MINOOKA, IL, US, Earth (Sol III), Milky Way Galaxy
Friday, December 13, 1972
Brothers & Cousins Darryl & Daryl Diggleston, corn farmers - John
Twins Dawn & Dawne Didhamhall – 45 yrs old now still living in trailer – Kym


The Mood

Country roads


Apollo blastoff, lander, Vehicle, EarthRise


“Minooka Tribune” Front Page


PICKUP – Betsy

VAN - Mine


All PICKUP shots are exterior

All VAN shots are thru windshield following PICKUP

??? John Interviewed in PICKUP (survived incident, kept in pristine condition)

Dawn/Dawne Interview on $SET using split screen fx



Dustin Parker “Centerville” – time ‘TwiZone’ line to significant event

Lunatic audio WELN, BOL, PoliceCar etc


Darryl & Daryl leave The Mood to go see Dawn & Dawne

Darryl leaves first in PICKUP, followed shortly by Daryl in VAN

Relate to Apollo 17 dates

12/7/72 Blasted off Cape Kennedy – Deke Slayton, Gene Cernan, Jack Schmitt

12/12/72 Cernan & Schmitt landed on moon ($location)

Friday 12/13/72 Rover mission on moon – PICKUP corn attack on Earth

12/14/72 Left moon for the last time

12/19/1972 Landed Earth – ($location)

Haven’t been back since – just a coincidence or something more??

Darryl attacked in distance (flashing lights, VSFX, etc)

Daryl drives up in VAN in time to see PICKUP filled with stalks, ALIEN vanishing

Daryl interviewed (current time) in surviving PICKUP


HOST: (somberly) December 7 (pause) a day that will live in history (pause) The year was 1972.

graphic 2Zoom to STILL Apollo blastoff

Deke Slayton, Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt blasted off from Cape Kennedy. It was the last time humans left Mother Earth to walk on another celestial sphere. They accomplished their mission successfully on December 11.

graphic trans to Apollo Vehicle, dissolve to Orbit Vehicle

On Friday the 13th (pause) of December, Slayton was piloting the command vehicle in orbit. While Cernan and Schmitt were fooling around and tooling around on the Moon in their hot wheelson that fateful Friday,

Pan R to L “Minooka Tribune front page” from “MOON LANDING” to “Minooka Man”

(dramatically) right here on planet Earth, in Minooka, Illinois, USA, other events were unfolding. We talked to the only surviving witness, Daryl DigglesFord, to find out what REALLY happened . . .

Cut to Daryl in PICKUP grinning foolishly in straw hat w corncob pipe

lw3: cbca ”Daryl Diggleston”, “Corn Farmer”

DARYL: Scuse me, that’s Diggleston, DICK!

Slow 2Zoom to HOST on MAIN SET

HOST: Diggleston. Well, Daryl, while they were enjoying the view

2Zoom to Earthrise dissolve to MoonClouds

and getting ready to leave the moon for the very last time,

you had a life-changing experience

Tilt / dissolve to ext The Mood, Daryl exits front door, gets in PICKUP & leaves

DARYL (vo): Well, me ‘n‘ Darryl was out havin’ a few beers. We was playing pool for awhile, and then we started talkin about goin to visit Dawn & Dawne. Well, Darryl got hisself all fired up and he was getting kinda anxious, y know? So he took off in his new truck

PICKUP passes Old Style sign, turns onto WS rd, VAN video following

Aud: Radio tuning blips, end on Centerville

And I couldna bin more’n a minute behind him. (expand to fit video) Well, he was bookin towards Dawn & Dawne’s just about as fast as his hot wheels would carry him.

Country road shots

We was getting so close I could smell their perfume, and then all this weird stuff started happening! There’s flashin’ lights up ahead, and this big glowey thang up in the sky, and sporks everwhere, and this loud twirly sound

FX shots from VAN

And then I come around the corner and there’s Daryl’s truck just a settin’ there in the middle of the road.

Ext PICKUP, door open, filled w stalks

I pulled up, and Daryl was nowhere around. Just his truck (pause) filled with stalks. Maybe it was a warnin’ or somethin’. Those fellers come back from the moon, but I never seen Daryl agin.

(more later)
