FES Afghanistan, Kabul Office
Call for Candidates
Young Leaders Forum 2014
Are you highly motivated, socially minded and looking for ways to take responsibility for the society you live in? Are you willing to commit to a yearlong training in professional and organizational skills? Are you eager to meet likeminded people with whom you can forge a coalition of young visionaries? Then, become a member of Afghanistan’s most distinguished Young Leaders Network! The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation is looking for the next generation of the young Afghan leaders.
Applicants should be:
1.Between 18 and 32 years old
2.Able to debate and work in English
3.Highly interested and well informed about politics and your country
4.Respectful, open and tolerant toward people of various backgrounds
Note: the application deadline is February1st2014and only complete application forms will be accepted.
The “Young Leaders Forum” (YLF)was initiated in 2004. Since then Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) has trained more than 120 outstanding afghan youth from all walks of life. Most of our alumni are highly successful young leaders, working for government or nongovernmental organizations. We strive to empower young people takingresponsibility in civil society and encourage civil engagement.
FES is Germany’s largest and oldest political foundation. With worldwide more than 90 offices we are dedicated to the promotion of international dialogue and social justice. Our aim is to strengthen democratic institutions and civil society to help building a sustainable Afghan democracy. FES is registered with the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
And here is the instruction how you can apply:
Please read carefully the form you will find below. Fill it out and sign it. Please indicate with your second signature, that you have acknowledged the agreements on minimum requirements for taking part in the Young Leaders Forum. Finally,send us the complete application back to FES before February 1st, 2014 to this email address:
APPLICATION FORM FOR “Young Leaders Forum”
Please type or use CAPITAL letters and write legibly. If necessary, please attach an extra sheet.
Surname: First name: Nationality: Afghan
Place of birth: Age: Sex: Male Female
Your native language(s):
Add languages, you are proficient in:
Main profession or occupation:
Personal contact data: Contact data of your work/engagement:
Address: Address:
mobile/phone: mobile/phone:
Email: Email:
Formal education (School / University / Special Courses and degrees)
Non-formal education (e.g. seminars, workshops, lectures. Institutions, dates, subjects and degrees)
Are you actively involved in your community, school or university or other organisations? If yes, how? (max. 250 words)
Please briefly describe your social or organizational achievements. (max 200 w.)
IV) Your hopes for the Future:
A leading Taliban says in an interview, that girls who go to school and women who work are “haram” and do not live according to the pure Islam, he also says that Afghanistan’s government is not honoring Islam, and families who allow their women to work are sinners – What is your opinion: does the man have a right to say such things, because he is covered by the democratic principle of freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, even though he does obviously not respect Democracy? Or should the man be forbidden to say things like this on TV – and should be banned from interviews? (max. 250 w.)
Imagine, you are the adviser to the US-President Obama on Afghanistan. Your country is right now negotiating a bilateral security agreement with Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai, who, after lengthy talks, first convened a Jirga on this issue, then said he is not sure if he wants to sign your deal and now asks for additional deals. How would you advise President Obama to deal with Afghanistan?? (max 250 w.)
I herewith apply for the FES Young Leaders Forum Generation 2014:
Date: ...... Signature: ......
Please also sign the following Agreement:
There is a great deal of opportunity for individual initiative in this Young Leader Forum. But there are several minimum expectations to which participants are asked to adhere. If you wish to be considered for this program, please read and acknowledge the agreement below.
If selected to be a FES-Young Leader:
I agree to foster and endorse the overall goals of the program, which are to help sustain a wide reaching network for social justice, fairness and responsibility for the underprivileged.
I understand that this is a training program in which work is required.
I will participate in bi-weekly sessions and debates about social and political issues
I will take part in 5 two-day workshops on soft skills (communication, negotiation, project management and hosting discussions)
I am aware, that YLF will ask me to become a “junior trainer” in regional YLF workshops
I will for a one-year period attend more than 70 percent of the program
I am aware, that YLF does not pay me any money for attending their programe
I agree, that if I don’t respect these rules, FES may exclude me from the YLF.
Signature and Date: ______
The deadline for accepting applications isFebruary 1st, 2014.
You can send your applications via letter or email to FES-Afghanistan- Office at:
Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Office Afghanistan
Shar-e Nau, Chahar Rahi Ansari,
Yaftaly Wat, Behind Hotel Setara,
Kabul, Afghanistan.
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