Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme

(FIAS) Enquiry Form

Company Name / Contact Name
Company Address
Post Code: / Tel
Operational Site address (if different from above)
Post Code:

Which of the following activities do you carry out?


Please state annual tonnage relevant to the activities

Fertiliser Manufacturing or Blending
Please specify product types manufactured/blended;
Fertiliser Packing
(Identify Companies packing for on Page 2)
Fertiliser Merchanting (Including Importing)
Fertiliser Storage
Fertiliser Haulage
If applying for haulage you must provide a copy of your operator’s licence with this application / Please state no of vehicles below

Number of Sites to be included within the certification (Please list sites and site activities on page 2)
Existing Approvals - Please list current approvals and the Audit Bodies that you use;
Please indicate if you wish one of these Audit Bodies to carry out your FIAS assessment at the same time as your other approval audits q Yes q No Kiwa Agri Food will liaise with you over the appointment of the Audit Body.

I wish to apply for certification for the following FIAS Standards:

q Manufacturing q Packing q Storage q Merchant q Transport

I understand that we must pay the AIC Registration Fee and the audit/certification fee. Based on the information provided in this Application Form, Kiwa Agri Food will send a Quotation with details of the audit/certification and AIC Registration fees.

We expect you to be familiar with the relevant code(s) of practice (www.agindustries.org.uk)

I expect to be ready for my Assessment during ……………………. (month/year)

(Note- You must have an audit within 6 months of issue of a formal quotation)

Signed Position Date

Please complete and return to Kiwa Agri Food, The Inspire, Hornbeam Square West, Harrogate HG2 8PA

Reasons for choosing/remaining with Kiwa Agri Food (please circle)

Marketing, Referral, Quality, Speed, Price, Customer Demand, Google Search

Site Address / Activities
Packing Operations / Companies contracting

Company Name;

SF.132 Issue 06