FEBC Prayer Target

May 2017

Monday, May 1 –Please pray for a group of Christians living in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic located within Uzbekistan. The Karakalpaks are an ethnic people group who are heavily persecuted. Officials recently caught a group of 22 worshipping God at a place not intended for religious gatherings and have been fined $10,000 US. Pray that their case will be dismissed, and pray for freedom of worship for these believers.

Tuesday, May 2- Praise God for the Sparrow Project that broadcasts the Gospel in several major languages to an almost exclusively Muslim people group in the Horn of Africa. Through these programs, more than 700 people have come to faith in Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, May 3 – Good news from a listener in Thailand: “I thank the Lord for giving me new life. I’ve had such a good experience studying FEBC’s Bible lessons. My life has improved; I know that God is love. Whenever I feel discouraged, I read the Bible and pray, and then I feel at peace. I want to thank God for everything!

Thursday, May 4 –Today is the National Day of Prayer, signed into law in 1952 by President Harry Truman, and initiated to promote the power of prayer and bring people of all faiths together to pray for our country. Please pray for a spirit of unity in the United States. Pray, too, for our leaders, that they will lean on God’s wisdom when faced with important decisions.

Friday, May 5 – Your prayers are working! Consider this answered prayer from the war zones of Ukraine: “My Dad lived through the communist era, and then through the era of lawlessness and corruption, and now this dreadful war. It seems like life did everything to exterminate his ability to believe. Yet as he began listening to your programs, I could see a change in him. The day he gave his life to Christ was one of the happiest days of my life.” It’s such a privilege to hear stories of changed lives. Thank you for your prayers that help make this possible!

Saturday, May 6 –Our team in Cambodia is celebrating the 15th anniversary of their FM station in the capital city of Phnom Penh. Praise God for their increased listenership, which is due to wider signal coverage from a new transmitter, the launch of a repeater station, and programs that can be heard on the Internet. Pray, too, for Sopheary Hem, our national director, as well as her staff.

Sunday, May 7 – Praise God for 1.5 million Russians who listen to our broadcasts online! One listener from Russia told us: “Yesterday I was baptized in my church. As I celebrated my commitment to God, I was thinking how wonderful God’s plan was for my life. He stirred someone’s heart to create a Christian radio station, He inspired people to finance it, and eventually I became a listener. I only hope that I can become a part of His plan to save someone else.”

Monday, May 8 –In December 2016, the Communist authorities in Vietnam passed new laws governing religion, which tightens controls and opens new doors for repression. Micro-management and control of religion has been the net result – and now more restrictive policies are being implemented at the local level. Please pray for our Vietnamese team, as they look for ways to reach their people and yet not attract undue attention.

Tuesday, May 9 – Praise God for the 20 new listener clubs established by our Malawi team among Yao Muslims. One listener shared, “Your program has impacted Muslims; many have given their lives to Jesus and 25 have joined a church as a result of tuning in.”

Wednesday, May 10 – FEBC International’s staff in Pemba, Mozambique has asked for prayer for the start of their Discipleship Making Course, which aspires to enlighten and encourage their listeners.

Thursday, May 11- In spite of religious policy in China being much stricter in recent years, FEBC’s ministry in China gained considerable ground in 2016. According to figures related to our program downloads, we saw a significant increase in followers of our social media platforms; most exciting is the number of conversions that occurred as a result of people tuning into our broadcasts.

Friday, May 12-. Please pray for the health of FEBC’s staff in Mongolia. The air pollution in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar is 20 times higher than normal, due to severe smog. Pray, too, for plans to launch new, low-power radio relay stations in 3 provinces in 2017.

Saturday, May 13 – Praise God that a new series of Reality Church radio programs for Yemen have been successfully completed outside the country by FEBC International staff. Pray that these new programs will encourage isolated believers and help them grow in their Christian faith. Praise God for new believers from 3 different regions of Yemen! The staff is now receiving more calls from listeners than they can handle.

Sunday, May 14 – Today is Mother’s Day in the U.S. For many people, a mother’s love gives us a glimpse of God’s amazing, unconditional love. Thank God for the blessings of people who have enriched your life. Thank you, God, for putting people in our lives who love and sustain us.

Monday, May 15 – Seiji Suzuki, FEBC’s executive director of Japan, says: “Please pray for our staff shortage. Pray that the Lord will send us suitable personnel who will commit to upholding the spirit of FEBC’s mission in this new era.”

