The scores below should be understood with reference to the Assessment Scales at the end of this document and in the Handbook for Teachers.
No. / Candidate Name / Content(score out of 5) / Communicative Achievement
(score out of 5) / Organisation
(score out of 5) / Language
(score out of 5) /
1. / Danil Makarenko / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3
This was an interesting answer and all the content points are covered and the reader would be fully informed. The ideas are clearly organised with a range of linking words and cohesive devices. Using paragraphs would help the reader to follow the change in topic. The style is a little informal especially at the start so it would be useful to look at how reviews generally start. There is a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic. The language control is good. Have a look at the difference between "listen and hear" and review "a/an/the" and structures for making recommendations. Good luck.
2. / Velary Ivanenko / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3
This is a good attempt at the question and fully engages the reader. The ideas flow very well using quite simple linking words and devices. The style is a little informal but it is nevertheless easy to read. It would be useful to use paragraphs to show where a new topic starts. There is a range of simple tenses and some good vocabulary. You need to proof read your work and check spelling and capitalisation. Good luck.
3. / Denys Dyu / 5 / 3 / 4 / 3
This was a very informative answer which was very nicely organised with clear paragraphing. The ideas were simply linked. It was slightly too informal at the start so it would be useful to look at the style of reviews. Also in terms of style, consider the choice of vocabulary and who the reader will be. For example, is " kids" appropriate for this. There is a range of grammatical structures. It would be useful to look at the difference between "while & during" and also to review the difference between the simple past and the present perfect.
4. / Alexandr Roshcha / 4 / 3 / 3 / 2
There is a simple range of structures used to describe the serial with a good degree of control. However, the range needs to be greater and show a wider range. There is effective use of appropriate vocabulary and collocation, It is clearly organised and is easy to read. It is always useful to read the question a few times before starting to write to check that the content answers the question. Good luck
5. / Magir Aliev / 5 / 3 / 2 / 3
This is quite a good answer and the target reader would be fully informed. The style is appropriate and there is a good opening. The areas to work on would be organisation and language. For the former, it would be useful to make a paragraph plan before writing so that each one covers a single topic. There is some use of simple linkers so this would be something to look at to see how more cohesive devices could be used. The simple past tense is used well but a review of the use of the present perfect would be a good idea. Careful to check for correct capitalisation especially with nationalities. Good luck.
6. / Kirill Nistor / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3
A good attempt at the question and the reader would be fully informed Although there is use of a range of simple linking words "and / but / also /so because", this is an area which could usefully be developed to make more complex sentences. The style is appropriate and the tone is objective. The control of language is quite good and there is a range of everyday vocabulary. Good luck.
7. / Elena Mkrtchyan / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3
This is quite a strong answer and shows promise. It is easy to read and the ideas are logically organised and it is written using an appropriate style. The target reader would be fully informed. The language control is quite good and errors do not stop the message from being conveyed. There is a range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. It would be useful to proof read the answer and also to check on the use of the present perfect. Good luck.
8. / Valeria Vasileva / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3
All the content points have been covered in this answer and the target reader would be fully informed. It is clearly organised with good use of topic sentence in each of the defined paragraphs. There is a good range of cohesive device but it would be worthwhile looking at how to make additional points without using "also" The language control is quite good and errors are non-impeding. There is a good variety of structure. It shows a lot of promise. Good luck.
9. / Nikolay Kshevin / 5 / 4 / 3 / 3
A good answer which covers all the content points to fully inform the reader. It is clearly organised giving a separate paragraph to each area. There is use of simple linking words to make the answer flow.The ideas address the reader directly "You can watch it yourself" and uses an appropriate style "I would personally recommend...". There are a number of errors with spelling so proof reading would be useful and also checking subject/verb agreement. Good luck.
10. / Anastasia scheva / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3
This is quite a good answer and covers all the required points in the question. The organisation of topics using paragraphs is clear and there is use of simply linkers. The ideas are put forward well and are easy to follow and understand. The style is generally appropriate but it would be useful to look at how to start a review. There is a very useful range of vocabulary suitable for the topic and a range of tenses including a past passive. Errors are non-impeding. Good luck.
11. / Anastasia Tolshchina / 5 / 3 / 4 / 4
A strong answer where all the points are covered fully. It is well organised with a good range of cohesive devices. Be careful not to overuse "not only .... but" There is a very good range of structure which are handled well and errors are minimal. It would be useful to look at the difference between "talk and tell". Good luck.
12. / Polina Syomina / 5 / 3 / 3 / 2
The reader would be fully informed as the answer covers the required content points. The style is neutral and appropriate for a review. It is clearly organised into topic paragraphs but it would be useful to work on linking devices to make more complex sentences. Some errors stop the message from being conveyed so it would be a good idea to do some work on the tense system and also articles "a/an/the" and to proof read once the answer is finished. Look at the difference in use between "people and person" Good luck.
Assessment Scales