Notes of the South West Technology Enhanced Learning Forum held at South West House, Taunton on 27 January 2015
Present: / Tricia Ellis (Chair), Nick Jupp (Notes), Amanda Gunning, Carly Knill, Clive Gage, Hazel Lear, Jo Bishop, Ken Stafford, Nichola Pallett, Paul Tilley, Pip Bedingfield, Rachel McConnell, Will Bladon, Will Tempest.Apologies: / Ed Iles, Julie Fisher, Karen Stringer, Nick Napper, Nicki Healey, Paul Grimes, Paul Norrish, Paula Spokes, Rebecca Holden, Ryan Swallow, Steve Downs, Tenzin Wangdi, Yvonne Glenn.
1. Welcome and Apologies
1.1 Tricia Ellis welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1.2 Apologies were noted.
2. National eLearning Update
2.1 The development and launch of the Health Education England (HEE) national TEL hub ( is ongoing with a plan to launch it in June 0215. The hub will be an online portal and repository for TEL information and resources – initially in the areas of simulation, e-Learning and m-Learning (mobile learning).
2.2 HEE is hosting a ‘hack’ weekend to test the developments to date and to identify and involve key stakeholders - designers, technologists and users – who can support the implementation and enhancement of the hub. More details can be found at:
2.3 Work will start shortly with the updating of the eLearning commissioning guidelines to included mobile learning. These should be circulated in draft format in February 2015 for sign-off at the next meeting in March.
2.4 eLearning for Healthcare are procuring a new learning management system which will be live from April 2015. The LMS will be able to host all ESR eLearning content as well as the existing e-LfH courses. The IT spec will be matched to ESR. 7% of users have IE7 so will be dropped as over ten years old and usage decreasing. New content from 2015 may not work on IE7.
2.5 Repository was hacked recently twice and now been restored. additional funding has been provided to support the enhancement to the Drupal platform to prevent repeats of the downtime.
2.6 In 2013, Skills for Health was awarded a Section 64 Grant by the Department of Health, through which Skills for Health were commissioned to make a range of products available to the NHS, including Skills for Health’s e-learning products. Through this grant, Skills for Health continued to provide access to core skills e-learning training programmes to NHS users free of charge. The Section 64 Grant is not being renewed and will end on 31st March this year and the implication of this is that, as of 1st April, 2015, Skills for Health will charge users for its e-learning products using its standard e-learning pricing structure. Skills for Health have discussed potential actions, which could be taken to mitigate the impact on this for NHS providers and have decided to offer discounted provision to high volume users. The Skills for Health team are now in the process of contacting all users, to discuss how they can best manage the transition to these new arrangements.However, in the interim we are investigating the use of alternative courses that will be able to provide a free national solution for the NHS workforce to access.The forum expressed their concern with the short timescale of the contract termination.
