Deadline to Submit Proposal------December 12, 2014

ISST 2015 Congress Proposal form

The 23rd ISST Congress to be held in Ottawa, Canada August 5-10, 2015

Finding the Stillpoint…. at the Crossroads

“In all chaos there is a cosmos,

in all disorder a secret order.” C.G. Jung

Finding a stillpoint in today’s every-changing world is a monumental task and is essential for the survival of soul and spirit. The world is in crisis and our humanity is at stake as we are faced with ever increasing change, conflict, and violence. Amidst these global circumstances, deeper psychological wellsprings are needed to contain trauma, and offer some version of constancy and hope in uncertain times. In our work, a personal Jungian psychoanalytic focus using Sandplay Therapy is a way of discovering an inner stillpoint.

People are at crossroads as they enter into therapy, mostly expecting an easy and fast solution. How do we continue to hold for the integrity of a process that encourages slow unfoldment of the psyche to deal with the dilemmas and problems confronting us? How do we create visions of crossroads that hold the tensions that arise in any conflict? What can Sandplay offer that contains profound, abiding changes, which are needed when people are faced with untenable choices or hopelessness in their inner and outer worlds?

Please consider proposals that address these questions. Consider theory and clinical material that shows how we can hold for what is unexpected, spontaneous and healing that may emerge out of the psyche. Junghighlighted the following quote in Volume I on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra; “One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.”

Since this is primarily a congress of international colleagues, we want to encourage dialogue; research is showing that collaborative thinking from divergent points of view furthers creativity and enables new ideas and concepts to be formed. We are asking you to develop your proposals considering the above themes and to include approximately forty-five (45) minutes of presentation and forty-five (45) minutes for discussion.

We will convene in a unique landscape at the Shaw Centre (Convention Center) in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada. The city stands on the south bank of the Ottawa River, holding our symbol of a crossroads meeting place as well as a place full of history, charm and culture. The Convention Center is just minutes away from the historic Rideau Canal, Byward Market, Parliament Building, and many cultural sites and museums. We look forward to meeting you here!


To be submitted by 12/12/14 to



------Case Presentation with theme

------Experiential Workshop

------Panel Discussion

------Issues in Sandplay (Please specify)

------Innovative Sandplay Method

------Research Presentation

------Other (Please specify)

Session Description (May be used/or edited for Program Description)

Speaker Credentials/Biographical Paragraph:

Three (3) Learning Goals and Objectives of your Session: (After my session, attendees will be able to…….)


Email: ______(Print Clearly)

Mailing Address:______

City, State, Zip, ______

Phone Contacts—Home:______Work:______

Cell: ______


Web Site:______

AV Equipment:

______Will bring my own digital projector (Beamer) and be able to make it available to others on site.

______Will have my own Lap Top Computer or Notebook/Ipad

______Will bring my own Memory Stick but need Computer and Digital Projector service.

______Need CD Player/Speakers

______Need DVD Player and Projector

______Other AV equipment needs as noted below:

ISST will provide microphone and translation (French) where appropriate

Note: Incomplete Proposals will be returned for more information. The deadline of December 12, 2014 is firm.

Thank you, ISST 2015 Program Committee

Maria Ellen Chiaia

Sylvia Simonyi-Elmer

Denise Tanguay

Judy Zappacosta