National Organic Program (NOP) – The NOP became fully effective on October 16, 2002. The NOP requires an “Organic Farm Plan” to be completed and up-dated each year thereafter. The OEFFA Organic Farm Plan Questionnaire meets the NOP requirements for an “Organic Farm Plan”. The NOP further provides that a shorter “up-date” form may be used in subsequent years but that the full farm plan questionnaire must be completed every three years.

Additional Information - In addition to this form, you may be asked to supply additional information to complete your certification review. When the certification committee, inspector or certification staff request a certification applicant to supply additional information, that information shall be provided within thirty (30) days from the date of request. If the requested information is not provided within thirty days, the application for certification will be considered withdrawn and no further action will be taken. An applicant will retain the right to apply for certification the next year or any future year.

Scheduling your inspection - When your application has been deemed complete, an organic inspector will contact you to schedule an inspection. You may schedule your inspection at a mutually convenient time; however, it must be scheduled within 30 days. If you cannot schedule the inspection within 30 days you should contact the certification office to discuss the problem. If you cannot schedule an inspection or cancel scheduled appointments more than 3 times without approval from the Certification Program Director, your application will be considered withdrawn.

Selecting Your Certifier - The certifier you choose depends largely on how and where you plan to market your crops and the familiarity your buyer has with particular certifiers. OEFFA certifies to the NOP, which is for domestic sales. OCIA International certifies for the international market. This form is for OEFFA certification. If you need an OCIA International form, please contact the certification office. If you have questions on which certification is right for you, talk with your buyers or the Certification Program Director.

Complete Applications – Since the application questionnaire is used to satisfy the NOP requirement for an Organic Plan, it is important to complete all questionnaires that are appropriate to your situation. There are three separate forms for farm, livestock and on-farm handling operations. If you do not have the necessary forms or have questions on which are appropriate for your situation, please contact the Certification Office.



For OCIA, use the OCIA form and fee schedule

No forms will be accepted after September 15 unless the applicant documents a year-round growing or processing operation. Applications must be postmarked on or before these deadlines and must be complete. If the form is not filled out completely, it will be returned to you & delay your application. Allow at least ninety days (90) from the receipt of your application to the receipt of your certificate. This form is used only for OEFFA certification. Please use this fee schedule for OEFFA certification.

July 15 Deadline: Applications postmarked after 7-15 will be charged a late fee.

July 16 – Sept. 15 Applications must include a late fee. Only year-round operations (processing, indoor growing) will be accepted after September 15.

Please keep a copy of everything you send in. Prepare for the inspector's visit by having available planting & harvesting records, receipts & labels for purchased inputs & feeds and your sales records system.

Two copies of the application form, maps and supporting documents should be sent to the address below. If you have questions, call the certification office at 614-262-2022 or e-mail .

OEFFA Certification

41 Croswell Rd.

Columbus, OH 43214

OEFFA Certification Fees

OEFFA Farm Certification Fee $600.00 $

OEFFA Livestock Certification Fee $50.00 $

OEFFA On-Farm Handler Certification Fee $50.00 $

Late Fees July 15 – August 15 $100.00 $

August 15 – September 15 $300.00 $


OEFFA Education, a sister organization providing information, conferences, workshops, newsletters and other educational activities, can be joined here. This is provided as a convenient way to renew or start a membership.

Membership Fee (Voluntary)

Student Membership $10.00 $

Individual Membership $35.00 $

Family Farm Membership $50.00 $

Business Membership $100.00 $


Applicants from States other than Ohio may be required to pay additional inspector travel costs.

OEFFA Refund Policy – If an application is withdrawn before the inspection occurs, certification fees will be refunded less $50. After the inspection has occurred, no refunds are made.

