Fellow Code Official,

We have a unique opportunity at the present time. This tool kit contains information outlining a Certificate of Achievement (COA) program being offered by the ICC to the technical high schools throughout the U.S. If you would take a few moments and review the information provided, I am sure you will understand the importance of this program and the benefit it provides to the future of code administration. The ICC as an organization recognizes the benefits to be realized in the future by providing the technical high school students the ability to explore the critical role ICC’s model codes play in helping to create a safe and sustainable environment. There are many construction related career choices that depend upon an understanding of, and ability to apply the codes.

As a code official, I am asking each of you to go to your local technical high school and speak with the principal, instructors and students about the building codes. Take a few minutes and see what these students are learning and what type of projects they are completing. Discuss the Certificate of Achievement program outlined in this tool kit with the schools’ administrators and instructors. If they are interested in providing their students the opportunity to achieve one or more of the ICC Certificates, please direct them to this tool kit at the ICC website:

If necessary, a follow up visit can be made to provide school staff with a hard copy of the ICC High School Technical Training Program Brochure which can be accessed and printed from this tool kit.

The tool kit provides all of the essential information and steps to implement the program. If school officials require additional assistance or have unanswered questions, please direct them to me via email at or by phone at 410-638-3366 during business hours. The ICC Regional Government Relations Managers are another valuable resource to partner with in promoting the program. Finally, it is important to share your success stories. Please contact Sara Yerkes, ICC Senior Vice President of Government Relations, , to report on any program that has been initiated in your community.

In conclusion, if you would like to be a mentor to your local school, please contact me, and I will provide you with the information required to fulfill this role. Actually, it is very easy to get a program up and running and only takes about two hours a month of your time to mentor a school. Please drop me a line and let me know how things went during your visit. If you prefer, provide me with the contact information for your school and I will make sure the school is contacted and encouraged to explore this exceptional joint venture.


Jim Ellwood

Consultant to ICC

High School Technical Training Program
