Feedback on ACRENOF 2012- Delhi Chapter( 12th Jan 2012)

On 12th Jan 2012 Ms. Anushree and Mr. B.S. Juneja attended the ACRENOF Conference at India Habitat Centre. Some of the salient features of the session attended are:

a)Harmonising of 5 Passive Elements of Universe and Vaastu-shashtra to create an efficient energy managed Building Concept. The session revolved around the 5 elements of earth, viz- Earth, Water, Air, Fire and sky. We are 1/7 of the world’s total population. Earlier the rate of change was slow, but now it is very fast and this leads to climatic disturbance. Seeing the immense demand of on nature,many council have been set up like US Green Building Council, IGBC,etc to conserve the resources. The damage is not by need but by greed. There is a great need to harmonise the elements of Vaastu- Shashra.

i)Akash- orientation of building. It saves 3.5 % of energy. Almost 2.5% is saved by insulation. 14.8% is saved by proper window / wall ratio and 3 % by proper selection of glasses.

ii)Air - Natural ventilation saves 3 % and greenery saves 3.5%.

iii)Water – water bodies around the building saves 7.5 % of energy.

iv)Earth –Proper use of building materials will provide proper harmonization and save 2 %.

By harmonizing passive element almost 43% of energy can be saved.

b)Low energy intelligent building-Innovative features like innovative light control, air quality and particle control, thermal and acoustic control wrt 20000 sq m building in Munich, Germany also was explained in the presentation.

c)Net zero energy building concept-It depends on design, construction, operation and methodology.Net zero concept deals with around zero carbon emission and zero net energy consumption. It may include energy harvesting on sites through renewable forms of energy like solar, wind,etc. while reducing overall use of energy with extremely efficient HVAC and lighting technologies. By proper designing of lighting technologies about 60% of energy can be saved. The balance 40 % can be made by solar energy.

d)Codes and standards- Apart from Plumbing code, many other codes were brought into light like 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code, Green mechanical Codes.

Maximum Energy consumption in building is formed by light and HVAC and plug load (miscellaneous). 40 % consumption in residential building has HVAC contribution of 16%. By controlling all these factors and harmonizing themwith the nature Mother Earth can be saved.

Mr. B.S. Juneja Ms. Anushree Purkayastha