Name: ______
Forest Study Laboratory Report Write Up Directions
Formatting: Make sure to include the following:
Name and period in the top left, title centered
Labeled headings for each section and subheadings for each paragraph in order…
Double spaced, 1 inch margins, size 12 font.
This should include a reference to the purpose of the lab, plus where and when the study occurred. Answer the who, what, when, where, why! Forest Study Lab is not enough.
Paragraph 1: Purpose
Brief statement of purpose of the lab
Why did we do this lab?
What questions are we trying to answer?
Paragraph 2: Canopy & Understory
Discuss the topics of canopy and understory
What are the most important abiotic factors are involved in determining the species that are found in each layer.
Explanation of shade tolerant and shade intolerant and what the major tree species from your study are in terms of tolerance (you can add tree species in when you get the reading later on).
How shade tolerance/intolerance relates to what layer of the forest trees are found in.
Paragraph 3: Relaive Dominance (RD) and Relative Frequency (RD) and relationship (strong and opposing) that exists for each species of tree.
Explanation of the concepts of relative dominance and relative frequency.
Explanation of the two possible relationships that can exist (strong or opposing) between relative dominance and relative frequency in a forest ecosystem. (use the notes to help).
Part 4: Determining what stages of Forest Succession exist in PA, and what relationships (strong or opposing) between dominance and frequency exist in each stage.
This paragraph should include…
The names and descriptions of the four stages of a Pennsylvania deciduous forest which are a initial, young, a mature and a climax community.
Each stage should include classification (tolerant or intolerant) of trees in the canopy and the understory (based on the reading given out “Forest Communities” and your notes sheet.
Each stage should include the relationship (strong or opposing) between the dominance and frequency (top 3-4) for each stage.
This paragraph contains the hypothesis. The hypothesis must state the stage of maturity of the forest at Ridley Creek State Park. It must be supported with the following:
What type of relationship between dominance and frequency in terms of strong or opposing is the section of forest experiencing now based on your visual observations?
What type of tree species are present in the canopy based on your visual observations?
What type of tree species are present in the understory based on your visual observations?
Paragraph 1: Addressing the hypothesis
Start by restating your hypothesis.
Then state whether it is correct or incorrect.
If it is incorrect, state your hypothesis as a correct statement.
Then, support your statement using your data in the next 2 paragraphs:
Paragraph 2: Examining the tree in the canopy and understory
Analyze the canopy and understory data table and pie charts. Use your pie charts and the information in the reading to validate your statement.
What species are supposed to be found in each layer for the hypothesized forest stage you picked and what species were actually found in each? Use the numbers to support your answer!
Paragraph 3: Looking at the Relationship (strong vs. opposing) of the most common Shade Tolerant and Shade Intolerant trees.
Look at the column “Diff” again in the dominance and frequency data table and compare the tops tree species (given in class). Do these tree species have a strong relationship? Do these tree species have an opposing relationship? Do these numbers support your conclusion about the stage of the forest? Explain why.
Based on your conclusion and supporting evidence, what would you expect to find in this same forest 100 years from now (barring any extreme events that would wipe out the forest!)
Would you expect the dominance and frequency relationship to change? If so, how and why?