Field Trip Reminders
· Please be at school Monday, May 1st, by 8:00am
· Dress uniform. Boys may wear long pants, shirt and a tie, no jacket or sweater required. Girls may wear their jumpers, a navy blue skirt, or their plaid skirt with the dress uniform blouse. Please check the length of these skirts, we sincerely request no short skirts or skorts. Comfortable shoes for boys and girls.
· Bring your lunches in a labeled paper bag. Label your drinks so they may be set in a cooler. You may bring a snack for the bus ride over.
· Our tour is from 9:00am-12:00pm.
· We expect to return by dismissal time.
· Students may bring money for the gift shop/book store. Please put it in a wallet to be safely kept by the student, or in a labeled zip locked bag to be kept by the teacher.