Paid by Check Mastercard Visa Amex Discover

Check Number: Make check payable to OEFFA

Credit Card Number: Expiration Date:

Security Code (last 3 numbers on back of card on MC & Visa)

Credit Card Billing Address

City Zip

Name on Card: Signature:


OEFFA Farm Plan Questionnaire –Nov 2007

OEFFA Organic Farm Plan Questionnaire

Please fill out this questionnaire if you are requesting organic farm/crop certification. Use additional sheets if necessary. Sign this form. You must submit farm maps and field history sheets with this form including rented or recently purchased land. If you are completing this form using Microsoft word you may add lines to sections where necessary; otherwise you may attach additional pages.

SECTION 1: General Information NOP § 205.401

Name /

Farm Name

/ Type of Farm/Crops
Address / City /

For Office Use Only

State / Zip code / County / Date
Entered / Initials
Phone / Fax
Membership / Inspection
Legal Status: Sole Proprietorship Trust or non-profit Corporation
Legal Partnership (federal form 1065) Other-specify / Late Fee / Other
certified / List previous organic
certification by
other agencies / List current organic
certification by
other agencies / Year when complete Organic Farm Plan Questionnaire was last submitted
List all crops or products requested for certification.
Have you ever been denied certification? yes no
/ If yes, describe the circumstances:
Do you understand the current organic standards? yes no / Do you have a copy of current organic standards? yes no
Do you have a copy of current OMRI Materials List? yes no
Do you intend to certify any livestock (slaughter stock, dairy, or layers) this year? yes no If yes, have you filled out an Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire? yes no
Please note that you must have an Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire on file to certify any livestock. Please contact OEFFA to get an Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire if you need one.
Do you have any off-farm or on-farm processing done? (cleaning, bagging, bottling etc.)
yes no
If yes, you or the handler may need to fill out an Organic Handling Plan and submit it with your Organic Farm Plan Questionnaire. Please call OEFFA with questions or for an Organic Handling Plan.
Give directions to your farm for the inspector.
When are you available to contact? morning afternoon evening
When are you available for the inspection morning afternoon evening

SECTION 2: Farm Plan Information NOP § 205.201(a) and 205.202

Please complete the table below and attach updated field history sheets that show all fields, [organic (O), in transition (T) or conventional (C)], field numbers, acres, crops planted, projected yields and inputs applied. The acreages listed in this table must equal field histories and maps. Pastures are considered a crop and must be listed on each form. At least 36 months of histories are required for all fields. Attach additional pages if necessary.

crops requested for certification

/ Field
Numbers / Total Acres per crop / Projected
Yields (Volume)
Have you managed all fields for 3 or more years? yes no If no, you must submit signed statements from the previous manager stating the use and all inputs applied for the previous three years on all newly rented or purchased fields.
Are all fields requested for certification located at the main farm address listed in section 1? yes no
Complete this information for main farm address and each parcel that is in a separate location from the main farm address.
nos. / parcel address/
legal description / no. acres organic/
O T C / rented (r)/
owned (o)
main farm address listed above
If you do any wild-crop harvesting, you must demonstrate compliance with NOP § 205.20. Please complete the table and attach maps of the harvesting areas. At least 36 months of land history are required for all areas. Attach additional pages if necessary. Not applicable

crops harvested

/ Collection Area Identification (Field
Numbers, Name) / Acres per
collection Area / Projected
Yields / Approximate Dates of Harvest

Do you own the land used for wild-crop harvesting? yes no If no, you must submit signed statements from the owner / manager stating the use of all inputs for the previous three years.

What percentage of the available wild crop do you harvest annually? ______

How are wild-crops harvested? by hand mechanically

Do you transplant any roots or other planting stock into the collection area? yes no

If yes, how do you separate cultivated crops from wild-crops? fencing posting signs use of natural boundaries such as a stream or tree line other (describe)

Do you process the harvested crop other than washing and bagging? yes no

If yes, describe what processing procedures you perform. You may need to complete the Organic Handling Plan also.

What methods do you use to ensure harvesting will sustain the wild crop and not destroy the environment? limiting collection to an amount or area observation of entire area limiting time of collection other (describe)

SECTION 3: Seeds and Seed Treatments NOP § 205.204

NOP Rule requires the use of organically grown seeds, unless the variety is not commercially available. If using non-organic seeds, you must have records of your attempts to source organic seed. Synthetic seed treatments are prohibited unless included on the National List. Genetically engineered/modified (GMO) seeds and inoculants are prohibited in organic production. Please save all seed and inoculant labels, and documentation of commercial unavailability of organic seeds to show the inspector.
List all seeds used or planned for use in the current season, including seeds planted previously on proposed organic fields. Check the appropriate boxes and provide other information as needed. Attach additional sheet if necessary.
No seeds used All seeds are organic Some untreated seed used No GMO seeds purchased/planted
seed/variety/brand / Organic ( a) / UNTREATED (a) / TrEated ( a) / GMO (a) / type/Brand of treatment fungicide inoculant / What attempts did you make to use organic/untreated Seed?

SECTION 4: Source of Seedlings and Perennial Stock NOP § 205.204

Annual seedlings must be produced according to organic standards. Non-organic perennial plants (planting stock) must be managed organically for at least one year prior to harvest of crop or sale of the plant as certified organic planting stock. Organic seedlings and planting stock must be used if commercially available. A prohibited treatment may be used if such treatment is a Federal or State phytosanitary requirement.
A. dO yOU purchase organic seedlings? yes no Not applicable

Who are the suppliers?

If certified, by which agents?

Do you purchase non-organic seedlings? yes no If yes, state why and describe your attempts to purchase organic seedlings.
B. If you grow organic seedlings on-farm: Not applicable

What type and size is your greenhouse?

Do you raise potted plants or plant crops directly in the ground in the greenhouse?

If treated wood is used in any part of your greenhouse, where is it used?

List all soil mix ingredients, fertility products, foliar sprays, pest and disease inputs used or planned for use in your organic greenhouse operation. Attach labels or have labels available for inspection, if not available at time of application.
product / Brand name
or source / status: Approved (A)
Restricted (R)
Prohibited (P) / If restricted, describe compliance with NOP Rule Annotation / Check if GMO (a)
What equipment do you use in your watering system?

How do you prevent seedling diseases and/or insect problems?

C. If you grow both organic and non-organic plants in your greenhouse: Not applicable

What organic and non-organic crops are grown? List varieties if the same organic and non-organic crops are grown (parallel production).

How do you separate and identify organic and non-organic growing areas?

How do you label organic and non-organic seedlings/plants?

List all soil mix ingredients, fertility products, foliar sprays, water system additives, pest and disease inputs used or planned for use in your non-organic greenhouse operation. Attach labels or have labels available for inspection, if not available at time of application.
Product / Brand Name or Source / Status: Approved (A) Restricted (R) Prohibited (P) / If Restricted, describe compliance with
NOP Rule Annotation / Check if GMO (a)

How do you prevent commingling of organic and non-organic soil mixes during mixing and storage?

Where do you store inputs used for non-organic production?

How do you prevent drift of prohibited materials through ventilation and/or watering systems?

How do you clean seedling containers and equipment?

D. PLANTING Stock: (Use additional sheets if necessary) Not applicable

SECTION 5: Soil and Crop Fertility Management NOP § 205.203 and 205.205

NOP Rule requires active management of soil fertility and crop nutrients as well as prevent of soil erosion and contamination of crops, soil and water. Crop rotation is required. See NOP §205.601 and 205.602 for allowed inputs. A "restricted" input refers to an approved material on the National List which has a specific annotation for its use. If you use a "restricted" material, you must provide evidence of how you address the material's annotation. Under NOP Rule 205.201(a)(3), the operator must monitor practices and procedures to verify that the organic plan is implemented effectively.
A. General Information
What are your soil types?
What are your soil/nutrient deficiencies? No deficiencies
How do you monitor the effectiveness of your fertility management program? soil testing microbiological testing
tissue testing observation of soil observation of crop health comparison of crop yields crop quality testing
other (specify)
Attach copies of available test results.

How often do you conduct fertility monitoring? weekly monthly annually as needed other (specify)