Sponsored by the Louisiana DHH-OPH, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section

The Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section will hold three one-day trainings for non-Infectious Disease Rapid Response Teammembers. This training is targeted towards sanitarians, public health nurses, infection control professionals, disease surveillance specialists, sanitarians,epidemiologists, health care providers and other public health care professionals interested in epidemiological principles and outbreak investigations. The training workshop will take place in the following cities: New Orleans -Wednesday, July 30, 2014; Alexandria-Tuesday, August 19, 2014; Ruston -Wednesday, September 17, 2014.The training is free of charge but must be registered for because of seating limitations at each location. Education credits have been applied for nurses and sanitarians.

Draft Agenda:

8:00 - 8:15 AM Registration

8:15 - 8:30 AM Introduction Dr. Raoult Ratard

8:30 - 8:50 AM Outbreaks 2013 Erin Delaune/ Jose Serrano

8:50 - 9:40 AM Influenza Julie Hand

9:40 - 9:55 AM Break

9:55 - 10:30AM Twenty Years of Pertussis Jenna Iberg Johnson/ Christine Scott-Waldron/ Theresa Sokol

10:30 -11:05AM Exercise Q&A - Part 2 Jose Serrano


Track 1- Hospital

11:05-11:40AM Antibiotic Trends/ CRE Lauren Elmendorf/ Dr. Raoult Ratard

11:40AM-12:50PM Lunch (On Your Own)

12:50 - 1:20 PM IDRIS II and NBS - Why Change? Christine Romalewski/ Megan Jespersen/ Kristine Oines

1:20 -2:10 PM Exercise Q&A - Part 1 Erica Washington / Dr. Raoult Ratard

2:10 -2:25PM Break

2:25-3:00 PM NHSN Statistical Report/ SIR Erica Washington

3:00 -3:35PM Exercise Q&A - Part 4 Julie Hand/ Dr. Raoult Ratard

3:35- 3:50PM Evaluations


Track 2 - Community

11:05-11:40AM Briefs: Cryptosporidium, Francisella, Jose Serrano / Erin Delaune
Endophthalmitis, West Nile, What Else?

11:40AM-12:50PM Lunch (On Your Own)

12:50 -1:40 PM Naegleria Erin Delaune/ Theresa Sokol/ Dr. Raoult Ratard

1:40 – 2:30 PM Chagas/Zoonosis Update Dr. Gary Balsamo/ Dr. Raoult Ratard

2:30 - 2:45 PM Break

2:45 -3:35 PM Exercise Q&A - Part 3 Christine Scott-Waldron/ Angie Orellana

3:35 -3:50 PM Evaluations

This activity has been submitted to South Central Accreditation Program for approval to award contact hours. South Central Accreditation Program
is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.



Which Location will you be attending? New Orleans ______7/30/14

Alexandria______8/19/14 Ruston______9/17/14

Name ______


Work Site______

Work Address______/______/____/______

Street City State Zip Code

Email ______Parish/County ______

Daytime Phone______FAX______

Home Address______

Home Phone______

Please email this registration form to r fax to (504)568-8290 no later than July 21, 2014 for the New Orleans location, August 11, 2014 for the Alexandria location and September 8, 2014 for the Ruston location.

The addresses for each of the three follows:

New Orleans–Ochsner Conference Room, First Floor Lobby, Benson Towers, 1450 Poydras St.

Alexandria–Rooms 3a and 3b, Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital, 3330 Masonic Dr.

Ruston– University Hall, Louisiana Tech University, 700 W. California Ave.

For more information, please call (504) 568-8310 or email to or check the webpage