- Jack is ______from Texas but he liveswithfriends in California.
- Can you explainyour ______dailyroutine at school? I reallywanttolearnwhat it is like.
- My fatherthinksthat ______can makestudentsimprovetheirskills.
- Be carefulwhileyouaredoing an ______in thelaboratorybecauseyoumay hurt yourselves.
- Bigcitiesgivegood ______topeoplewhoarelookingfor a job but life is difficultthere.
- I wantto be an ______in Englandbecause I can improvemy English andlearnabouttheir ______.
- Somestudentsdon’t put their ______on thedesks. They do it afterteachers say so.
- I alwayscheckmyschool ______before I leavehomeforschool.
- Weusedifferentapplicationsandprogrammes on the ______flat panel andwesave time too.
- Whenyougoto a computercourse, you can learn how tousesome ______.
- Japanesearevery ______becausetheyarekindtoforeignersandrespectful.
- Do wehaveto ______a roomwithanotherstudentif I decidetostay on campus?
- Youdon’thavetotakeanyequipmentwithyoubecausethey ______.
- Don’tforgettolook at the ______board beforeyouleavetheclass as there is a newtimetablethere.
- Whichschool do youstudy?
- What is yourfavouriteschoolsubject? Why?
- Why do most boyslovephysicaleducationlesson?
- Whathelpsstudentstobringrightmaterialtoschool?
- Whichschoolclubareyou a member in?
- Whatactivities do clubmembers do?
- How manyclasses do youhave in themorning?
- What time doesyourschoolstart?
- How do youcometoschool?
- How long do youhave a lunch break at school?
- Where do youhavelunch at school?
- What do you do firstwhenyougethomefromschool?
- What do you do afterschool?
- Whereareyouoriginallyfrom?
- Who can be an exchangestudent?
- Wouldyouliketo be an exchangestudent? Why/why?
Bazı fiiller şimdiki zamanda kullanılamamaktadır.Bu fiiller şu an süren durumları ifade temek istedediğimizdesimplepresenttense’dekullanılır.Aşağıdaki fiiller bu gruba girmektedir.
Duyularla ilgili olan fiiller: see,hear,feel,taste,smell
Algılama ve zihinle ilgili fiiller: know,remember,forget,recognise,understand,
Hislerle ilgili olan fiiller:love,like,dislike,hate,enjoy
Diğer fiiller:include,matter,need,have(possess),belong,cost,
C. Put theverbsinto Simple PresentandPresentContinuous Tense.
1-Jason______(not/come) with us thisevening.
3-We______(usually/meet) at thesportscentreeveryWednesdayafternoon.
4-Greg______(train) forthenext Olympic Games.
5-Michael Burns is veryrich.He______(own) a departmentstore.
6-John and Mary______(play) chess at the moment.
7-Peter______(not/usually/have) eggsforbreakfast.
8-My father______(buy) a newspapereveryday.
9-Mr. andMrs. Dean______(not/go) tomexicotomorrow.
10-“______(Pierre/speak) English?”
“No,but he______(speak) French.”
11-I can’taffordthatring.It ______(cost) toomuch.
12-Look.It______(begin) torain.Unfortunately,I______(not/have) myumbrellawithme.Tom is lucky.He______(wear) a raincoat.
13-I______(not/own) an umbrella.I______(wear) a waterproof hat on rainydays.
14-There’s a book on mydesk,but it______(not/belong) to me.
15-Dennis______(fix) theroof of his housetoday,and he______(need) somehelp.Canyouhelphim?
16-Barbara______(often/help) otherstudents in her mathclass.Thisafternoonshe ______(help) Steve with his mathhomeworkbecause he______(not/understand) thesubjecttheyhavebeenworking on thisweek.
17-Right now I______(look) at Janet.She______(look) angry.
Bazı fiiller iki veya daha fazla anlam taşıyabilirler.Bir anlamları stative olarak işlem görürken diğer anlamda nonstative olarak kullanılırlar.Bu fiillerin en yaygın kullanılanlarını inceleyelim.
I thinkshe is a student.I am thinkingaboutgoingabroadthissummer.
I thinktheywillvisit us nextweekShe is thinkingabout her familynow.
Shealwaysthinksabout her family.
Right now I am lookingout of thewindowThedoctor is seeing his patientnow.
And I see a lot of people on thestreet.Thedoctorsees his patientseverydaybetween 10 am and 3 pm.
Is yourperfumenew?Itsmells nice. Look!Mother is smellingtheflowers inthegarden.
My mothergrowswonderfulflowers
Everyyearandtheyallsmellwonderful.Jackalwayssmellsthekitchenbefore he leaveshome.
Taste”tadı olmak”taste”tadına bakmak”
Thissouptastesawful.Whatdidyou put in it?Mother is tastingthe meal in thekitchen.
My sisternevercookswell.Hermealstasteterrible. Thecooksalwaystastethemealsbeforetheytastethem
Look”gibi görünmek”look”bakmak”
Youlookillnow.Youshouldgohome.Whyareyoulookingout of thewindow?
Shealwayswearscheapclothesandlooksuntidy. Recep alwayslooksoutwhen he isbored.
Have”sahip olmak”have”...yapmak”
Tuana has bought a car.She has a new car now.Jill is havingbreakfast in thekitchenow.
Penguinshavethickfeathers.Sezer has a showereverymorning.
Weigh”ağırlığında olmak”weigh”tartmak”
Rana has put on weight.Sheweighs 65 kg now.Thegrocer is weighingsomeapplesnow
A dolphin weighs about 200 kg.When I buy something,Ialwaysweighto check.
Exercise-Fill in thegapswiththecorrect form of theverbs in brackets.
1-My father______(know) allaboutmendingcars,butnothingaboutbicycles.
2-A:Why______(you/wear) mycoat?
B:Oh,I am sorry.It______(look) like mine in thislight.
3-This pie______(smell) a bit odd.What’s in it?
4-I______(like) thejacket of thissuit,butunfortunatelythetrouser ______(not/fit) me anymore.
5-You areveryquietthisevening.What______(you/think) about?
6-A:I______(have) no idea whatthissentence______(mean).Can youtranslate it?
B:No,sorry.I______(not/understand) it either.
7-A: ______(you/see) those men overthere?They______(look) at us strangely.
B: ______(you/recognise) themfromanywhere?
A:No,buttheycertainly ______(seem) toknow us. They______(come) acrosstospeakto us.
8-A:What______(you/do) in thekitchen?
B:I______(just/make) somecoffee.
A:Well,goaway.I______(not/want) yourhelp.Ourguests ______(wait) fortheirdessert,andyou ______(get) in myway!
9-I playedfootball at school,butnow I______(prefer) swimmingortennis.
10-Tony ______(taste) theroastbeefnow.It ______(smell) wonderfuland ______(taste) delicious.
11- I ______(think) studentsarerightthattherearetoomanyschoolsubjects at school.
12-Ebrar ______(think) about mathsprojectrightnow.
13-The children ______(have) a great time beach at the moment becausethey______(have) everythingto maket hem happy, weather,sea, sand,…….