
March 21, 2011

Members present: Shellie Smith, David and Alisa Kurakazasampson, Rick Cunningham, Todd Walker, Scott Lane, Jamie Sible, Leesa Fotis, Ausma Pupel, Greg Ganfield, Susan Gray, Tim Gogo, Molly Tupper Chelovich, and Sheila Schlosser

Minutes from February meeting were reviewed. A couple of changes were made to the minutes. The correction of making note that the vote was taken to approve the budget was made. Also, the statement regarding the numbers on the field will be adjusted to reflect that Shellie will follow up with Bill Kennedy regarding the purchase of stencils for numbers for all 3 schools. Sheila will update the minutes and send out revised minutes. The minutes were approved based on the fact that corrections would be made to reflect the above mentioned changes.

President’s Report: Shellie briefed the group on exactly what vote was taken via e-mail regarding bylaws change. Shellie received 8 responses of the 13 voters. The vote was adequate to validate the change. Shellie will make an addendum to the minutes from February to reflect the change. This addendum will be added to the March minutes as the vote was taken after the February meeting.

Shellie stated that in conversation with the lawyer, the lawyer indicated that she would assist us in obtaining the charitable gaming license.

Shellie revisited the Applebee’s fundraiser. It was decided that we would table this particular fundraiser as the group feels that the best opportunity has passed. It will be revisited again in the fall/winter months.

Shellie mentioned that moving forward she would like to put emphasis if there are ever any questions to please address them during the meeting. Others may have the same questions.

Spring meeting follow up: Shellie gave the follow up of the responses for team parents from the spring meeting. Angie Skoog and Leesa Fotis have volunteered to be the team parents for JV. Jamie Sible and Steve Siedelecki have volunteered to be the freshman team parent. The varsity team parents are still undecided. Joy Folkertsma, Kim Flynn, and Kelly Nutter are contemplating the role. The need is still there for a head team parent. Susan Gray suggested that she might be interested.

Rock update: Shellie discovered through conversation that the coaches would be happy with a simple dolly. Shellie has purchased a dolly for $30. Shellie will check with Connie Leu to see if she could write “in memory of” piece . If Connie is not available Shellie will investigate other options.

Shellie introduced David and Alisa K. They gave a brief overview of their history. A vote was taken to elect David K as treasurer to the Football Boosters. David was approved by the board.

Treasurer’s report: Shellie stated that Mary made payment of the last 3 Victory Apparel bills. The coaches hotel expenses were paid for the recent seminar in Detroit. Rick Cunningham submitted receipts for expenses for the Booster Bash basket. Sheila passed on money to David from recent apparel sales. Shellie recently learned that Julie Bohrmann had set up on line banking for us. Shellie will turn over the passcodes to David K. Shellie and David will both have passwords to create a check and balance system for the money aspect.

Rick Cunningham suggested that we elect Tim Gogo as our Vice President. A vote was taken and approved to name Tim as the Vice President.

Shellie asked Leesa if she could somehow get the word on the website when we have our meetings. Given the recent bylaw changes as being a “member led” organization it is necessary to make sure it is public knowledge when the meetings are. Any person who chooses to be involved is welcome to come to the meetings.

Coach Ganfield’s report: Coach mentioned that there have been some challenging times the past 2 weeks in the weight room. It has been directed by the assistant principal that only athletes that have a coach present are able to be in the weight room. Unfortunately due to this recent change, the football coaches are under fire for asking kids to leave if they are not doing the football workout. Coach Ganfield also stated that there is a great amount of frustration amongst the coaches with the lack of participation in lifting as well as the speed and agility that is being offered by Coach Delamalleure. It was mentioned again that if the boys stop lifting, they will loose all the benefit they have worked so hard at obtaining. Coach suggested the kids that are waiting for their coaches to start practice come to the weight room to do an abbreviated lift to help maintain their strength.

Shellie suggested that Greg alert Sheila when he updates his blog. At this time Sheila can send out a quick notice letting the football families know there is an update.

Scholarship: There was lengthy conversation about the wording of the letter that will be going out to the seniors regarding the Jim Kettlewell scholarship. No decision was able to be made. Shellie will meet with a subcommittee to come up with a final letter. It is Shellie’s hopes that the letter will go out in the mail in the next 2 weeks.. The subcommittee consists of Todd, David, and Shellie. Shellie mentioned that she contacted Brady Blackwell. He agreed to be on the selection committee. There was discussion about whether or not a coach from another sport can write a letter of recommendation. The group decided that the nominees can have as many letters as they choose, however it will be required that a football coach submit a letter.

Golf Outing update: Scott and Molly gave updates as to the progress of the golf outing. The sponsorships are coming along very nicely. Currently there are 2 $1000 sponsorships, 8-10 hole sponsors, 5 4-somes. There will be a cap of 144 golfers. The group will be meeting again on March 31st at the Schnitz. Molly mentioned that there will be expectations for the players. They should get this event on their calendars now to ensure they are available for the event. Scott mentioned that perhaps now is a good time to start an alumni data base. It was suggested that the Senior Party group might be a good place to start with this. NO action was taken at this time to get a committee going for the alumni data base.

Can Drive: Shellie mentioned that she would like to see some concrete plans set for the can drive. A committee will work on this event. Leesa offered to help Jamie with this planning. Jamie said she also has some others that are willing to help plan. It is the expectation that the group will have a plan ready for the next meeting.

Community Involvement: Shellie mentioned that she had several suggestions for community involvement from the spring meeting. Todd Hartman suggested that in years past the football boys would gather on snow days to help shovel for the elderly. There was another parent who works at the kids food basket. Ausma said that she has spoken with the 3 elementary principals. They are interested in getting the football players involved at the lower levels. Shellie suggested that Ausma get some concrete ideas around for the next meeting. Ausma will work with Greg at getting something in place.

.Apparel Update: There is no apparel at this time, however Sheila is working on a magnet with the schedule for the 2011 football season. Sheila has 1 sponsor secured and is looking to get a second. She will update us at the next meeting. AT that time we will decide if we are to simply give away or if we are to make some money on them. Cost for sponsorship of the magnets is $350 for single sponsor or $250 if there are 2 sponsors Camp O’Malley clean up: The Camp O’Malley Clean up date is set for April 9th. Unfortunately this is over spring break. Sheila will send out a notice to the football group.

David suggested that instead of having so many different addresses for things to be mailed to, that we get a PO box. The cost for this is $40 a year. David will man the box. He is going to get us set up before the next meeting. At that time he will let us know what our PO Box address is.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting is scheduled for April 18th.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Sheila Schlosser