FdA Audio Music Production
1. Welcome and Introduction to FdA Audio Music Production. 3
2. Programme Specification 4
3. Module Records 18
Plymouth University Academic Partnerships Programme Quality Handbook UK Page 2 of 52
1. Welcome and Introduction to FdA Audio Music Production
Welcome to the Foundation Degree in Audio Music Production. The programme covers all aspects of audio recording, mixing and production. Your core studio based modules are supported with an enriched Professional Practice scheme enabling you to develop your skills whilst working on real Music Industry projects. Students have gone on to complete a progression route at Plymouth University. Graduate students have gone onto careers in all aspects of the Audio Industry from Recording Studios.
This programme has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge base required to work in your chosen specialism or other graduate opportunities. It is also a platform from which you can undertake additional vocational and academic qualifications.
This Programme Quality handbook contains important information including:
· The approved programme specification
· Module records
Note: the information in this handbook should be read in conjunction with the current edition of the College / University Student handbook available at: which contains student support based information on issues such as finance and studying at HE along with the University’s Student Handbook - and your Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook available on your programme virtual learning environment.
2. Programme Specification
Awarding Institution: University of Plymouth
Teaching Institution: City College Plymouth
Final Award: FdA Audio and Music Production
Intermediate Awards: Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE)
Programme Title: Audio and Music Production
UCAS Code: J935
Benchmarks Foundation Degree Qualification and Music Benchmarks (2008) have informed and underpinned the development of the programme.
Date Produced: 21st November 2008
Date of Approval: 27th March 2009
Admissions Criteria:
Qualification(s) Required for Entry to the FdA / CommentsCandidates must have:
Key Skills requirement/Higher Level Diploma / Normally Level 2 Communication, & Level 2 Application of Number
GCSEs required at Grade C and above / 4 GCSEs at grade C or above –normally including Maths and English
Plus at least one of the following:
A Levels required / 80 UCAS A2 tariff points
BTEC National Certificate
BTEC National Diploma / Equivalent of 80 UCAS A2 tariff points in a related subject
HNC/D / Equivalent of 80 UCAS A2 tariff points in a related subject
VDA: AGNVQ, AVCE, AVS / Equivalent of 80 UCAS A2 tariff points in a related subject
Access to HE / Completion of an access programme in a related area (e.g. Music Technology)
International Baccalaureate / International Qualifications equivalent to 80 UCAS A2 tariff points in a related subject
Irish/Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers / Completion of an programme in a related area (e.g. Music Technology)
Work Experience / Potential students with relevant industry experience will be considered for entry by process of interview. Potential students must demonstrate competence at producing audio and music and may undergo an entry diagnostic test.
Other non-standard awards or experiences / See below
APEL/APCL possibilities / These are to meet the stated requirements of the University of Plymouth.
Interview/portfolio requirements / Mature students demonstrating appropriate experience (at Level 3) who wish to pursue a career in Audio and Music Production and those who are looking for a change of career will be considered for entry by process of interview. Potential students must demonstrate competence at producing audio and music and may undergo an entry diagnostic test.
Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance required / Not specifically applicable for this course, although it may be required for the Work Based Learning module; dependant upon your placement.
Aims of the Programme:
The programme is intended to:
· To enable the development of a range of creative skills to plan, develop and produce music and audio on a variety of platforms.
· To actively engage students in the key debates and issues surrounding cultural models and the music industry, including the impact of current and emerging technologies.
· To develop student’s awareness of the concepts and principles that underpin their practice.
· Enable students to pursue a career in the audio industry or continue on to further study.
· To develop skills in communicating, researching, analysing and problem solving in various contexts and settings to become reflexive learners.
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this programme the student will be able to:
· deploy a range of established and vocationally relevant advanced practical techniques in the audio recording environment.
· carry out investigations showing knowledge and critical understanding of the principles of both the sound engineering and audio production disciplines.
· effectively communicate, critique and provide analysis on audio aesthetics and cultural references.
· contextualise practice in relation to social and historical factors as well as current business models and legislation.
· collaborate in a studio environment developing communication skills and demonstrating best practice.
· provide a suitable base for progression to an Honours Degree programme, or further professional qualifications in the field of Audio and Music Production.
