Outlook 2003 Hands-On Session
All information to perform the following exercises can be found in 3 places:
· The MMM Book (paper version) available on your desktop
· The MMM Website help: http://mmm.cern.ch
· Ask the teacher, who will check that previous locations were searched.
Tips described below are usually not in the book, but save time and mouse clicks.
Mail tests will be done with your direct neighbor, so please exchange your email addresses (test lab addresses are written on the keyboard).
· Short introduction by the teacher, presentation of Outlook 2003 different panels and views.
· Hands-On: please complete all the following steps, and try to perform actions described in the tips. If you don’t know how to achieve something, check the MMM book, the MMM Website or ask the teacher.
· Open questions and tutorials: feel free to ask any question and procedure, the teacher will try to address the problem.
Mails and views
Send a mail
Tip: do not open address book, type only the name or part of the name of the recipient, then click ‘check names’, or CTRL+K shortcut, or do nothing.
- Send a mail to the teacher with High Importance.
- Send a mail with subject ‘mail for reply’ to your neighbor with a Reply Flag, due date set to today.
- Send a mail to the teacher and your neighbor in Cc, by selecting cached recipient entries. Format the text of this mail with bold, italic, colors, fonts, etc...
Tip: to clear an entry from the cache, type in first letters, select entry from selection list then press delete.
- Send a mail without using the mouse, using only keyboard shortcuts.
Useful shortcuts: CTRL+N creates a new mail (ALT+N allows to select the type of new item, ALT+R and ALT+W to reply to and forward the selected mail); Tab changes current edited field; ALT+S sends the current opened mail.
- Reply to the last mail your neighbor sent you.
Draft folder
Tip: to save a message in the Drafts folder, two ways: menu File -> Save, or simply close the mail and click “Yes” when asked if you want to save this message.
- Start to edit a mail, subject ‘My comments’ for your neighbor then save it into Draft folder.
- Open the Drafts folder, complete the mail ‘My comments’ and send it.
- When you’ll receive the ‘My comments’ mail from your neighbor, DO NOT READ IT.
Resend, recall
Tip: To recall a mail, open it from Sent Items, click menu Action -> Recall. To resend a mail, open it from Sent Items, click menu Action -> Resend.
- Open your Sent Items folder, Recall the ‘My comments’ mail.
- Open your Sent Items folder, Resend the ‘My comments’ mail, with a modified subject set to ‘My comments corrected’ and a modified body.
Favorite folders and Search Folders
Tip: To add a folder to favorites, right click on the folder and click ‘Add to favorites’. To customize a search folder, right click -> Customize, to add a search folder right click on Search Folders -> New, then follow the wizard.
- Create a folder “Hands-On Session”
· Move a few mails in it.
· Mark as unread some of these mails.
- Add this folder to your favorites.
- Customize ‘Unread Mail’ search folder to search only ‘Inbox’.
- Create two new search folders: one for important mails, and one for mails received this week.
- Set red flag manually to some mails and check the ‘For Follow up’ search folder.
Mail and Folder views
Tip: change grouping mode by simply right click on the field header in mail list, it’s a shortcut to menu View -> Arrange by.
- Move the reading pane to the right or to the bottom according to your preferences.
- Try the ‘AutoPreview’ feature, to show beginning of all mails in mail list.
- Arrange mails by From, by Conversation.
Search for mails
Tip: Advanced find can be found in quick find options, or with keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+F.
- Quick search for mails containing ‘My comments corrected’.
- Advanced search for mail with text ‘My comments corrected’ in subject only, and from you neighbor only.
Mail filtering rules and colors
Tip: automatically fill the rules wizard parameters by creating the rule from a mail sample: right click on a mail sample from your neighbor -> create rule.
- Create a folder ‘Neighbor’.
- Create a rule to move automatically mails from your neighbor to this folder.
- Ask your neighbor to send you a mail, to test this rule.
Tip: Organize wizard can be found in Tools -> Organize. As usual, currently selected mail will pre-fill the wizard.
- Create a rule to display mails sent only to you in blue.
- Create a rule to display mail sent by the teacher in red (apply this to your boss in real life).
Flags and reminders
Tip: in the mail list, flag are displayed on the right. Simple click will add red flag and complete flag, right lick displays advanced properties.
- Set green flag to the ‘My comments corrected’ mail and add a reminder.
- Reply to the mail ‘test for reply’ which has a red flag, and set ‘Flag complete’ to this mail.
- Check the ‘For Follow up’ search folder status.
Add only non-CERN members that are not listed in the general address book.
Tip: to create a contact automatically from a received mail, right click on the mail’s sender -> Add to Outlook contacts.
- Add your neighbor to your contacts.
- Delete your neighbor from your contacts.
Permissions and access to shared resources
Tip: to specify a sender when creating a mail, click menu View -> From field.
Simple mode and delegation
- Add delegation to your neighbor.
- Share your inbox (reviewer) and your calendar (author) to your neighbor.
- Open your neighbor’s Inbox and read his mails.
- Reply to one of his mails on his behalf.
- Open your neighbor’s Calendar, add a test appointment today at 9am.
Advanced mode
Tip: in order to see a folder in a shared mailbox, parents of this folder must have at least the ‘visible’ permission set, otherwise you’ll see empty folders (i.e. don’t forget to set ‘visible’ permission on the root of your mailbox if you want to share subfolders)
- Set permissions on your folder ‘Neighbor’, allowing ‘Author’ to your neighbor.
- Open your neighbor’s folders, in a permanent mode and read his mails.
Tip: Outlook might need a restart when permissions are changed on the remote side.
Views, options and appointment creation
Tip: display several calendars side by side by clicking the checkbox of selected calendars.
- Change views of calendar: Month, Week, work week, day.
Tip: Calendar options are available in Tools -> Options -> Preferences tab -> Calendar Options.
- Change Calendar options to show week number in the date navigator.
- Set free/busy update interval to 2 minutes (this is needed only for the lab, in real life keep 15 minutes).
- Create a new appointment today at anytime, with the private checkbox checked.
- Verify the display of private items in your neighbor’s calendar.
Schedule meetings with attendees
- Create a new appointment and invite attendees: your neighbor, another neighbor and the teacher (as optional attendee).
Tip: don’t forget the ‘AutoPick Next’ button to find the next available slot of every attendee.
- Accept or Decline the invitations you’ll receive.
- Check your scheduled meeting status (attendees’ responses, availability)
- Update the meeting information and warn attendees.
- Create a recurrent meeting, every Friday from 9am to 10am and invite attendees.
- Create a new task with a due date.
- Check the different tasks views.
- Create a new task with a due date, and assign it to your neighbor.
- Check status report of this assigned task.
- Accept and complete task your neighbor assigned to you.
Tip: note that you can reassign a task that was assigned to you.
Notes are virtual ‘post-it’ stickers that can be viewed inside Outlook as well as on your desktop.
- Create a note.
- Put this note on your desktop as a post-it sticker.
Office interaction
Office and Outlook are well integrated, and can provide basic workflow processes.
Tip: Office applications and Outlook interaction are mainly available in menu ‘File -> Send To’ of Office applications.
- Create a word document, write text in it.
- Send it for review to your neighbor
- You’ll receive a document to review from your neighbor: open it, save it somewhere, then do some modifications. Send it back to original sender using ‘File -> Send To’ menus of course).
- You’ll receive back the reviewed document from your neighbor: open it and check the review.
Work from outside CERN
- Configure Outlook 2003 in cached mode.
- Configure Outlook 2003 in RPC over HTTP (connection from outside CERN) and open Outlook.
- Open your mailbox using WebMail (OWA).
Congratulations, the Outlook 2003 hands-on lab is complete; please feel free to ask any question and further details on Outlook 2003.
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