Homelessness Prevention
and Rapid Rehousing Services
HPRPLearn More
Eligibility Requirements
Income Limits
Required Documentation
/ Years of research has shown that the longer an individual or family is homeless, the harder it becomes for them to stabilize their housing situation. To help families at risk of homelessness, the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs began to issue Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing (HPRP) grants to social service agencies in areas with large homeless populations. This was done to try to reduce both the number of homeless people and the length of time people are homeless. With over 1000 homeless residents, Cumberland County was identified as one of these high need areas, and Catholic Charities was selected to administer the funding. This figure includes people who are living doubled up with friends or family, people living in motels, people living in places not fit for human habitation such as a cars, parks, or abandoned buildings, or shelters.
HPRP is not just funding for housing, it is a comprehensive program designed to assist families to explore the factors that contributed to their housing problems. Once these issues have been identified, the family and their Catholic Charities case worker develop a plan to address those issues.
Victims of domestic violence and families with children are among the target populations for HPRP, but individuals and families without minor children may also be eligible.
HPRP is designed for the working poor or those recently unemployed, with the expectation that household income will increase or that other factors will change before financial assistance ends. Those on a fixed income (SSI, SSD, or other public assistance programs) are not eligible and those who have a history of not being able to maintain stable housing are not recommended for this program
Eligible applicants might qualify for assistance with :
- Past-due rent (for up to 3 month of arrears)*
- Future rental subsidies (up to 3 month time)*
- Security deposits for rent and/or utilities
- Past-due utility costs**
**Utility allowances are based on dwelling types, size and average allowable usage for heating, appliances, etc.
Participants must pay 30% of their gross household income toward the rent and utility
To see if you qualify for HPRP assistance / For more information
Rosemary DeQuinzio