Programme Specification
A: Development of Knowledge and Understanding / Learning and Teaching Strategy/MethodBy the end of the programme the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the major theories of the discipline(s) and an awareness of a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks
· the wider social and environmental implications of area(s) of study and is able to debate issues in relation to more general ethical perspectives / Primary
· Lectures and tutorials
· Directed independent study
· Learning from work experience
· Project work
· Independent research
· Secondary
· Case studies
· Problem-solving exercises
NB: Benchmark References
Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / Assessment
Key knowledge and understanding is assessed via a combination of multiple choice tests, essays, presentations and seminar performances.
· B: Cognitive and Intellectual Skills / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
· critique rival theories and frameworks
· analyse and synthesise
· Intelligently apply appropriate principles in assessing policy or practice
· demonstrate problem solving and research skills / · Primary
· Class exercises
· Tutorial/seminar discussions
· Feedback via coursework assessment process (essays etc)
· Secondary
· Policy and practice analysis in surgeries
· Computer-based practicals on data and measurement problems
· NB: Benchmark References
Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / · Assessment
· Assessed discussions
· Essays/projects/dissertations
· Coursework/groupwork on practical application questions
· C: Key Transferable Skills
By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
· interact effectively within a team / learning group
· manage learning using resources for the discipline
· communicate effectively in a manner appropriate to the discipline (in standard English oral, written, using ICT)
· take responsibility for own learning with minimum direction
· manage information with the ability to select appropriate data from a range of sources and develop appropriate research strategies
· Understand how to successfully manage a freelance career
· Develop entrepreneurial and creative skills / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
· Primary
Library and other research exercises
Group work awareness and practice
Computer-based learning and assessment
Class and seminar interactions and feedback
· NB: Benchmark References
Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / · Assessment
· Coursework of all types
· Assessed discussions
· Group work assessments
· D: Employment Related Skills
By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
· Interact effectively within a team / learning group
· Communicate effectively in a manner appropriate to the discipline (in standard English oral, written, using ICT)
· Manage information with the ability to select appropriate data from a range of sources and develop appropriate research strategies
· Work as a professional in your field, and continue to develop your skills and knowledge of the industry you work in
· Understand legislation, codes of practice and ethical policies which guide Audio and Music Production professionals in their career
· Understand how to successfully manage a freelance career
· Develop entrepreneurial and creative skills
· E: Practical Skills
By the end of the programme the student will be able to:
· Operate Audio and Music Production equipment
· Test and maintain Audio and Music Production equipment
· Carry out technical measurements and apply appropriate operations to analyse and change aspects of working with the Audio and Music Production environment.
· Contextualise their own practice in relation to social and historical factors as well as current business models and legislation whilst evaluating and understanding the limits of their knowledge.
· Work with others in one-to-one and group situations to develop communication and best practice.
· Understand health and safety concepts and best practice. / Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method
· Practical work
· Projects
· Designated tasks
· Lectures and tutorials
· Learning from work
· NB: Benchmark References
Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / · Assessment
· Practical work
· Project work
· Competence in a range of communication techniques
· Distinctive Features of the Foundation Degree
Examples of distinctive features
· Audio and Music Production is serving the requirement identified by industry based education group JAMES (Joint Audio Media Educational Services) that there is a need to pass on traditional studio based production skills from the diminishing traditional employer-employee model to the expanding new freelance practitioner model.
· It addresses the urgent requirement for educational establishments to act as a conduit to pass on the skills base of industrial best practice as well as developing a student’s ability to act autonomously in the creative arena. Preparing the future audio and music professionals for the world of freelance employment and entrepreneurship.
· The course is delivered at Deep Blue Sound making the most of their multi-million pound recording studio complex equipped with extremely high quality industry standard mixing and production equipment.
· Tutors on the course have worked with top UK recording artists producing and recording music to professional commercial standards.
· Students have access to studio equipment on a flexible booking basis and bring in bands or colleagues to the facility to record and produce their work.
· Students will carry out industry standard certified Pro-Tools training as an integral part of their course
· Students on the course are part of a community of learning incorporating over three hundred other learners all focussed on the audio industry sector. This gives them a valuable opportunity to start their future vocational practice by networking and participating in projects which allow them to communicate and share skills with others.