Tuesday, May 16 – A listener from the Philippines writes: “Thank you for bringing us the Good News of salvation through radio, creating good relationships, building strong faith and friendship in Christ and inspiring people through living testimonies. I give the glory and honor back to Christ Jesus!” Indeed!

Wednesday, May 17 – Please pray for the political situation in Kazakhstan. Due to religious extremists, the First Generation Kazakh Church has had many obstacles placed in its path. Please pray that the Lord will give Christian leaders wisdom to deal with these challenges.

Thursday, May 18 – God has used FEBC broadcasts to reach hundreds of thousands of Hmong in Southeast Asia, who rely on our programs to hear the Good News and grow in their faith. Long persecuted by authorities for following a “Western” religion, the Hmong remain committed to God and are overjoyed they are in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Friday, May 19 – “Hello, friends! I’m not a Christian, but I listen to your broadcasts because my friend encourages me. I actually like your programs. My friend wants me to attend his church even though I’m an atheist.” This comment from Andrey of St. Petersburg, Russia, reflects the path that many non-believers are on when they first start listening to FEBC. Pray for Andrey. Pray for his friend. Pray that our broadcasts and his friend’s influence will open Andrey’s eyes to the truth of Jesus.

Saturday, May 20 – Indonesia is an island nation consisting of 255 million people who mostly identify as Muslims. Please pray for our team there, who currently broadcast on 7 FM radio stations, as well as reaching 6 ethnic people groups through shortwave radio. Pray, too, for our new CEO, Jusak Widjaja, who recently assumed leadership.

Sunday, May 21 – Please pray for our International Service Team (IST). In a broadcast ministry like FEBC, technological support is vital. Our IST train staff to maximize the use of technological resources to make it possible for FEBC to reach even more people with the Gospel.

Monday, May 22 – A listener from the Philippines writes: “The content of your programs break and pierce my heart. My family listens and grows together. It would be great if you could extend the length of your broadcasts.” Please lift up our broadcasters who faithfully write and produce the programs that are reaching the hearts of our listeners. Pray, too, that many more listeners will tune in and be led to Christ through our broadcasts.

Tuesday, May 23 –Please pray for the protection of believers in Iraq and Syria, who have lost their homes, businesses, and family members in the long-term conflicts plaguing their countries.

Wednesday, May 24 –A pastor of a rural church in Thailand writes: “Without FEBC programs, we cannot grow; we gain great teaching from your broadcasts.” Please pray that God will strengthen the church in Thailand and guide our team.

Thursday, May 25 – Please pray for the follow-up teams of FEBC-Korea’s 13 stations who respond to questions and comments from listeners. Pray that these teams can share the Gospel in such a way that many more will choose to follow Christ.

Friday, May 26 – Every year, FEBC purchases thousands of wind-up radios, which we distribute in countries where we serve to people who cannot purchase their own. Please pray for more funds to become available, to help even more people tune in and hear the Good News of Christ. God’s Word is powerful and can change even the hardest heart.

Saturday, May 27 – Please pray for the health and safety of Ed Cannon, President of FEBC-US and Chairman of the Executive Committee of FEBC’s International Council. He juggles many responsibilities and is often on the road, interacting with our in-country directors, staff and listeners.

Sunday, May 28- The lack of Bible-based material for families in crisis is a serious problem in Russia. FEBC is helping thousands of families by providing Christ-centered practical information to listeners, most of whom are not familiar with the Bible. Please pray that people will be willing to consider God’s plan for their lives, commit to seek Him and live in a way that honors God.

Monday, May 29 – Today is Memorial Day. In the U.S., we have many freedoms for which to be thankful. Countless people have fought and died through the years to maintain that freedom for the rest of us. But the greatest freedom of all was given to us by our Lord and Savior, who willingly died to take away our sins. That freedom surpasses all others and should instill in us great joy!

Tuesday, May 30 –Please pray for the 3 stations in Kyrgyzstan that FEBC launched in the past couple of years. We pray that this Muslim-dominant nation will be drawn to our programs and that listeners will continue to listen and discover the love and freedom that can only be found in following Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 31 –Pray for our team in Myanmar, who serve a nation that is 89% Buddhist. Our 6 ethnic programs reach some, but the harvest remains great. Pray for our small, but dedicated staff that produces daily broadcasts that can be heard 2.5 hours a day.