
e mail:

Minutes of the meeting of the Leverington Parish Council held at the Leverington Village Hall, Gorefield Road on Tuesday, 29th April 2014 after the Parish Assembly at 7.00pm.

No Public Forum was required.

Present: Councillors Mrs. S.Tooke (Chairman), Mrs. M.Lenton (Vice Chairman), B.Baker, B.Beales, J.Downes, A.Ransome, Mrs. A.Shippey, A.Sutton, Mrs. G.Williams.

  1. Opening of Meeting.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed B.Beales and A.Sutton back to the Council after illness.

  1. Police report

Tabled and noted.

  1. Plaque requirements for Foal Ground.

S.Tierney was unable to attend the meeting but will advise the council on the options for a plaque.

  1. To agree minutes of the meeting held on 18th February 2014

The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

  1. Matters arising that are not included in agenda items.


  1. To agree minutes of the Finance meeting held on 18th March 2014.

The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

  1. Matters arising that are not included in agenda items.


  1. Declarations of Interest.


  1. Financial report
  2. Presentation of Accounts.

Councillors received a copy of the Accounts for 2013/14. The Council certified that the accounts fairly represented the financial position of Leverington Parish Council at 31st March 2014 and they were duly signed and dated by the Chairman.

9.2Audit papers – Annual Governance Statement.

The Council agreed the Annual Governance Statement and it was duly signed and dated by the Chairman

9.3Current finance.

Opening balance at 01.04.2014 12626.29


F.D.C. Precept half year total 15500.00

F.D.C. Grant half year 1278.50



Leverington Village Hall 24.00

North Level Internal Drainage Board 191.99

Smiths Gore 375.00

Whiting & Partners 159.48

RoSPA 159.60

Balance in hand 28494.72

9.4Concurrent Functions update.

The two representatives of the parishes in Fenland had been unable to discuss the reduction in the concurrent function grant with the Leader of the District Council. They will pursue the matter.

9.5Business travel insurance – clerk

It was agreed that the clerk needs travel insurance for carrying out the business of the Council.

9.6Street Lights.

For future information i.e. precept requirements. At April 2014, 112 lights

energy cost is £1585.51 per six months at this time

  1. Development
  2. Planning Advisory Service Review at F.D.C.

Councillor Downes had attended a meeting at F.D.C when a review of the Planning Advisory Service took place. Subsequently, a report of the review had been published and was not complimentary. It was expected that there would be more liaison between case officers and parish councils in the future and one specified case officer to deal with a particular parish.


F/YR14/0175F / 572 / Chaplin / 43 The Chase / single storey rear ext. to dwelling
Council observations: / No objections
F/YR14/0182/F / 573 / Turners Roses / :and N. of Thorn Hall, Fendyke Lane / 2 storey, 4-bed dwelling; det. Double garage in ass. With ex. Business.
Council observations: / No objections
F/YR14/0194/F / 574 / Jones / Rose Olli, Gadds Lane / part 2 storey/ part single side extension to dwelling.
Council observations: / No objections
F/YR14/0202/O / 575 / Lawrence / land W. of N.Mains, Sutton Rd. / erection of 2 dwellings. Demolish existing outbuildings.
Council observations: / The proposed build is the back garden of a house – an area of natural beauty and the removal of so many trees and bushes would be devastating, especially to the bird and bat population. Little Dowgate is basically a lane with a one vehicle width of road and is not suitable for extending double the amount of traffic and certainly not suitable for heavy plant. There will be a flood risk from the nearby stream as surface water will filter through from the soak way. (Will this contain contamination from the build ?) There is also a fear that the public paths to Roman Bank will be affected and this will have a detrimental affect on the way of life in this small haven.
F/YR14/0251/F / 526 / Large / 176 Leverington Road, Wisbech
Council observations: / Site will be overcrowded with two dwellings.


see 535 / McInery / SW of 101-103 Gorefield Rd. / variation of conditions/details reserved. APPROVED
  1. LeveringtonParishCemetery.
  2. Flower bin container.

Fenland District Council will be asked for a bin. A container will be beneficial with housing based on paving slabs.

11.2Phase One completion.

Work is in progress on the extension of the roadway and path between the graves and cremation chambers.

11.3Correspondence from PCC

The PCC had expressed concern that residents would not be able to rest in the village at their death. The clerk had replied that the LeveringtonParishCemetery is ready for burials.

11.4Rose tree donation.

The contractor completingPhase One will plant the donated rose bushes.

11.5Notice board (s)

It was agreed to purchase one small and one large noticeboard.

11.6Insurance for wall.

The wall will be entered on to the asset register as a cost of £500.

