PURPOSE Field supervisors are assigned to each candidate by Inquiry Group at the beginning of the program, and arerequired to conduct Site Visits and Field Observations at each candidate’s Internship site as follows: (a) For Models #1 and #2, one Site Visit and one Field Observation during the School-Based Internship; (b) For Model #3, one Site Visit during the Supervisory Internship, and one Site Visit and one Field Observation during the School-Based Internship. During the Site Visit, Field Supervisors conduct joint meetings with candidates and their mentor(s) to review Internship requirements and progress.
The Field Observation has multiple purposes, specifically providing an opportunity to: (1) observe the candidate “in action” as he/she performs various leadership functions and demonstrates his/her personal dispositions and emotional intelligence competencies, leadership knowledge and skills, and effective applications to school leadership practices; (2) offer feedback and stimulate reflection related to the Field Supervisor’s observations and the candidate’s self-assessment of his/her competencies and performance; (3) provide information and feedback for ongoing professional growth planning; and (4) provide an opportunity for candidates to discuss school leadership issues and concerns with experienced school leaders.
The leadership activity(ies) observed are determined by the candidate in consultation with the Field Supervisor and E-Mentor. Field Observations must be scheduled by the candidate and Field Supervisor for a sufficient length of time to properly observe the activity(ies) AND hold a Summative Assessment Conference for the Field Supervisor to review his/her observations, provide feedback, and discuss preliminary assessment information. Candidates are encouraged to have their Field Supervisor shadow and observe them in more than one leadership activity, if possible.NOTE: If appropriate, the Field Observation may be conducted in the candidate’s district if it provides a better opportunity to observe the candidate in a leadership activity(ies).
All assessments are based on the Field Supervisor’s observations and interactions with the candidate throughout Site Visit(s), Field Observation(s) and Post-Observation Conference(s), as measured by the NJ EXCEL Candidate Performance Standards, Assessment Criteria and Rubrics. It is understood that the Field Supervisor’s assessments may be limited in some areas based on the scope of leadership activity(ies) observed, and the amount of time during which those experiences were observable.
Prior to conducting the Field Observation, the Field Supervisor must discuss and review the candidate’s Field Observation Planning and Approval Form. The candidate will share the Planning and Approval Form with their E-Mentor for review and web recording. The Field Observation Planning and Approval Form will be attached to the candidate's Field Observation Portfolio Page along with all other related Field Observation/visit artifacts.
NOTE: Field Supervisors should download thisField Supervisor Assessment Reports Packetfrom the NJ EXCEL website. TheNJ EXCEL Candidate Performance Standards, Assessment Criteria and Rubricsshould also be downloaded as a reference for completing the Observation/Summative rubric.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT CONFERENCE Upon completion of the field observation, the Field Supervisor will set up a time and place to hold the Summative Assessment Conference. During this conference, the Field Supervisor will review his/her observations, provide feedback, and discuss preliminary assessment information. Candidates are encouraged to have their Field Supervisor shadow and observe them in more than one leadership activity, if possible
ASSESSMENT REPORT SUBMISSION Upon completion of the field supervision summative conference, the candidate will record their reflections of the field supervisory experience and summative conference on their Chalk and Wire portfolio and submit the field Experience portfolio page to their Field Supervisor for assessment. Once the Field Supervisor receives the submitted candidate Chalk and Wire portfolio page, he/she will complete the online rubric. Candidates should be encouraged to comment on the Field Supervisor's assessments as a final entry on the Field Supervision portfolio page.
Candidate Name: Candidate’s E-Mentor:
Cohort/Model/location:E-Mentor's email Address:
Building/District:Date of Summative Meeting:
DIRECTIONS:Upon completion of the field supervision summative conference, the candidate will record their reflections of the field supervisory experience and summative conference on their Chalk and Wire portfolio and submit the field Experience portfolio page to their Field Supervisor for assessment. Once the Field Supervisor receives the submitted candidate Chalk and Wire portfolio page, he/she will complete the online rubric. Candidates should be encouraged to comment on the Field Supervisor's assessments as a final entry on the Field Supervision portfolio page. The rubric below is a copy of the online assessment. The Field Supervisor may use it as an off line worksheet or to keep for their records. Field Supervisor should record as a comment in the first assessment rubric comment box, the date of the summative conference and school/district of the experience.
1 = Very Limited Proficiency 2 = Limited/Basic Proficiency 3 = Proficient 4 = Highly Proficient N/A = Not Observed
DIMENSIONS / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A(1) Personal Responsibility, Ethics, and professionalism / The candidate:
- demonstrated minimal responsibility for planning, organizing, managing and completing required Field Observation activities
- did not communicate with Field Observer regarding progress, problems, or assistance related to completion of required Field Observation activities.
- demonstrated limited responsibility for planning, organizing, managing and completing required Field Observation activities
- did not proactively communicate with regarding progress, problems, or assistance related to completion of required Field Observation activities.
- demonstrated full responsibility for planning, organizing, managing and completing required Field Observation activities
- effectively and efficiently communicated with Field Observer regarding progress, problems, or assistance related to completion of required Field Observation activities.