The affected courses are:
· Being Open
· BOC Medical Gases - Nurses
· BOC Medical Gases - Porters
· Cancer Information Prescriptions
· Conflict Resolution
· Dysphagia: Nutrition and Hydration
· Equality and Diversity - General Awareness
· Equality and Diversity - Pre-Assessment
· Equality and Diversity - Promoting Understanding
· Fire Safety
· Food, Nutrition & Hydration
· Health, Safety and Welfare
· Immunisations and Vaccinations
· Infection Control: Infection Prevention and You
· Infection Control: Principles of Infection Prevention
· Infection Control: Vascular Access Devices
· Information Prescriptions
· Infusion Devices
· Mixed Messages
· Moving and Handling
· Patient Moving and Handling
· Personalised Care Planning
· Public Health Awareness
2.7 Health Education South West (HESW) has a contract with Capita Consulting for Learning4Health, the e-learning platform that supports continuing professional development (CPD) in our area. The initial term of the contract runs until 31 March 2016 and HESW is required to notify Capita no later than 28 February 2015 if we intend to extend the contract. In order to arrive at a considered and appropriate decision, all organisations in the South West and those within the Salisbury and Dorset footprint which currently have access to the platform were invited to participate in one of three focus groups. The purpose was to discuss and consider their experiences of using Learning4Health and their recommendations for the future of the provision.The summary of the focus groups discussions and their recommendations were taken to the two Membership Council meetings which took place on 2nd December 2014 in Exeter and 4th December 2014 in Bristol. The recommendation from both Membership Councils was that the contract should not be extended after 31 March 2016.HESW Governing Body met 13 January 2015 and supported the Membership Councils’ recommendation. Please be reassured that HESW and Capita will continue to work jointly to ensure that the full contractual arrangements will continue until 31 March 2016 and that all e-learning content, diploma places and organisation support will remain available free at the point of use until then.HESW requests that you maximise your use of the Learning4Health platform during the final year of the contract to ensure best value for money for the NHS. HESW is working closely with Health Education England (HEE) colleagues to ensure that from April 2016 there will continue to be free access to the most heavily used e-learning courses via HEE’s own e-learning platform known as “e-Learning for Healthcare” and can be found at . Course topics that are available now or during the 2015/16 financial year include Dementia, Diversity, End of Life Care, Safeguarding, Safe Use of Insulin as well as a forthcoming suite of modules to support the Care Certificate.The forum members expressed the preference to develop elearning content regionally rather that purchase licences to externally supplied courses.
3. OLM eLearning Update
3.1 Paula was unable to attend, an update was given on her behalf. eLearning completions have increased nationally across all LETB regions from 109,777 in September to 121,840 in October. The South West has increased eLearning compared to face to face enrolments by 1.25% since September.
3.2 NHS South Devon & Torbay CCG rising to 1st place in the South West Top 10 Distinct Completions with 79% of staff using eLearning (up from 38.61%) also 2nd place in the national table!
3.3 NHS Kernow CCG now appearing in the South West Top 10 Distinct Completions with 25.94% of staff using eLearning.
3.4 Royal Devon & Exeter and Plymouth Hospitals both appearing on the National Top 20 table of Completions.
3.5 The transition of the ESR service and solution to IBM during 2015 includes a comprehensive programme of development based on requirements identified with ESR user forums. The delivery of solutions to these requirements will be grouped into a number of work packages. These include a new user interface for all elements of Learning Management and the delivery of ESR capability to the internet, mobiles and tablets.
3.6 The solution must have the ability for employees to access self service and e-Learning (as a minimum) from a secure internet connection without the need for a separate login/password and instance and also support the different vehicles for access (user name and password/smartcard). The solution must also support access through mobile technologies (e.g. iPhone/iPad).
3.7 The solution must have the ability for off-line interaction with specific functions. This should allow users to complete specific activity without the need to retain a login to ESR and allow the results/outcomes back into ESR on their next login. Examples include playing e-Learning Content.
3.8 The solution must allow ‘external learners’ to access and play on-line content and have a Learning Record in the same way as an employee.
3.9 The solution must support the deployment of e-Learning content (from within the solution catalogue) to mobile technologies and through applications associated with the platforms (e.g. Apple, Android). Any e-Learning undertaken on these platforms must allow for full integration back into the ESR solution.
4. eLearning Open Forum
4.1 The e-QUAL course feedback was excellent, the delegates enjoyed the design element and practical work including hints & tips, useful tools and the high level of interactivity. The delegates agreed that they now had the confidence to create courses to a standard process that will satisfy all users. The course built on their existing experience and skills.The key was to retain the network and to investigate joint ways of working and of sharing content. It was suggested that the e-QUAL network could meet in the afternoon following each TEL Forum meeting.A discussion took place on how the NHS Wales team had incorporated e-QUAL, how they share and review elearning and whether they used any web sites or tools. Action: TE to invite Helen Thomas to attend the next meeting or request that Helen sends some information.The e-QUAL registration fee was discussed. NJ stated that HESW do not expect individuals or their employer to pay for any re-registration fee in following years, that’s entirely your choice. HESW is unable to pay for any re-registration fee. The learning will remain valid and will continue to support a south west quality assurance process.TE asked if those that attended the e-QUAL course could identify how the south west group can be operationalised and to send TE some recommendations in terms of resources required or additional training. Action ALL: to submit expressions of interest in TAP courses and/or the amount of funding required to operationalise the south west e-QUAL group.