  1. Play areas.
  2. Church Road.

The RoSPA inspection report had been received. A few minor repairs needed and overall a Low Risk was recorded. The lighting column owned by the Sports & Social Club needed urgent attention with exposed wiring and marked hire risk. The clerk contacted the S & S Club immediately.

12.2The Foal Ground

12.2.1The RoSPA inspection report had been received. The main problems shown were holes in the hedgerow leading to busy main road. The overall risk rating was shown as medium.

12.2.2Tree Survey & Quote deferred to the next meeting.

12.3Appointment of sub committee (s)

A sub committee of B.Baker, B.Beales and A.Ransome will study the reports and

arrange repairs and renewals where necessary. A report and minutes of action will be available at the meeting in June.

  1. Highways and associated items.

No response from the Highways Supervisor regarding reported problems.

13.1Fly tipping at Leafere Way.

The Drainage Board water way had been dredged and dumped at the back of the houses. Fly tipping had occurred on the top of the dredging and there is evidence of vermin. Action is needed by the Housing authority and the Drainage Board.

13.2Public Seating.

A plan of the seating is required so that an inspection can take place.

13.3Village grass cutting maintenance.

C.C.C. has informed the council that this will take place on May 2nd

13.4Proposed prohibition of waiting order, Church Road

Following some objections by parishioners, this subject has gone to committee.

13.5Fencing between Ivesdyke Close and Perry Road

The broken down fencing was debated but no solution found as the property is owned by F.D.C.

13.6Street Light (corner of Horseshoe Terrace with Peatlings Lane).

This street light is reported as being covered in ivy and not working. Councillor Sutton will investigate.

13.7Leverington Street Pride Group.

The Group continues to tidy the village.

13.8F.D.C. survey on pavements and open areas.

Following the complaints of dog fouling, the team from F.D.C. had inspected the area and found it clear.

13.9HGV problem

Lorries are causing problems along Dowgate Road especially in the early morning. The

lorry park along Leverington Common could be a factor. The police, M.Pickering and

N.Band of CCC Highways have been contacted. No reply received to date.

13.10 Parked cars problem – Gorefield Road.

Because of the narrow road, large vehicles are having difficulty travelling along the road.

No solution to this problem Referred to the police for comment.

  1. Parish Notice board

It was agreed to replace the noticeboard.

  1. Other Parish Matters.
  2. Sub committees and/or working parties

To be determined at the Annual Meeting of the Council

15.2Outreach Training

Councillor training will be available in September.

15.3Self employed working in Village Halls.

Information regarding this subject was sent to the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee.

15.4Election 22 May.

Information had been forwarded to councillors regarding the forthcoming election of a District Councillor.

15.5Clerk and Councillor retirements 2015.

Deferred to a later meeting.

15.6Mayor of Wisbech Charity Evening.

The clerk had attended the Mayor’s Charity evening.

  1. Correspondence

Consultation Document: Proposals to improve people’s healthcare and adult community services.

  1. Close of Meeting

The meeting closed at 9.20pm

Next meeting. Annual Meeting of the Council. Tuesday 6th May 2014

e mail:

Notes from the Parish Assembly held at

The Village Hall, Gorefield Road at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 29th April 2014.

Present: All Parish Councillors and seven members of the public.

  1. Welcome by the Chairman of the Parish Council.

The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked the councilors for their support during a very difficult year of illnesses.

  1. Approval of the Notes from the Parish Assembly held on 30th April 2013.

The notes were agreed as a true record and signed by the chairman.

3. Matters arising.

The items 4.1 and 4.2 SkatePark and Youth Clubwere inserted in the Leverington

Letter. The Parish Council did not have a response.

Fenland District Council was contacted regarding the request for dog bins and


  1. Open Forum.
  2. Planning application affecting Little Dowgate.

The Parish Council observations were confirmed to be the same as the previous application at the same address and will be entered in the minutes of 29th April 2014.

3.2Parked vehicles inhibiting access and exit at Troughton Way.

It was suggested that the school should be asked to keep the Glebe open at all times for the use of parents taking children to and from school. This subject to be discussed at the next council meeting.

3.3Lorry movement during the early hours

The stipulations regarding movement of lorries and the lack of any information regarding the Sutton Roadlorry park was brought to the attention of the council.

The Parish Council was thanked for the provision of the LeveringtonParishCemetery.

The meeting closed at 7.40pm.

e mail:


At the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2013, Mrs. Sylvia Tooke was elected asChairman and Mrs.Margaret Lenton was elected as Vice Chairman for the year. Councillors in post were Bryan Baker, Brian Beales, Jack Dalziel, Alan Ransome, Ann Shippey, David Smart and Greta Williams. Each councillor volunteers for a particular working party or committee such as parish development, allotments, parish cemetery or play areas.

