and the Health Priority Area in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Action Plan – selected issues for discussion
4.1. Current and future leaderships of the Expert Groups and Task Groups
4.2. Final reporting on the implementation of the current NDPHS Strategy. The Strategy beyond 2013
4.3. Revision of the EUSBSR Action Plan and the development of the EUSBSR targets and indicators
4.4. Funding for the implementation of the NDPHS Strategy and health related activities of the EUSBSR
4.5. Other matters
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee break
15:20 – 17:00 5. Evaluation of the NDPHS
6. Preparations for the forthcoming PAC and its side-event, CSR and EG/TG meetings, and expected results
7. Next EG Chairs and ITAs meeting
8. Any other business
9. Adoption of the EG Chairs and ITAs 15 meeting minutes
17:00 10. Closing of the meeting
17:00 – 19:00 Subject to agreement between Prof. Dr. Dirk van den Boom of the Evaluation Consultant Team and the respective EG/TG leadership(s), individual interviews can be held with the latter by the Consultant. . If held, they will take place in the “Kirjasto” meeting room at Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, 5 A Paasivuorenkatu Str.