Federally Endangered, Threatened and Species of Concern by County

Galisteo Watershed

Listed and Sensitive Species in SanMiguelCounty / Number of species: 21
Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
Yellow-billed cuckoo / Coccyzus americanus / Bird / Candidate
Rio Grande cutthroat trout / Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis / Fish / Candidate
New Mexican meadow jumping mouse / Zapus hudsonius luteus / Mammal / Candidate
Southwestern willow flycatcher / Empidonax traillii extimus / Bird / Endangered
Black-footed ferret 2 / Mustela nigripes / Mammal / Endangered
Holy Ghost ipomopsis / Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus / Plant / Endangered
Mexican spotted owl
Designated Critical Habitat / Strix occidentalis lucida / Bird / Threatened
Arkansas River shiner / Notropis girardi / Fish / Threatened

SanMiguelCounty Species of Concern - Species of Concern are included for planning purposes only.

Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
New Mexico silverspot butterfly / Speyeria nokomis nitocris / Arthropod - Invertebrate / Species of Concern
American peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus anatum / Bird / Species of Concern
Arctic peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus tundrius / Bird / Species of Concern
Baird's sparrow / Ammodramus bairdii / Bird / Species of Concern
Black tern / Chlidonias niger / Bird / Species of Concern
Mountain plover / Charadrius montanus / Bird / Species of Concern
Northern goshawk / Accipiter gentilis / Bird / Species of Concern
Western burrowing owl / Athene cunicularia hypugaea / Bird / Species of Concern
Black-tailed prairie dog / Cynomys ludovicianus / Mammal / Species of Concern
PecosRiver muskrat / Ondatra zibethicus ripensis / Mammal / Species of Concern
Swift fox / Vulpes velox / Mammal / Species of Concern
Townsend's big-eared bat / Corynorhinus townsendii / Mammal / Species of Concern
Dwarf milkweed / Asclepias uncialis var. uncialis / Plant / Species of Concern
Listed and Sensitive Species in SandovalCounty / Number of species: 22
Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
Yellow-billed cuckoo / Coccyzus americanus / Bird / Candidate
Rio Grande cutthroat trout / Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis / Fish / Candidate
New Mexican meadow jumping mouse / Zapus hudsonius luteus / Mammal / Candidate
Southwestern willow flycatcher / Empidonax traillii extimus / Bird / Endangered
Rio Grande silvery minnow
Designated Critical Habitat / Hybognathus amarus / Fish / Endangered
Black-footed ferret 2 / Mustela nigripes / Mammal / Endangered
Mexican spotted owl
Designated Critical Habitat / Strix occidentalis lucida / Bird / Threatened

SandovalCounty Species of Concern - Species of Concern are included for planning purposes only.

Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
JemezMountains salamander / Plethodon neomexicanus / Amphibian / Species of Concern
New Mexico silverspot butterfly / Speyeria nokomis nitocris / Arthropod - Invertebrate / Species of Concern
American peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus anatum / Bird / Species of Concern
Arctic peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus tundrius / Bird / Species of Concern
Baird's sparrow / Ammodramus bairdii / Bird / Species of Concern
Mountain plover / Charadrius montanus / Bird / Species of Concern
Northern goshawk / Accipiter gentilis / Bird / Species of Concern
Western burrowing owl / Athene cunicularia hypugaea / Bird / Species of Concern
Rio Grande sucker / Catostomus plebeius / Fish / Species of Concern
GoatPeak pika / Ochotona princeps nigrescens / Mammal / Species of Concern
Townsend's big-eared bat / Corynorhinus townsendii / Mammal / Species of Concern
Gypsum phacelia / Phacelia sp. nov. / Plant / Species of Concern
Gypsum townsendia / Townsendia gypsophila / Plant / Species of Concern
Knight's milk-vetch / Astragalus knightii / Plant / Species of Concern
Parish's alkali grass / Puccinellia parishii / Plant / Species of Concern
Listed and Sensitive Species in Santa FeCounty / Number of species: 16
Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
Yellow-billed cuckoo / Coccyzus americanus / Bird / Candidate
Rio Grande cutthroat trout / Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis / Fish / Candidate
New Mexican meadow jumping mouse / Zapus hudsonius luteus / Mammal / Candidate
Southwestern willow flycatcher / Empidonax traillii extimus / Bird / Endangered
Rio Grande silvery minnow 3 / Hybognathus amarus / Fish / Endangered
Black-footed ferret 2 / Mustela nigripes / Mammal / Endangered
Mexican spotted owl
Designated Critical Habitat / Strix occidentalis lucida / Bird / Threatened

Santa FeCountySpecies of Concern - Species of Concern are included for planning purposes only.

Common Name / Scientific Name / Group / Status
American peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus anatum / Bird / Species of Concern
Arctic peregrine falcon / Falco peregrinus tundrius / Bird / Species of Concern
Baird's sparrow / Ammodramus bairdii / Bird / Species of Concern
Mountain plover / Charadrius montanus / Bird / Species of Concern
Northern goshawk / Accipiter gentilis / Bird / Species of Concern
Western burrowing owl / Athene cunicularia hypugaea / Bird / Species of Concern
Rio Grande sucker / Catostomus plebeius / Fish / Species of Concern
Townsend's big-eared bat / Corynorhinus townsendii / Mammal / Species of Concern
Santa Fe cholla / Opuntia viridiflora / Plant / Species of Concern