- was proactive anddemonstrated exemplary responsibility for planning, organizing, managing and completing required Field Observation activities
- effectively and efficiently communicated with Field Observer regarding progress, problems, or assistance related to completion of required Field Observation activities.
Rating: / Comment:
(2) Organizational Leadership / The candidate:
- demonstrated a minimal understanding of a vision, mission, and goals that he/she felt establishes high, measurable expectations for all students and staff
- did not base decisions and strategic planning on the established vision, mission, and goals.
- demonstrated a limited understanding of stakeholders in developing a vision, mission, and goals that establish high, measurable expectations for all students and staff
- limitedly based decisions, strategic planning, and change processes on the established vision, mission, and goals.
- demonstrated a solid understands the importance of collaboratively developing a vision, mission, and goals that establish high, measurable expectations for all students and staff
- Used basis decisions, strategic planning, and change processes on the established vision, mission, and goals.
- demonstrated an exemplary commitment among all stakeholders to collaboratively develop a vision, mission, and goals that establish high, measurable expectations for all students and staff
- utilized analytical decisions, strategic planning, and change processes on the established vision, mission, and goals.
Rating: / Comment:
(3) Instructional Leadership / The candidate:
- did not demonstrate a process that promotes success for every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a supportive school culture and instructional program.
- did not demonstrated an understanding of varied expectations for learning and achievement for students
- limitedly promoted success for every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
- had varied expectations for learning and achievement for students.
- promoted success for every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth
- set high expectations for learning for all students, and promotes an environment for high levels of achievement for every student
- modeled exemplary collaboration and trust thatpromotes success for every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
- set high expectations for learning for all students, and promotes an environment for individualized instruction for high levels of achievement for every student
Rating: / Comment:
(4) Community Leadership / The candidate:
- demonstrated a minimal understand of the process for using assessment strategies, data, and research methods to identify community dynamics, issues and trends.
- did not recognize the importance of planning for collaboration with families and community.
- demonstrated a limited understanding of assessment strategies, data, and research methods to identify community dynamics, issues and trends.
- limitedly planned for collaboration with families and community.
- used appropriate assessment strategies, data, and research methods to identify community dynamics, issues and trends.
- planned for collaboration with families and community stakeholders and extends educational relationships to families and community.
- used exemplary and appropriate assessment strategies, data, and research methods to identify community dynamics, issues and trends.
- extensively planned for collaboration with families and community.
Rating: / Comment:
(5) Strategic Management / The candidate:
- demonstrated limited knowledge of learning, teaching and student development to inform school/program.
- did not demonstrate an understanding of the value of establishing an infrastructure for finance and personnel.
- limitedly demonstrated a knowledge of learning, teaching and student development to inform school/program management decisions and planning.
- had limited understanding of the value of establishing an infrastructure for finance and personnel.
- demonstrated sound knowledge of learning, teaching and student development to inform school/program management decisions and planning
- established an infrastructure for finance and personnel that operates in support of teaching and learning
- demonstrated an exemplary understanding of distributed leadership responsibilities and supervises daily, ongoing management structures and practices.
- demonstrated an exemplary understanding of the value of proactively developing multi-year fiscal plans that establish an infrastructure for finance and personnel needs.
Rating: / Comment:
(6) Social collaboration/ working well with others / The candidate:
- demonstrated a minimal ability to work well with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- lacked an understanding of the importance of developing an atmosphere of mutual respect, collegiality, helpfulness, cooperation, collaboration and teamwork
- demonstrated a limited ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- had difficulty in developing an atmosphere of mutual respect, collegiality, helpfulness, cooperation, collaboration and teamwork
- appreciated diversity and works well with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- Demonstrates the importance of developing an atmosphere of mutual respect, collegiality, helpfulness, cooperation, collaboration and teamwork
- Demonstrated an exemplary ability to be sensitivity to others, appreciate diversity and work well with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
- Modeled and developed an atmosphere of mutual respect, collegiality, helpfulness, cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork and allows for time in developing close relationships beyond work obligations
Rating: / Comment:
(7) Uses appropriate and professional oral and written communication skills / The Candidate:
- demonstrated a minimal use of oral and written language which is mature, professional and grammatically correct
- demonstrated a limited use of oral and written language which is mature, professional and grammatically correct
- demonstrated a proper use of oral and written language which is mature, professional and grammatically correct
- demonstrated an exemplary l use of oral and written language which is mature, professional and grammatically correct
Rating: / Comments:
(8) Reflects on impact of leadership on student learning and makes adjustments accordingly / The candidate:
- did not evaluate self in ways that were accurate or realistic
- did not reflect upon the field observation experience in ways that promoted self improvement.
- did not always critically analyze the impact of their experiences in respect to their professional growth and relationship to others.
- demonstrated the ability to analyze the impact of their experiences in respect to their professional growth and relationship to others in marginal depth.
- demonstrated an exemplary ability to consistently and with depth critically analyze the impact of their experiences in respect to their professional growth and relationship to others.
Rating: / Comments:
Summative Comment (s) Required:
(Revised 1/11/2019) Copyright 2010. Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA).
All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval.