FBLA: Defy Gravity…anywhere, any time!
Testing Dates: January 7 – February 7, 2009
All registration materials for district testing are due in the Zephyrhills office by December 15. A $25 late fee will be imposed if registration materials are received within 5 calendar days after the deadline. Items received after that date will be returned.
Florida FBLA-PBL
Attn: Jody Jones
Florida FBLA continues to help its members “defy gravity”. The next opportunity to do this will be the 2009 district competitive events. We are pleased to announce that the district objective tests will be taken online at individual sites within your district. Currently, Florida has a testing window of January 7 through February 7. As soon as you inform Jody of your district’s testing date(s), we will give you a one week window for your district on-line testing (your performance and skills dates do not have to be in that same week period). If you are planning to test after February 7, we need to know immediately.
Students participating in the skills events (Accounting II, Computer Applications, Desktop Publishing, Database, Spreadsheet, Word Processing I and II)must take the objective portion online. The production portion will continue to be mailed hard copy as in the past.
Please use the following information to ensure that your testing sites are in order. If all efforts to set up the technology in the school have been exhausted, alternative and independent testing labs may be used as long as all other guidelines are followed and labs are established prior to the testing dates.
Operating System. Ensure that your school’s site-testing center meets the system requirements. The testing program will work on Pentium II 450 or higher (or equivalent). Choose the fastest machines available with the best Internet connection. Begin verifying this requirement now.
Browser. The testing program is best viewed using Internet Explorer 5.0+. The program will work at 800 X 600 or higher resolution, but is best viewed at 1024 X 768 resolution. Remind the proctor to set the resolutions before logging into the testing program. Click on Start; click on Settings; click on Control Panel; click on Display; click on Settings; go to Screen Area and change to 1024 X 768.
Pilot Test Link. To ensure that the process of testing works properly at each site, advisers should test the system. Everyone is strongly encouraged to do so now. This is just a practice test that is similar to what the actual test will look like and to let you know if your equipment is satisfactory to use for the test. Practice navigating through the web site so that you become familiar with the format. Encourage your advisers, proctors, and students to take the practice test as well. To enter the pilot test:
- Go to
- Click on “Participant Login”
- NOTE: On the left of that screen, you will see a “Participant Guide”. If you click on that, it will walk you through general instructions, navigation options, program menu, etc. You and your students may review this guide at any time.
- If you wish to take a sample assessment, you may log in.
- Organization name is: fl fbla
- First Name is: sample
- Last Name is: sample
- Password is: sample
- Click “LOG IN”
- On the next screen, click “CONTINUE”
- Under “Traditional Exam”, click “BEGIN” next to “FBLA Sample Assessment”
- You are now ready to take the ten question sample test. It will not score it; this is just for advisers and students to get comfortable with the process.
Proctor(s). One or more proctors are required for your online testing. Proctors must be technology literate and employees of the school system. The individual(s) may be an administrator, guidance counselor, media/technology specialist or a teacher other than a business teacher. Districts may choose to send an FBLA adviser from one school to proctor at another school; however, under no circumstances should an FBLA adviser be a proctor during the online testing at his or her own school.
It is extremely important that there are enough proctors to circulate throughout the testing site to monitor that students are staying on the testing site. Students are not to write down any questions from the test. Any scratch paper that the student uses during the test must be collected prior to exiting the room.
Students may not have any cell phones or other electronic devices with them during the testing.
Request for Special Services. If you submit a Request for Special Services form, please be advised that a TIEP or 504 Plan must be in place on this student. Chapter advisers must verify that the accommodations are in line with the current TIEP or 504 Plan. Please review the special services for each student and inform the proctor(s) that they may not advise student(s) regarding correct or incorrect answers. If additional testing time is requested for a student, TIEP documentation must be submitted with the Request for Special Service form.
Registration Process. The registration forms are attached. Each district may decide how to collect the information from their individual chapters; however, the Excel spreadsheet must be submitted to the state office with all information provided in order for students to be registered for testing.
Testing Period. Currently, the state testing window is from January 7 to February 7, 2009 from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. each day. Each district will be given a week’s window within that time period. If your district is planning to test after that window, you need to let Jody know immediately. Also, please let her know if one week is not enough time for your district plans.
Team members must take their test at the same time. Students will only be allowed one log on. They must take the test during an uninterrupted hour. Technical issues that cannot be resolved must be reported immediately to the state staff by calling 813-310-2121.
