Fellowship opportunities at the Astbury Centre
The Astbury centre actively encourages scientists wishing to apply for their own funding, via a Research or Career Development Fellowship. If you are interested in applying for a Research Fellowship, please contact the group leader whose research interests most accurately reflect your own.
Below, you can find information and links to various fellowship schemes that can help you find an appropriate source of funding:
UK Fellowship Schemes
David Phillips : Early career Fellowships: Applicants should have a minimum of 3 years and not exceed 10 years active postdoctoral research experience.
Medical Research Council.
Career Development Award : Applicants should have at least 3 to 6 years’ post-doctoral experience at the time of application, although applications with over 6 years' post-doctoral experience will also be considered.
Special training fellowship in biomedical informatics: Supports specialist multi-disciplinary training aimed at creating a research workforce able to take forward new developments in the fields of bioinformatics, neuroinformatics, health informatics and computational biology.
Senior Non-clinical Fellowships : Applicants are expected to be proven independent researchers, to be well-qualified for academic research and to demonstrate promise as future research leaders. Support is provided for five years.
Royal Society.
Dorothy Hogkin Fellowship. Applicants are expected to be at an early stage of their career. As an example, applicants could have had one or two post doc positions.
University Research fellowships : Applicants are expected to be at an early to mid-stage of their career. As an example, you could have had between one and three post doc positions.
Industry fellowship scheme : The scheme provides opportunities for an academic scientist to work on a collaborative project with industry, or someone employed in industry to work on a collaborative project with a university department.
Newton International Fellowship Scheme : This scheme aims to attract the world's best postdoctoral researchers to the UK. The two-year Fellowships cover the broad range of the natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities.
Postdoctoral Fellowships : Enable talented new researchers to establish an independent research career shortly or immediately after completing a PhD.
Career Acceleration Fellowships :Provide support for talented researchers at an early stage of their career. You should have between 3 and 10 years postdoctoral research and/or relevant industrial experience.
Wellcome Trust.
Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships : Fellowships provide the opportunity to work in working in the best laboratories in the UK and overseas. You must be in the final year of your PhD studies or have no more than 1 year of postdoctoral research experience.
Research Career Development Fellowships : Applicants should normally have between three and six years' research experience from the date of your doctoral degree.
Senior Research Fellowships : You should have between five and ten years' research experience at postdoctoral level, or veterinary equivalent, and have a substantial record of publications in your chosen area of research in leading international journals.
Wellcome Trust-MIT Postdoctoral Fellowships : This scheme offers opportunities for postdoctoral scientists to undertake research at the interfaces between biology/medicine and mathematics, engineering, computer, physical or chemical sciences, firstly at MIT and then at a UK institution. Applicants shoulsd have up to, but no more than, 3 years’ postdoctoral experience.
Career Development Fellowships :Applicants will have at least three and no more than six years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of submitting the preliminary application.
Senior Cancer Research Fellowships :Applicants should normally have completed between 6 to 10 years postdoctoral work. You are expected to have a proven track record as an independent researcher, and to have demonstrated the vision required to become a future leader in their field of interest.
Royal Commission of 1851.
Research Fellowships : Intended to provide young scientists or engineers of exceptional promise, who have recent been awarded a PhD, the opportunity to conducting research for 3 years.
Other UK charities who run fellowship schemes
Alzheimers Society :
Arthritis Research campaign :
British Heart Foundation :
Yorkshire Cancer Research :
International Fellowship Schemes
Marie Curie.
Intra-European Fellowships for career development : Researchers from EU Member States or Associated Countries can apply for financial support for a period of 12-24 months, to carry out the project in an EU or Associated Country other than your own.
Long-Term fellowships :Awarded for a period of up to two years and support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. All fellowships must involve movement between countries and one of those countries must be an EMBCMemberState.
Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Long Term Fellowships : To allow members of a FEBS Constituent Society to work in a laboratory in a different FEBS country from that in which they are working. They support one-year visits for the but may be renewed for a further year up to a maximum of 3 years.
Human FrontierScience Program.
Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships: Cross-disciplinary fellowships are intended for postdoctoral fellows with a Ph.D. degree in the physical sciences, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and computer sciences who wish to receive training in biology.
Long-term Fellowships : Provide young scientists with up to 3 years of postdoctoral research training in an outstanding laboratory in another country. To be eligible, a fellow must either come from or go to a member country.
Career Development Awards: Long-Term Fellows and Cross-Disciplinary Fellows who return to their home country at the end of the fellowship are eligible to apply for the Career Development Award.