Federal Communications Commission DA 05-494

Before the

Federal Communications Commission

Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of)


Requests for Review of the)

Decision of the)

Universal Service Administrator by)


Anchorage School District)File No. SLD-359931

Anchorage, Alaska)


Church of Saint Aidan Parish School)File No. SLD-297395

Williston Park, New York)


Clark County School District)File No. SLD-423200

Las Vegas, Nevada)


Franklin Lakes Public Schools)File No. SLD-438092

Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)


Las Cruces Public Schools)File No. SLD-291848

Las Cruces, New Mexico)


Qwest Interprise America, Inc.)File Nos. SLD-233962, 234055,

Denver, Colorado)234124


S&S Consolidated)File No. SLD-407655

Sadler, Texas)


Troup County Board of Education)File No. SLD-397429

LaGrange, Georgia)


Twiggs County Board of Education)File No. SLD-396882

Jeffersonville, Georgia)


Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support)CC Docket No. 02-6



Adopted: February 25, 2005Released: February28, 2005

By theTelecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau:

1.The Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) has under consideration the above-captioned Requests for Review of decisions issued by the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company.[1] These requests seek review of SLD decisions pursuant to section 54.719(c) of the Commission’s rules.[2]

2.The Commission’s rules provide that the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) must issue a decision resolving a request for review of matters properly before it within ninety (90) days unless the time period is extended.[3] The Bureau extended by sixty (60) days the time period for considering the Requests for Review.[4] The Bureau requires additional time to review the issues presented. Accordingly, we extend by an additional thirty (30) days the deadline by which the Bureau must take action regarding the instant Requests for Review of decisions by the SLD.

3.Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 54.724(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a), that the time period for taking action in the above-captioned Requests for Review IS EXTENDED BY an additional thirty (30) days to March7, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Anchorage School District, Anchorage, Alaska;to March28, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Church of Saint Aidan Parish School, Williston Park, New York; to March21, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Clark County School District, Las Vegas, Nevada; to March21, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Franklin Lakes Public Schools, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey; to March7, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Las Cruces Public Schools,Las Cruces, New Mexico; to March24, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Qwest Interprise America, Inc.,Denver, Colorado; to March7, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by S&S Consolidated, Sadler, Texas; to March28, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Troup County Board of Education, LaGrange, Georgia; to March17, 2005, for the Request for Review filed by Twiggs County Board of Education, Jeffersonville, Georgia.


Vickie S. Robinson

Deputy Chief

Telecommunications Access Policy Division

Wireline Competition Bureau


[1] Letter from March Melchert, Anchorage School District, filed September 7, 2004; Letter from Mary Jane Radonic, Church of Saint Aidan Parish School, filed September 29, 2004; Letter from Walt Rulffes, Clark County School District, filed September 21, 2004; Letter from Jessica Nilsen, Franklin Lakes Public Schools, filed September 22, 2004; Letter from Patricia Miller, Las Cruces Public Schools, filed September 8, 2004; Letter from Craig Brown, Qwest Interprise America, Inc., filed September 24, 2004; Letter from Jennita Jones, S&S Consolidated, filed September 8, 2004; Letter from Jane Logan, Troup County Board of Education, filed September 28, 2004; Letter from Dr. Carol Brown, Twiggs County Board of Education, filed September 20, 2004 (collectively, Requests for Review).

[2]See Requests for Review. Section 54.719(c) of the Commission’s rules provides that any person aggrieved by an action taken by a division of the Administrator may seek review from the Commission. 47 C.F.R. § 54.719(c).

[3] 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a).

[4] Request for Review of Decisions of the Universal Service Administrator by Anchorage School District, Anchorage, Alaska, et al., Federal-StateJoint Board on Universal Service, Changes to the Board of Directors of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., CC Docket No. 02-6, Order, DA 04-3901 (Wireline Comp. Bur. rel. Dec. 16, 2004).