G. A. Perry, DDS and Associates
Medical History
Name______Nickname ______DOB ______M/F Date______
Please circle if you have/had:
Bad Breath Head, neck or jaw pain Dry mouth
Blisters on Mouth/Lips Lip or Cheek biting Sensitivity to pressure
Burning sensation on tongue Loose teeth or broken fillings Sensitivity to hot, cold, sweets
Chew on one side of the mouth Mouth Breathing Swollen, bleeding or tender gums
Cigarette, Pipe, Cigar use Orthodontic treatment Growths/sore spots in mouth
Smokeless Tobacco use Nitrous Oxide Food collection between teeth
Periodontal treatment/disease Dental Implants Excessive bleeding
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any local or general anesthetics? Yes No
Do you have or have you ever had any of the following, please circle:
Acid Reflux Chemotherapy Hemophilia Psychiatric Problems
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Congenital Heart Defect Hepatitis Radiation Treatment
Allergies/Hives Diabetes Type I High Blood Pressure Respiratory Problems
Anemia Diabetes Type II HIV/AIDS Scarlet Fever
Angina (chest pain) Emphysema Implants Sickle Cell Disease
Anorexia/Bulimia Fainting/Seizures/Epilepsy Jaw Problems Sinus Problems
Arthritis/Rheumatism Frequent Headaches Kidney Problems Sleep Apnea
Artificial Joints Glaucoma Leukemia Stent/Shunt
Artificial Valves Heart Disease Liver Problems Thyroid Disease
Asthma Heart Attack/Stroke Lyme Disease Tuberculosis
Cancer/Tumors Heart Surgery/Pacemaker Oral/Genital Herpes Venereal Disease
Do you have any disease or condition not listed above? ______
Do you have any allergies to any medications? Please list: ______
When you walk upstairs/take a walk, do you stop due to pain in your chest or shortness of breath ? Yes No Do your ankles swell during the day? Yes No
Do you wake up from sleep short of breath? Yes No
Have you ever been treated for osteoporosis or any other bone disorder? Yes No
Are you now or have you ever taken Fosamax, Actonel or Boniva? Yes No
Are you pregnant? Yes No
Are you nursing? Yes No
Are you practicing Birth Control? Yes No
Do you anticipate becoming pregnant? Yes No
Please List any Medications being taken: ______
To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding answers are true and correct. If I ever have a change in my health or medications, I will inform the dentist or dental staff at my next appointment.
Patient Signature & Date______Doctor Signature & Date______
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number ______
Physicians Name and Number______Date of Last Exam ______
Effective September 2016