Chairman Clerk: Elaine Brown

Jeff Watson 4 Simonside Crescent

Hadston NE65 9YB

Tel: 07588659600

To the Members of Warkworth Parish Council: 27 August 2015

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of Warkworth Parish Council in the British Legion Room, Memorial Hall, Warkworth on Thursday3rd September 2015, at 6.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Elaine Brown

39.  Apologies for absence - To receive apologies for absence

40.  Co-option of Councillors – To consider the co-option of candidates

41.  Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda - Members are requested to advise Council of any Declarations of Interest appertaining to the following Agenda Items

42.  Public Questions (Maximum 5 minutes per person) - In accordance with Section 60 of the WPC Standing Orders members of the public present may address the Council at this point on the agenda. The Council reserves the right to respond or debate the issue at a later date.

43.  To approve and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 2 July 2015

44.  Matters arising there from:

44.1: Report of bankside erosion (if any)

44.2: Amble & Warkworth Good Citizen Awards – Cllr Hobrough

44.3: Community Access Defibrillator – Cllr Hobrough

44.4: Rights of Way

44.5: Condition survey – St. Lawrence’s churchyard wall

44.6: Gate on eastern side of St. Lawrence’s Churchyard

44.7: Bicycle rack and noticeboards

44.8: Unauthorised advertisements

44.9: Public Conveniences

44.10: Beach Road car park

44.11: Trees owed from Environment Agency

44.12: Tour de Britain Race

45.  Correspondence Received:

45.1: Planning Training - Planning Protocols

45.2: NALC AGM 17 Oct 2015 (circulated by email

45.3: Northumberland AONB –Coastal Views August 2015 (circulated by email 25/08/15)

45.4: Hauxley PC - Neighbourhood Planning discussion invite 21st September:

45.5: NCC – Response re: developments on Morwick Road

45.6: N Estates – Playing fields rental increase

45.7: Mr Conn – Long Stay car park concerns

45.8: Royal British Legion – To consider purchasing a projector

45.9: Newton on the Moor and Swarland PC – Boundary Review discussion

46.  Finance:

a. Current Balance: £1361.03 Treasurers Account, £37651.23 Instant Access Account as at 21 July 2015

b. Payments for Approval:

000230 / D Webber / Magna Carta
000231 / Balckett – Orde / Conservation survey / £720.00
000232 / Warkworth Cricket Club / Magna Carta / 200.00
000233 / Warkworth & Amble Rotary Club / Magna Carta / 200.00
000234 / Warkworth Drama Group / Magna Carta / 75.00
000235 / Warkworth Show / Magna Carta / 50.00
000236 / Warkworth First School / Magna Carta / £100.00
000237 / Warkworth History Society / Magna Carta / 75.00
000238 / S. Thirlwell / Seats / £1299.00
000239 / Becks Groundworks / Groundwork repairs / £240.00
000240 / NCC / Bin Installation / £55.69
000241 / NCC / Bin Installation / £88.79
000242 / Zurich / Insurance / £486.68
000243 / E Brown / Wages & expenses / £433.66
000244 / HMRC / PAYE / £104.63

c. Receipts:

47.  Planning:

To report on any planning decisions:

14/03312/OUT - Land North Of Hermitage Drive Warkworth - Development of approximately 6 residential dwellings and associated access and ancillary works – APPLICATION PERMITTED.

14/03313/OUT - Land West Of 30 Watershaugh Road Warkworth - Outline application with all matters reserved for development of approximately 11 residential dwellings and associated access and ancillary works – APPLICATION PERMITTED.

15/01436/VARYCO | Variation of condition 1(Opening restrictions) relating to planning permission 13/03231/COU (Retrospective - Change of use from a dwelling (with ancillary bed and breakfast use) to guest house/restaurant) | 32 Castle Street Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0UL – APPLICATION WITHDRAWN

15/01544/VARYCO | Variation of condition 2 (approved plans - addition of velux roof lights, extract flue and change bi-fold doors to french doors) from planning approval 14/03057/FUL (Proposed internal and external alterations to form up to 6no bedroom bed & breakfast & owners flat within existing flat above public house). | The Black Bull 19 Bridge Street Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0XB – APPLICATION PERMITTED.

15/01720/FUL | Demolition of rear extensions and rebuild new ground floor extension and a second floor bathroom. Ground floor extension to have flat roof and second floor bathroom to have hipped roof with clay plain tiles to mach existing. New window opening to bed 3 to west elevation | Molly's Cottage 12 Dial Place Warkworth Northumberland NE65 0UR – APPLICATION PERMITTED.

15/01968/VARYCO | Variation of condition 3 of approved planning 15/01129/VARYCO (occupancy restriction) | Northfield Farm Warkworth Northumberland – APPLICATION PERMITTED

Planning applications pending:

14/00620/FULES - Coquet View Leisure Park Warkworth - Extension to existing caravan park to provide additional 124 holiday static caravans - The Parish Council object to the application for 124 new caravans at Coquet View Caravan Park on the following grounds:

Access - there is major concern in relation to the inadequacy of the Beach Road access. Whilst the creation of priority signage and the proposed alteration to the junction are noted, this does not resolve the problems with the increased traffic as a result of this development would only exacerbate this further. No account is taken of the substantial pedestrian flow up and down this road which includes prams, wheelchairs and people with dogs and children on a 3 ft wide pavement.