Districts may test students at different times during their one week window; however, all students in a particular event at a certain school must test at the same time! For example: all students at Belscher High School who are taking Accounting I must test during the same hour.
Troubleshooting. If a computer freezes up or shuts down suddenly while a student is testing, the proctor should instruct the student to immediately restart the computer and re-enter the test using his or her original log on information. The student’s test will resume without loss of time. If testing issues cannot be resolved, hold the student(s) and call the state office immediately.
- Guidelines for all events will follow the state event guidelines that are found on the Florida FBLA-PBL state web site ( Read carefully all guidelines before entering an event. If you have questions concerning an event, call the Florida FBLA-PBL office, 813-310-2121. Entry materials are located in this packet.
- For the district skill events in ACCOUNTING II, COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, DATABASE, DESKTOP PUBLISHING, SPREADSHEET, WORD PROCESSING I, AND WORD PROCESSING II: the objective portion will be taken with all other objective tests for your students. A hard copy of the production portion will be sent to your district and arrangements will be made by the district director for that portion of the event. The same is true for the Accounting II event. Remember the Middle Level skill events do not have an objective test.
- All registration materials for district testing are due in the state office by December 15. The spreadsheet is to be submitted electronically. A $25 late fee will be imposed if materials are received within 5 calendar days after the deadline. Items received after that date will be returned.
- Districts should collect all monies for district tests when they collect the registration form from each school. Districts will not be invoiced by the until testing has occurred. Districts will be charged for each objective test actually taken. Once invoiced, districts will be required to make payment to TFI within 20 days. PLEASE NOTE: Districts will only be invoiced $3 per on-line test taken; however, as previously discussed, most districts are charging every competitor $3 to offset other costs for competition (i.e., trophies, refreshments, etc.). Many school districts require a purchase order prior to testing—please make sure the purchase order is to Technology Fluency Institute.
- The state adviser will set up administrative accounts for each district director. In addition, a county level supervisor may also be designated as a district level administrator. If your district wishes to name a county level supervisor to also have administrative privileges for online testing, email Jody immediately ().
- Attached is an Excel spreadsheet that chapters are to use for registration for online district testing.
- District directors may provide some other method of registration for their chapters; however, all information for your district must be compiled into one copy of the Excel spreadsheetprior to sending the information to the state office. Please be sure that your final spreadsheet does not contain any commas!
- We have included more than enough lines for each event. Most schools will not need this many lines. Please inform your chapters that they must follow the district guidelines on how many students may participate in each event. All blank records should be deleted before submitting.
- District directors must merge all school forms into one spreadsheet prior to sending to the state office by December 15, 2008.
- Each chapter must provide evidence that the dues have been paid for each student they are registering. This may be done by including the StudentNumber from the membership roster on the national site (
We cannot print any tests until we have all orders. Remember that some of our districts want to begin testing as early as January 7.
All of the latest competitive events guidelines are on the website ( Please stress to your local advisers to review all guidelines. Many events have had changes made to them. It is very important that the advisers review these new guidelines as there will not be any exceptions made at this year’s State Leadership Conference.
There are several events on the order form that we do not send anything for those events.
If you need the topics for any of the events, you may get them from the September Adviser Briefings. If you no longer have your copy, topics are available on the web site:
To protect you, we do not ship tests to the district director or to a chapter adviser. You may have them shipped to an administrator, supervisor, guidance counselor, etc. Please be sure to notify that individual to be expecting the tests. Also, we cannot ship to a post office box—we need a street address.
If you have any questions regarding district testing, please call Jody at 813-310-2121. Thank you for all your help, cooperation, and support!
2008 –2009 FLORIDA FBLA
CELL PHONE ______FAX ______
SHIP TO:______
(May NOT be the District Director or a Chapter Adviser--please give complete street address—NO POST OFFICE BOXES.)
This form must be received electronically by December 15, 2008.
In addition, be sure to complete Excel spreadsheet.
Florida FBLA-PBL
Examinee’s Information
Last Name: ______First Name:______
School Information
School Name: ______District______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ____ Zip Code: ______
School Contact Information
Name of School Administrator: ______Title: ______
Daytime Phone Number: ______Fax: ______
E-mail: ______
Special Accommodations
Please provide (check all that apply)
______Special seating or other physical accommodations
______Large text/Magnified screen (if available) for examination
______Extended testing time (normally 1.5 additional hours)
______Separate testing area
______Other special accommodations (please specify below)
“I certify that the above requested accommodations are according to an active TIEP or 504 plan.”
Signed: ______Date: ______
School Administrator