The police either attend each council meeting or send a report which refers to incidents within the parish. Volunteers have been recruited to help the police with Speedwatch along our busy roads and this will be in operation very shortly. The police along with other organizations organize a North Rural Forum which is held in our village or adjoining villagelocations and these forums discuss issues and concerns brought before them. Members of the public are invited to attend and you will be given the opportunity to speak. The Council was pleased to welcome Mr. Harrowing (the Neighbourhood Watch coordinator) to a council meeting and he gave an insight into the eleven schemes already in place in the village.

During May, the Chairman was invited to dig the first spade of earth to begin work on the new LeveringtonParishCemetery. Since that time, the Phase One area has been landscaped with trees and hedging, the concrete plinths for headstones laid, the ashes chambers completed and the commemorative wall built ready for remembrance plaques. A roadway has been installed through the existing church gates and extended to the new ParishCemetery. There are still a few items needed to complete Phase One, such as bins for the dead flowers and a notice board to display the Rules and Regulations and the fees for burials.You will also be able to view these items on the Parish web site.The administration ledgers are all in place and the Council has met with a Funeral Director to confirm procedures.

Two councillors, Margaret Lenton and Bryan Baker and the Parish Clerk attended a Cemetery Legal Compliance Seminar in November and the clerk also attended a further course on Cemetery Management.In the near future there will be an Open afternoon for anyone to come and look and ask questions. It is hoped that someone who is retired and needs a job for a couple of hours a week will come forward to keep the edges of the cemetery free from weeds.

This has been a mammoth task for the Council but it is pleased to inform you that the ParishCemetery is ready for burials and cremations. Residents can be assured that they will be able to rest in their own village.

The Parish Council web site is kept up to date by Steve Tierney and the Council thanks him for his continuing help. You will find all the minutes, councillor names, other contacts and the Parish Diary all included. The Council would like to make a list of available services by people in our village so that it can be referred to when work is required. Contact numbers for reporting problems to the District and County Council are also included in the Leverington Letter – the monthly source of village news.

In July two councillors, Jack Dalziel and David Smart left the Council and they were thanked for their interest and work in the community. The Council was pleased to welcome on board two enthusiastic local gentlemen, namely Jim Downes and Alec Sutton who have already joined committees and attended meetings representing this Council.

There has been 36 planning applications during the year, mostly for extensions, conversions or tree works, but also applications for 3 and 4 dwellings were submitted and these proposed sites are inspected before the council can give Fenland District Council development services its observations.

The village play areas i.e. Church Road and Leverington Common are inspected each year by RoSPA, a report received and acted upon. Inspections are carried out monthly by councillors and Bryan Baker attended a routine inspection refresher course. The Foal Ground recreation field is now a Queen Elizabeth 11 Fields in Trust area, which means it will stay as an open area and cannot be used for development. A plaque is to be erected in the field to confirm this status.

The allotments are still proving to be popular and all are tenanted. We look forward to seeing them all in production this year. An inspection is normally held during June and Health and Safety Risk Assessments carried out.

Highway problems are always a cause for concern.Public transport now goes through Ringers Lane and it is also used by lorries, making large pot holes and crumbling the edge of the road. Speeding traffic, unlawful parking, pavements needing repair etc. are all reported numerous times but getting satisfactory solutions to the issues is a long and drawn out process. Unfortunately, everyone is experiencing the same problems. The traffic calming measure is definitely slowing the traffic into the centre of the village, but there is a problem of congestion when the school opens and closes each day. The County has issued an order for double yellow lines along this stretch of road and this is now before a county council committee.

The council received reports of dog owners letting their dogs foul the paths. Parishioners were advised to report the owners of the dogs and action would be taken against them. Fenland District Council inspected the paths a month later and found them clear. The Council appreciates the efforts of the Street Pride team who continue to monitor and clean our village of litter.

Grass verges and public paths are not cut as frequently now but if they get impassable anyone can get in touch with Cambridgeshire County Council and report the fact. Regarding the new street lights, only one problem has been brought to the attention of the council therefore it is hoped that they are proving a worthwhile investment.

The Village sign was broken down and our parish noticeboard damaged and needs to be replaced. It is such a shame that someone feels a need to destroy property.

Next year – 2015, is election year and all councillors will have to be re-elected. There will be vacancies on the Council due to retirements and anyone over 18 years can apply to be a councillor.

Until that time, this Parish Council will continue to work tirelessly to serve our Parish and its parishioners and endeavour to provide a pleasant environment in which to live.