Meeting opened at 8:10 PM
FF – Excused FN-Present FA-Ex FC-P FPilot-Ex FC-P FScribe-Ex FP-P FIS- Absent FOS-P FT3-Abs FT2-Abs FT1-Abs CCC-P
Previous meeting minutes were not read. Defer until next meeting.
No Faithful Friar report:
Bills: $225+/- for the display case active duty members to Tim Mosholder
$18.15 for the frame for our charter to Bernie Kuta
FComptroller Report: The Assembly had not submitted a IRS tax filing for the past three years. Tax year 2012 form 990 has now been properly filed with the IRS on May 15. Form 1024 has been filed to regain our tax-exempt status as an associated organization with KofC Supremeand we had to pay a fine of $100.
FPurser report: $18xx.xx in Checking account (general funds) $29xx.xx in Chalice account
Admissions Committee Report: No new membership applications have been received. Will promote the upcoming exemplification at Padre Pio Assembly on June 22 at the next Council 1498 Business meeting. Sponsors and Color Corps members were encouraged to attend the ceremony.
Old business:
Officers present: Election of Officers: Proposed slate of officers was read with Faithful Purser open, David Caton was nominated for Faithful Admiral, Bernie Kuta declined nomination for Faithful Admiral. Bernie Kuta was nominated for Faithful Purser. No additional nominations, no additional nominations, no additional nominations. 12 members were counted, a quorum of the Assembly was determined to be present. A unanimous voice vote approved the slate as proposed.
Rich Bowers FNavigator, David Barnett FCaptain, Robert SeydelFPilot ,David CatonFAdmiral,Bernie Kuta F Purser, Ed Belen FComptroller, XXX FInner Sentinel, Rich Starr FOuter Sentinel, Jim Holton Trustee 3-year, Garry Mattox-Trustee 2-year, Andy Michaue Trustee 1-year, appointed Deacon Bruce Sago FFriar, appointed Dave StauberColorCorpsCommander
No budget for the new year has been proposed.
Social Event: Navy Midshipmen vs. Air Force Falcons football game is on Nov 2. Jim Holton and Bob Seydel suggest that we link up with the local American Legion Post to obtain tickets as a group. More details to follow.
Color Corps report: One event this past month – St Mark Confirmation mass on May16 had six honor guard for Bishop Sheridan and 55 confirmandi. First time to be allowed to draw swords in the sanctuary was approved by Fr. John. Bradley Scott participated and Chris Harden has obtained his regalia and joined the CC. Both joined the Assembly in April.
No report of the 3rd Degree.
New Business: Thursday July 4 events: 1) Joint CC participation in the HR Parade has been arranged by Pax Christi Assembly 3300. Assembly members in CC regalia and 4th Degree tux regalia are encouraged to march. Time and location will be communicated by Dave Stauber. 2) a St Mark float will be organized and the Council members (and families and parishioners) from Pax Christi and St Mark will be invited to walk alongside the float, float decorating will be organized by Bernie Kuta 3) The Assembly will take the lead on organizing a picnic/BBQ meal at St Mark on that evening . {but we will advertise it as a KofC sponsored event to meet insurance liability issues. Meal time will be 6:30 PM HR Fireworks typically at 9:15 PM. Carlo Turchiano has offered to smoke whole chickens and kielbasa (Polish Sausage). We will invite the parish and extend an invitation to the Lutheran and Mormon church communities. Attendees will be asked to bring a potluck side dish or dessert. A donation jar will be passed to cover the expense of the meat and supplies. Four small tents and tables will be set up and breakdown.}
Good of the order: Please pray for the health and wellbeing of Betty Reddy, Tom Dunn’s mother, Jodi Barnett, OK tornado victims, Maryann Stauber, Taylor Kuta, Father John, Terry Sandrock, Pam Gartner, Phyllis Wheeler, Terry Stoltz 10 year old neighbor,
Meeting adourned at 9:00 PM next scheduled meeting is on Thursday June 27