4.2 Sharing of content and/or the joint development of content was discussed as was the creation of a list of south west top 10 priorities for course developments. Action: NJ to add agenda item on course development and planning and to circulate the south west course spreadsheet for update.
4.3 Jo Bishop asked if it was possible to provide a regional solution for delivering eLearning to non-NHS people such as contractors, private sector, GPs etc. Action: Jo Bishop to submit a costed proposal to TE.
5. IT Skills Pathway
5.1 Paul Tilley demonstrated the IT Skills Pathway learning platform ( which includes a tracking system for organisations to administer their employees and the online learning packages for both basic IT skills as well as 3 levels of Microsoft Office elearning. The tracking system includes learner registration, reporting and course enrolments.
5.2 The Knowledge Bank is a recent offering that provides on-demand learning for specific requirements such as how to create a pivot table. Employees can be setup on the system by their organisation or through self-registration. The Knowledge Bank does not have to be used with the IT Skills learning and can be used as a standalone offering to support IT helpdesks.
5.3 The learning is available at no cost to NHS organisations, with funding committed for at least 3 years.
5.4 Elearning is not available for Microsoft Access due to a lack of demand and due to concerns around data protection.
5.5 The elearning uses Shockwave software and plans are in place to convert the learning material to HTML5 to allow use on Android and Apple devices.
6. Any Other Business
6.1 There was no other business.
7. Workshop - e-QUAL Group Meeting Notes
7.1 Group to meet following each TEL Forum Meeting + on one occasion between these meetings. This would allow a meeting approx. every 6 weeks
7.2 The format favoured was for 2 members to review one piece of content which would mean, if we could all attend, we would be able to review at least 4 programmes each meeting. Obviously shorter courses could be reviewed more quickly so we may be able to review many more than 4. On the alternate meetings we could plan to have a whole day so this should double productivity!This would become clearer once process started. Content for review would be decided at the prior meeting
7.3 We will also update Nick’s master spread sheet of content developed, content in development and content required at each TEL Forum meeting to avoid duplication of work and have a clearer view of the overall picture.
7.4 Meetings to also be used to share tips and problems.
7.5 Jo suggested, and all agreed, it would be useful to have a mission statement to explain our role and raise profile
7.6 Collaboration in content creationAll agreed would be useful to have time for working together to create content - A mix of face to face time, with use of some sort of collaboration tool for creating/reviewing content online. Clive suggested PODIO – all to look at this and feedback (or come up with better solution!)Tricia was going to investigate how Wales have overcome this issue
7.7 Standardising good practiceIf we are sharing approved content across Trusts, each Trust that decides to use a package, has to sign off on the content. Ken and Amanda have a SME sign off sheet which they have agreed to share.
7.8 Resources desired to help progress developmentThe resources on our most wanted list were:
· Hardware - Video and still cameras for images and video creation (some Trust have these and others have none)
· Software
* Photo editing software like Photoshop discussed but need to look into free software like Pixlr first as recommended by Ken and Carly.
* Video editing software eg Premier Elements as recommended by Will Bladon.
* Adobe Flash for creating animations
* Discussion around possibility of standardising authoring tool but many thought this was too restrictive and each had its place. Most using Storyline (1 and 2) and some Captivate.
· Training
* Video creating and editing
* PHP coding
* Creating good questions
* Adobe Flash for creating animations
* TAP courses in Visual Impact and Diploma in e-Learning have been raised so far (Amanda and Pip)
8. Dates of Next Meeting
8.1 Tuesday 7 April 2015, Meeting Room 1, South West House.
8.2 Wednesday 8 July 2015, Meeting Room 1, South West House.
8.3 Thursday 8 October 2015, Meeting Room 1, South West House.