The proposed traffic generated from this proposed would use a road which by virtue of it's function in the highway network and its inadequate width, aligning and access, is considered unsuitable to accommodation the increase in traffic from this development. To approve this application would be contrary to policies T4 and TT4 of the Alnwick District Wide Local Plan and Policy and Policy S11 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.

The overall impact of such a large scale expansion will have a detrimental impact on the village of Warkworth - the village cannot accommodate more people, it is already at saturation point in terms of parking, or lack of, and the extra vehicles from this proposed development will result the village being in gridlock.

14/03494/OUT - Land South Of West Close C105 New Hall Farm Junction To Guilden Road Warkworth - Outline application for a residential development of approximately 50 dwellings and associated public open space and infrastructure - It was agreed to object to the application on the following grounds:

•The proposed development is out of scale with the size of the village

•Planning policy; there is no core strategy to guide decision making.

•The current development rate for towns was to be 10-15% and lower for villages, however the current housing plans proposed for Warkworth were at least a 17% increase.

•The principle of planners/planning inspectors considering applications in isolation is flawed and contradicts the Localism Act, the cumulative effect of this with the other proposed and approved developments is unacceptable.

•There are no jobs in the village or the surrounding area to attract residents to the housing

•There is danger of creating a ‘holiday village’

•the creation of dangerous traffic situations at the school and on Beal Bank

The increased use of Guildens Road Southwards on an inadequate road.

•The mix of housing fails to reflect the demographics of the area

•Errors and inaccuracies within the planning application

•The inappropriate use of a greenfield site

•The future maintenance of the play area within the application was also a concern.

13/03459/OUT – RESUBMISSION Land North of Gloster Hill – Outline permission for construction of six detached dwellings and detached garages, demolition of redundant outbuildings – Members agreed to object to the application on the grounds of overdevelopment and access, the development is beyond the needs of the village. Concerns were raised over flooding, sewerage, traffic, inadequate footpaths and road infrastructure, lack of facilities locally to cope with the increased housing, concerns of the ecology on the site and lack of street lighting.

Planning applications to consider:

15/02549/DISCON | Discharge of conditions 3 (materials), 4 (window and door details) and 5 (structural report) from application 15/01075/LBC (Proposed alterations to existing outbuilding and corridor link to provide orangery, family room and guest bedroom.) (as amended 03/06/15) | 8 Bridge Street Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0XA

15/02437/DISCON | Discharge of Conditions 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 of Appeal Decision APP/P2935/A/14/2213611 (LPA ref: 13/00302/FUL): Change of use of agricultural land and construction of 37 residential dwellings, private gardens, access roads and public open spaces as amended by plans received with letters dated 16/9/13 and 27/09/13) | Land East Of Old Barns Close Morwick Road Warkworth Northumberland

15/02395/FUL | Proposed extension to the side of the property to comprise upper and lower sun room areas | Helsay Farm Cottage Old Helsay Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0SN

15/02229/LBC | Listed Building Consent: Provision of 3no. velux conservation roof lights to rear roof slope. Removal of corrugated roof light to front elevation. Refurbishment of second floor and provision of shower room. | Coquet Lodge Cottage Access Road To Coquet Lodge Warkworth Northumberland NE65 0UD

15/02691/HEGRMN | Removal of hedgerow to allow safe access to storage area and cattle shed for farm machinery | South Side Farm Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0YD

15/02712/AGRGDO | Prior notification for an extension to an agricultural building to house livestock | Land West Of South Side Farm Warkworth Northumberland

15/02593/FUL | Proposed gable extension to an existing single storey stone built building to create at grade storage for garden equipment, bicycles etc. with an upper floor open plan loft area for clean, dry storage. | The Office Northfield Farm Warkworth Northumberland NE65 0XT

48.  Agenda Items

48.1: Summons to meetings – Consent of Councillors: ‘Following the Local Government (Electronic Communications) (England) Order 2015 which came into force on 30th January 2015 I confirm that I give my consent for the Clerk and/or any Officers of Warkworth Parish Council to distribute the ‘summons to members’ (i.e. the agenda and papers) by email, as an alternative to posting hard-copy letters.’ The Clerk

48.2: Local Transport Plan Programme 2016-17 – To consider priorities – The Clerk

48.3: To consider RoSPA inspection and recommendations

48.4: To consider planter/seat to replace the large noticeboard Cllr Watson

48.5: Website update re: Transparency requirement - Clerk

48.6: To consider purchase of Christmas Tree and location for erection – Cllr Lilley

48.7: To consider annual grass cutting enhancements – The Clerk

49.  Items for Next Meeting

50.  Date and Time of Next Meeting – The next meeting would be held at 6.30pm on Thursday 1 October 2015