Date 4/24/06
Certification of Soil and Site Information
Field Office: Prescott Valley Service Center
Section II Content:
Tab 1 The “official soil survey data” for the following soil survey area(s) consists of 3 parts: Refer to item B for nonproject areas without published data.
AZ637 Yavapai County County, Arizona, Western Part
AZ639 Black Hills Sedona, AZ Parts of Coconino and Yavapai Counties
a) Tabular data from the Soil Data Mart Soil Data Mart
b) Spatial data from the Soil Data Mart Soil Data Mart
c) Mapping unit and soil descriptions contained in the designated “Official Copy” of the published soil survey on file in the Field Office.
Tab 2 A current descriptive legend for each nonproject area is on file under Tab 2 in the FOTG. All request mapping prior to March 2000 is located, organized and referenced under this tab. Request mapping after March 2000 includes the following minimum documentation:
(1) MUG generated map and taxonomic unit descriptions with reference to the aerial photo used for soil mapping.
(2) Sufficient soil data entered into NASIS to meet each mapping request objective and to populat NASIS
(3) Conventional and Special Symbols Legend
(4) NASIS generated tables and interpretations
(5) Documentation to support field mapping and interpretations is on file in the field office and located by geographic coordinates.
(6) NASIS generated Identification Legend and Classification Legend.
Tab 3 NASIS generated HEL soil lists for each survey area have been prepared, are current, have been adjusted for any 1992 FSA exemptions, and are on file in the FOTG under Tab 3. Includes both “frozen” and “update” lists. Update lists are maintained for the purpose of updating state and national lists. Update HEL lists include soils identified after distribution of the 1990 frozen soil lists. Wind and water equation factor values remain frozen.
Tab 4 NASIS generated Hydric Soils lists for each soil survey Area is under Tabs 4 and is current. This includes both “Frozen” and “Update” lists. Update lists are maintained for the purpose of updating state and national lists. Update hydric lists include soils identified after the most recent Federal Register notice of changes.
Tab 5 NASIS generated Prime Farmland lists for each survey area are current and filed under Tab 5.
Tab 6 Request forms for soil scientist assistance are filed under Tab 6
Tab 7 References on file in the FOTG:
(a) Field Indicators of hydric soils
(b) C and R factor maps
(c) SSURGO certification notifications
(d) Soil Quality Institute Thunderbook
(e) State distribution bulletins for HEL, 1992 HEL exemption letters, and Hydric Soils
(f) ASCE Manual 71 (Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management) or Ag Handbook No. 60
(Saline and Alkali Soils) Optional
(g) Internet addresses for soil survey progress map, SSURGO status map, MLRA/LRU map
I certify the FOTG meets the above minimum requirements for the field office administrative area.
Certifying Soil Scientist: Robert W. Wilson Date:4/24/2006
Distribution: eFOTG, FOTG, SSS