Brief Description of the Programme
This exciting two year course is hands-on and will focus on what it takes to be a success in the field of Audio and Music Production. Based at Deep Blue Sound, you will be using industry standard equipment such as the Neve Large Format Console, Studer A800 24 track reel to reel tape machine and Pro Tools HD systems with the Digidesign ICON control surface.
Progression Opportunities
Students who successfully complete the FdA Audio and Music Production may progress to Stage Three of the BA (Hons) Music (Technology) programme at the University of Plymouth.
Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2017-18 Page 52 of 52
Foundation Degree Intended Learning Outcomes Map
Foundation Degree Intended Learning Outcomes Map / Certificate Level1 Graduate Attributes and Skills / 2 /
2.1. 3
/2.2. 4
Core Programme Intended Learning OutcomesThe FHEQ requirements are already given here in italics / Aim /
2.3. Subject Benchmark
/2.4. Related Core Modules
Knowledge/ UnderstandingStudents will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles associated with their area(s) of study, and an ability to evaluate and interpret these within the context of that (those) area(s) of study. In particular:
· Analyse different complex solutions and choose appropriate solutions to take practically, in line with contextual work-based and client-based requirements. / 1,2 / Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / CITY1013: Critical Listening
CITY1014: Principles of Sound
CITY1016: Audio Recording Techniques
CITY1017: Creative Music Production
Cognitive / Intellectual Skills
Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate, and interpret qualitative and quantitative data, to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of their subject(s) of study. They will also be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems related to their area(s) of study and/or work .In particular to:
· Show the ability to act as a reflective practitioner, evaluating their own strengths and weaknesses, and working within the limits of their own capabilities. / 1,2,3,4 / Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / CITY1034: Professional Practice
Key / Transferable Skills
Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to communicate accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments. Students will also be able to demonstrate an ability to take different approaches to solving problems .In particular to:
· evaluate and draw upon the range of sources and the conceptual frameworks appropriate to research in the chosen area
· draw on research models enabled or underpinned by emergent technologies / 2,3,4 / Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / CITY1034: Professional Practice
Employment-related skills
Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to undertake further training and develop new skills within a structured and managed environment and the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility. In particular to:
· the application of subject principles in an employment context
· undertake further training, develop existing skills and acquire new competencies that will enable them to assume significant responsibilities within organisations
· qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision making. / 1,2,3,4 / Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / CITY1034: Professional Practice
CITY1016: Audio Recording Techniques
CITY1017: Creative Music Production
Practical Skills
· develop the ability to work with music technology and Audio and Music Production systems equipment
· demonstrate in their practical work the application of complex industry standard principles as informed by previous and ongoing best working practice in the industry. / 1,2,3,4 / Communication, media, film
and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark). / CITY1016: Audio Recording Techniques
CITY1014: Principles of Sound
CITY1017: Creative Music Production
CITY1013: Critical Listening
Foundation Degree Intended Learning Outcomes Map /
2.5. Intermediate Level
1 Graduate Attributes and Skills / 2 /2.6. 3
/2.7. 4
Core Programme Intended Learning Outcomes(as worded in the Programme Specification)
The FHEQ requirements are already given here in italics / Aim /
2.8. Subject Benchmark
/2.9. Related Core Modules
Knowledge/ Understandingknowledge and critical understanding of the well established principles of their area(s) of study, and the way in which those principles have developed; knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in their subject(s) and ability to evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the field of study. They will also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations based on that knowledge . In particular:
· assess concepts and hypotheses critically in the light of evidence, and to apply insights and discoveries in one area of study to another
· awareness of professional protocols / 1,2 / Communication, media, film
2.10. and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark).
/ CITY2011: Analogue Recording MethodsCITY2010: Acoustics and the Recording Environment
CITY2014: Audio and Music Production
CITY2013: Mastering
Cognitive / Intellectual SkillsStudents will be able to demonstrate an ability to apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they were first studied. In particular to:
· assimilate and synthesise complex information
· consider and evaluate their own work in a reflexive manner, with reference to academic and/or professional issues, debates and conventions. / 1,2,3,4 / Communication, media, film
2.11. and cultural studies, Music, FdQB (Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark).