Monday October 16, 2017
Present: Trina Myers, Jaci Bleau, Candy Malczewski, Dave Durczynski, Melissa Szigeti, Jeff Pappas, Mark Beach, Preston Quinlan, Tami Gifford-Neate, Carol Ann Molnar, Brandy Schenkel, Nichole DiMario, Corey Slovak, Rod Gyurke, Scott Winckowski.
Trina provided the minutes from the September meeting. Jeff made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes.
Corey seconded it. All were in favor. The minutes are posted on the website. Minutes were passed around for those who wanted to review them.
Tami passed around copies of the Bank report.
We collected a few more checks from the golf outing and they were deposited.
We need to collect for 2 outstanding booster memberships. There was a question about our charitable donations to the State of Ohio. Tami to get ahold of Tim Ault to discuss.
Ryan still needs to place order for the hydration system.
Need receipt for $229.98 from statement. There is a $44 payment from Jeff Smith that we are unsure where it came from.
We ended the month with $68,462.55 in our checking account and $30,000.00 in special projects account.
Preston made motion to accept the Treasurers report and Jeff seconded it. All were in favor.
Mark Beach reported that Fall Sports seasons are almost over. The golf team went to districts, the tennis team sent 2 to districts and the Girls Soccer team won the TRAC Championship. He had a site visit from OHSAA as a possible host site for a football playoff game. The Fall Sports Awards Night is November 14th. Also advised that there will be a Lacrosse clinic on Oct 22nd at 10:30am. US Lacrosse will be conducting the clinic. We need kids to sign up for the clinic so we have enough equipment. Last day to sign up is October 19th.
Golf Outing – Preston
Preston reported that he received 2 checks from Dickson Golf totaling $458.00. We collected about $8388 and our expenses were about $3000.00 so the profit was about $5300.00. We are still waiting for a check from S&D for hole sponsorship –Dave will get it.
Reverse Raffle –Dave
It is scheduled for April 14th ---we are in need a theme for this year.
Yard Signs – Brandy
We have 1 more to pick up. Service is very slow. We need to have a deadline for the signs so we don’t have signs being made all season long. Tami to make up a few sign designs on her cricket machine to see if we can that instead of using a vendor.
Programs –Deb Belegrin
We talked about selling spirit ads for the winter sports book
Will also get unsold programs to the man who purchased them last year.
50/50 Football Games –
This was the best year ever for 50/50 sales. We did a couple volleyball games too.
Lacrosse –Jeff
Already discussed during Mark’s report.
Stadium Seats
We ordered 24 seats due to the numerous requests. We found out at this meeting that the seats cost us $38.00 each and the backs are an additional $14.00. We are only charging $40 for the seats so we are losing money. We are going to talk to Chris Edwards to see about the cost since chairs are $30 at Dicks.
Cross Country T-shirts and Old Spirit Wear – Jaci and Brandy
The spiritwear Clearance sale went well and we are almost all out of spirit wear. We also donated the old Eagle Invitational shirts to the cross-country team for them to sell at their event.
Blue Line Hockey
This Sub account was set up years ago under the Boosters. The taxes are done by Tim Ault along with the Booster taxes. Nichole signed papers to have her name removed but there was some confusion with who would be the signers on the hockey account. We decided that the Booster President would be authorized as well as the elected hockey team representative. There was some hesitation about making that person the Treasurer since the Booster Accounts already have a Treasurer so decided on elected hockey team representative so we do not name a person, we are naming the title and we are covered with our insurance. We also discussed that any authorized signer for Blue Line Hockey should be a Booster Member andhockey representative should provide financial documents to Booster at least once every quarter. Rod talked about our insurance coverage and will get a price to have the elected Hockey representative added to our insurance policy.
Funding Requests/Bills
Fassett Jr High–Mark talked alittle bit about the program there and at Clay. We had several discussions regarding the $17000 uniform request. The AD from Fassett was not in attendance so we couldn’t get our questions answered so the discussion was tabled until the next meeting. We did want to know what their PTO was paying toward the uniforms as well as what the current budget consists of. We suggested that the AD complete a funding request.
Lacrosse Team Request- Jeff Pappas
Jeff presented his request to the Boosters for $7800 for goals and portable nets. Right now we are in the early stages of Lacrosse and should know more after the clinic on Oct 22nd. While on probation, the first 2 years games will be played on grass so we need 2 portable nets. They have applied for 2 grants to help cover some of the costs of the equipment needed. Jeff is working on trying to get a sponsor for the helmets. We also discussed gym space for lacrosse during the winter. Black Swamp is providing nets for indoor use. We decided to table the voting for the Lacrosse items until the November meeting once we determine how many kids showed up to the Clinic.
Swim Team Request – Rod Gyurke
Rod introduced himself as the volunteer swim team coach. He is requesting mesh bag, kickboards, hand paddles and flippers for the swim team. They cost about $70 per kids and he is estimating about 15 kids on the team so total request was for $1092.0 from Swim outlet. We will need to find storage for this equipment once the season is over since these will be used each year.
Jeff made motion to send to Executive board since over $500 and Corey seconded it.
OSF Appreciation Day - We received an invite from Amy Hansen to Oregon School Foundations Appreciation Day Nov 9thfrom 6-8pm at Macomber Lodge.
Hall of Fame Plaques. We received a bill for $459.98 –Tami to send it to CHAFA and have it paid thru their account as we are not responsible for that bill.
Jeff made a motion to adjourn
Rod seconded it
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm