Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
Federation of Parents & Friends Associations Catholic Schools Student’s Award
An award for students in Catholic Schools
from Year 7 – Year 11
Application Form
Student’s Details
Name of student ______
Currently enrolled in Year _____
Name of school ______
Student’s home address ______Post Code :_____
Date of birth ______
Name of school attending in 2017 ______
Parent/Carer’s consent (to be completed if student is under 18 years of age)
I/We support our child’s application for a Bishop’s Award.
Parent/Carer’s name (please print)______
Parent/Carer’s signature______
Contact numbers
______(Home) ______(Work) ______(Mobile)
Nominator’s details
(To be completed where nomination made by person other than parent’s/carer’s or the studentthemselves)
Nominator’s name (please print) ______
Contact numbers
BH: ______AH: ______Mobile: ______
Nominator’s signature______
Student’s consent
I ______consent to submitting a nomination for the Bishop’s Award – 2017.
I have read and understand the information contained within the Application and Information Pack.
Student’s name (please print) ______
Student’s signature______
In 300 -500 words please provide information which describes the following:
· Involvement in the student’s Parish or Church community. This might include Youth Ministries, Altar service, provision of music at the student’s Church, membership of a Parish Team or Council, regularly taking an active role in the Mass – e.g. reading, welcoming etc..
· Involvement in the spiritual life of the student’s school community, ie: This might include involvement in Mission activities, St Vincent de Paul activities, Caritas - Project Compassion, assistance with Reflection and Spirituality days, assistance with Liturgy preparation and organisation.
· Any other information that supports the student’s nomination demonstrating evidence of their good works in their Church or Parish community.
(If there is insufficient space on the following page, please include further information and ensure it is securely attached to this Application Form.)
Please provide information about the following:
1. Involvement in your parish.
You might like to outline and describe the things you do in your parish to support and assist your community.
2. Involvement in your school
Write about the activities in your school you are involved in and ways you support students and staff in your school.
3. Involvement in your community
What sorts of things do you do in the broader community that helps others?
Please provide the names of two (2) referees who are able to speak on your behalf about the work you have outlined above. These referees will include a Parish Priest or representative, Deacon, Pastor or Minister and a school representative such as your school principal or ministry coordinator etc.
You may also include a third referee. This might be a member of your parish team, music ministry etc. who is aware of your contribution to the parish and school.
Please ensure you have discussed this Application with your Referees and sought their permission to include their details below.
Referee One - Parish representative (Priest, Deacon, Minister, Pastor etc.)
Phone (BH) ______(AH) ______(Mobile) ______
Referee Two - School Leadership representative (Principal, Ministry Coordinator etc.)
Phone (BH) ______(AH) ______(Mobile) ______
Referee Three (optional) - (Parish team, teacher etc.)
Phone (BH) ______(AH) ______(Mobile) ______
Have I included the following?
o Signed and completed Application Form.
o Contact details for two (2) Referees.
o Completed and signed Diocesan Image release form.
Completed applications
Completed applications to be forwarded via email by the closing date to: