FCCLA Conference Registration – page 1
April 23-25, 2004
April 4-6, 2014 ~ Virginia Beach Convention Center
(A limited number of activities and certain STAR Events will be at the DoubleTreeHotel-VirginiaBeach.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This does not contain detailed STAR Events information.
MEETING SITE The majority of activities for the conference will be at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Certain STAR Events will be at the DoubleTree Hotel, which is adjacent to the convention center.
MEETING COORDINATIONAll conference forms, except the hotel reservation form and forms related to STAR Events, are to be sent to:
Virginia Alumni & Associates Phone: (276) 386-2703
P.O. Box 1409FAX: (276) 523-7486
Gate City, VA24251
All forms neededto register for the conference are found as separate downloadson the Virginia FCCLA Web site. Housing Reservation Forms for all FCCLA designated hotels are in a separate download called “Housing Reservation Forms” and should be sent directly to the selected hotel by Feb. 15.
An e-mail version of theRegistration Form and theParticipant Profile Form, which lists the names of all conference attendees, is available on the Web site. E-mailing these formsto FCCLA staff at the address on the forms will result in faster processing of conference packets and will reduce the likelihood of mistakes on name badges. A $2 per person discount is available if these two forms are e-mailed. The Registration Form and Participant Profile form have due dates of Feb. 15 for the lowest conference rates.
Fees, Postmark Dates & On-site Hours
The registration fee includes program planning and materials, all general sessions, and workshops. It does not include STAR Events, the special “Banquet & Gala” event, or any other meals. The Registration Form and Participant Profile is required for conference attendance. An e-mail version of these two forms is available on the Web site. E-mail the forms to fora savings of $2 per person. A check payable to Virginia FCCLA must be received by March 1 to avoid higher fee assessment.
Affiliated Chapter: Early Registration (Postmarked by February 15) = $89 per person
Regular Registration (Postmarked Feb. 16 – March 20) = $103 per person
On-site Registration (After March 20, DO NOT MAIL, deliver on-site) = $125 per person
Day-Tripper Registration = $59 Friday or $59 Saturday ($72 per person after Feb. 15; $82 on-site)
Teachers and students from schools not currently affiliated (dues-paying) with the state and national organizations are encouraged to participate in the conference to learn more about FCCLA, paying a $15 per person unaffiliated surcharge. You may pay the affiliated registration fee if you affiliate with national FCCLA prior to registering for the conference. A printed copy of your affiliation form must be attached to the conference registration forms.
IMPORTANT POLICY: If checks for conference fees are sent by individuals, rather than a school check, the FCCLA chapter will be responsible for payment if the check does not clear the bank, and must pay any additional bank fees charged to process the returned check.
Advisers may pick up conference registration packets in advance on Thursday evening, April 3 from 8:00 - 10:30 p.m. outside the Box Office room at Exhibit Hall D of the Virginia BeachConvention Center. Regular and day-tripper registration will take place from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12. Day-tripper registration for Saturday will be from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
STAR Events registration must be handled separately.Refer to the State STAR Events Manual on the Virginia FCCLA Web site for information and forms.
Refund Policy
Registration fee refunds will be honored, less a per person handling fee, if the request is received in writing on the Refund Request Form (download from the SLRC page of the Web site) by March 14. Requests for refunds will not be accepted over the telephone or by e-mail unless the Refund Request Form is attached. Refunds for participants taking advantage of the $7 discount offered through the 7-Up membership campaignincentive will be reduced by that amount.
Refunds for the “Banquet & Gala” event will be honored, less a per person handling fee, if request is received in writing on the Refund Request Form by March 24.
STAR Event registration fees are not refundable.
There is no limit to the number of conference participants. We encourage chapters to bring as many delegates as possible. Advisers, members, Alumni & Associates, chaperones and guests of your local chapter are invited to attend. We strongly encourage chapters to invite school administrators and guidance counselorsto participate in the conference. Please note that all members, advisers, chaperones, and other guests of your chaptermust pay conference registration fees in order to attend general sessions and workshops.
- In support of our Race 4 Red Membership Campaign, you will receive a $5 discount for the first 5 attendees if you affiliated at least 25 members by November 1 of this school year, increased chapter membership by at least 5, and attached a copy of your affiliation with the payment. If your chapter membership increased by 10 members, the $5 conference discount applies to your first 10 registrations. If you increased by 15 or more members, the $5 registration discount applies to all conference participants from your chapter. Please note that this discount replaces discounts offered in previous years. See the Race for Red information flyer found on the Membership section of the state Web site for complete details.
- Use the e-mail version of the Registration and Participant Profile form, available on the State Leadership & Recognition Conference section of the Web site, and save $2 per person on registration fees. E-mail the forms to .
On-Site Headquarters Hotel:Rate: $132 = $151.48inclusive with all taxes; NOTE: 7-day cancellation policy 200 rooms in FCCLA block / DoubleTree Hotel Virginia Beach
1900 Pavilion Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 422-8900
FAX: (757) 422-0039
NEW to FCCLA! Off-Site Reduced Cost Hotel:
Rate: $79.99 = $91.06inclusive with all taxes &a hotbreakfast 45rooms in FCCLA block / Clarion Inn & Suites
2604 Atlantic Ave.
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 961-8190
FAX: (757) 961-8193
Oceanfront Studio Suites Hotel:
Rate: $105 = $120.70inclusive* with all taxes & continental breakfast; *3-night minimum stay 50 studio suites in FCCLA block / Barclay Towers Resort Hotel
809 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
*3-night minimum stay / Phone: (757) 491-2700
FAX: (757) 428-3790
NEW to FCCLA! Oceanfront Studio Suites Hotel:
Rate: $99 = $114.86 inclusive with all taxes & hot breakfast; 25 rooms in FCCLA block / Comfort Inn & Suites Oceanfront
2015 Atlantic Ave.
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 425-8200
FAX: (757) 425-6521
Oceanfront Hotel:
Rate: $115 = $131.10inclusive with all taxes and a full hot breakfast
40 rooms in FCCLA block / The Ramada Inn
615 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Reserve through Mary Barnes:
Phone: (757) 491-3681
FAX: (757) 437-0470
Oceanfront Hotel:
Rate: 1 person: $94 = $108.16
Rate: 2 to 4 people: $99 = $113.86
inclusive with all taxes & hot breakfast
20 rooms in FCCLA block / Holiday Inn Oceanside
2101 Atlantic Ave.
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 491-1500
FAX: (757) 491-1945
Oceanfront Studio Suites Hotel: Rate: $129 = $148.06inclusive with all taxes & hot breakfast
40studio suites in FCCLA block / SpringHill Suites
901 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 417-3982
FAX: (757) 383-6064
Oceanfront Hotel:
Rate: $129 = $148.06inclusive with all taxes & continental breakfast
20 rooms in FCCLA block / Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
1901 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / Phone: (757) 422-4885
Fax: (757) 422-4886
Housing Reservation Instructions
Use the specific “Housing Reservation Form” designated for each of the hotels. Page 2 of the form is designed for use with all hotels and is the portion of the form which provides critical information as to the type of room and the names of the occupants.
All housing forms are found in the Housing Reservation Forms file to be downloaded from the Virginia FCCLA Web site.
Voting Delegates
Each chapter* shall be allowed the following number of voting delegates:
1— 49 members= 1 voting delegate
50—99 members= 2 voting delegates
100—149 members= 3 voting delegates
150—199 members= 4 voting delegates
200—249 members =5 voting delegates
*Middle level chapters affiliating with national FCCLA’s Middle Level Option are entitled to 2 voting delegates.
Voting delegates will be required to attend the Saturday morning Business Session, sit in the reserved section, and vote on Virginia Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America business. Please indicate on theParticipant Profile Form which chapter member(s) will serve as voting delegate(s).
Voting delegates are voting representatives of their chapters. They will vote on state officer candidates and on any proposed bylaws changes. If bylaws changes are proposed, theywill be posted on the Bylaws section of the state Web site prior to the conference.Officer candidate information will be distributed to advisers in their conference packets. Since the entire chapter may not have the opportunity to review the officer candidate information, voting delegates should be selected to represent the views of the entire chapter.
General Session Hosts
Chapters are encouraged to select a member to serve as a host for general sessions and workshops. Hosts’ responsibilities include handing out meeting materials and assisting workshop presenters as needed. Hosts will be assigned to a specific session during an orientation meeting at 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. Friday, April 4, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center– meet outside Hall D. Complete the “Wanted: Hosts” form and mail or fax to the address listed on the form. The position of “host” is different from that of “STAR Attendant”.
Chapter T-Shirt Design Contest
This component of our conference gives chapters the chance to show off their creativity in promoting FCCLA through the design of a chapter T-shirt. A sample of the shirt should be brought to the FCCLA registration area outside Hall D of the convention center on Thursday evening from 8:00 – 10:30 pm or on Friday before noon. Shirts will be displayed during the FCCLA Expo. Each registered chapterwill receive a ticket to vote one time for their favorite design before the Expo closes at 5:00 pm. The chapter receiving the most votes will receive a $20 gift certificate to the FCCLA sales booth. The announcement will be made during the Business Session. Use the“T-Shirt Design Contest” form provided in the forms file download on the Virginia FCCLA Web site to let us know that you have an entry. The form is due March10.
During the conference general sessions, we will announce the Top 10 Virginia Cities in terms of numbers of friends who follow us on Facebook. Encourage your chapter members to “like” Virginia FCCLA!
If a person with a disability is attending the conference and desires any assistive devices, services, or other accommodations to participate in the activities, please contact Connie Rhoton at (276) 386-2703, by March 1, to discuss accommodations.
We warmly invite all Alumni & Associates members to participate in the conference. Activities of special interest to A&A members include:
Evaluate STAR Events on Friday. Contact Debbie Will () to indicate your interest.
Conference assistance - A&A members interested in assisting with the sales booth, registration, or other activities may volunteer by contacting: Kinsey Hall, A&A President ~ phone: (276) 219-8220; e-mail:
“Banquet & Gala” event on Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $38 per person. Please register and pay in advance using the conference registration form.
Special activities for advisers will be scheduled throughout the weekend. Advisers are encouraged to check with local administration for approval to earn recertification points for participation in this conference. You will qualify for up to ten points, professional conference option. Your conference program will be sufficient for documentation of participation. A flyer outlining professional development activities for advisers is found on page 13 for use in providing information to CTE administrators.
On Saturday evening, conference participants may choose to attend a themed banquet session, followed by agala featuring dancing, activities, and refreshments. The cost of the banquet/gala package is $38 per person. Those wishing to participate in the banquet/gala should register for this event on the Conference Registration Form.
Dress for the banquet and gala is formal or semi-formal. No jeans are allowed. Advisers are expected to enforce this policy. Refer to the VA FCCLA Dress Codefor details, including appropriate guidelines for evening gowns and dresses. A short slide show on appropriate banquet and gala attire is on the Virginia FCCLA Web site (state conference page). Seating for the banquet/gala will be assigned as advisers pick up the conference packets on site.
Chapters are encouraged to make contributions to the Virginia FCCLA Leadership Foundation, which has been established to provide support and sponsorship for FCCLA leadership activities in our state. Individuals or chapters with associated giving of $100 or more, and postmarking the contribution by March 1, will receive a ribbon for their conference name badge. The three chaptersmaking the largest donations will have reserved seating at the Opening General Session – provided a minimum of $125 is given. Of these three chapters, the one with the largest donation will parade into the session as it opens.
There are no meals included in the registration fee. The Saturday evening banquet/gala event is optional and is described above. The Doubletree Virginia Beach has a Max & Erma’s restaurant. The Virginia BeachConvention Center has a sandwich shop and may offer special menu items for our participants. There are several fast food and other types of restaurants near the convention center.
IN ORDER TO RECEIVE RECOGNITION AT THE CONFERENCE (certificates, plaques, trophies, and program ribbons for the name badge) – CONFERENCE REGISTRATION MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MARCH 5. Ribbons and other awards will be ordered by that date and supplies will not be available for chapters registering after the order date. Early registration fees apply to all registrations postmarked before February 16.
All state conferencerecognition is based on the following procedures:
STEP 1: The specific award applications for all FCCLA programs (Career Connection, Families First, FACTS, Financial Fitness,Leadership Service in Action, STOP the Violence, Student Body, and Power of One*) - NOT just the short Summary Report, must becompleted and submitted onlineto national FCCLA via their Web site () by March 1.
STEP 2: A photo from the project, in digital format, must be e-mailed or postmarked to Connie Rhoton by March 5. Chapters not sending a digital photo will not be listed on the conference screen.(NOTE: National FCCLA will send a list of chapters submitting each award to Connie so you no longer have to send a copy of the project summary.)
NOTE: The award checklist for Outstanding Chaptermust be mailed to the state president, postmarked by March 5.
NOTE: The chapter’s initial conference registration must be postmarked by March 5 so that ribbons and awards can be ordered. NOTE:Early registration fees apply to all registrations postmarked before February 16.
*Power of One completer form is sent to Connie Rhoton, due postmarked by March 1; the form is available on the Virginia FCCLA Web site in the Programs section.
All award information is found on the Virginia FCCLA Web site under the Virginia FCCLA Program Areas drop-down box. Please note: Any award application which is submitted to national FCCLA must also have a digital photo e-mailed or mailed to Connie Rhoton in order to receive any recognition at the state level.
Membership recognition information is found on the Web site under “Membership – Membership Recognition.” Chapters must meet the Feb. 15 affiliation postmark deadline and be in attendance at the conference to qualify for membership recognition – including the new Race 4 Redmembership promotional awards.
Participants in STAR Events (including both state and national events) will compete Friday, April 4. Participation in STAR Events requires advance registration, completed online by Feb. 15. Advisers’ on-site STAR Events packet pick-up will take place from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. on Thursday evening and on Friday morning from 7:15-8:00 a.m. Advisers must register online for STAR Events (this is separate from conference registration) on time for participants to be eligible to compete. Information about STAR Events is available on the STAR Events page of the Virginia FCCLA Web site or by contacting Debbie Will at (804) 364-2529; .
We encourage members not entered in STAR events to participate in one of the following:
Serve as a Student STAR Events Evaluator. A download of the evaluator application is on the STAR Events section of the Web site – see Volunteer Forms. Please refer to the Virginia STAR Events Manual, located on the Virginia FCCLA Web site in the “An Introduction” STAR Events download file, for the student STAR Events evaluator criteria and additional copy of the application.