
Chapter 14 Forests

“The Woods” – from Water: A Natural History

“High & Dry” – from Natural History

“Goodwood” – from Audubon

“The Paper Chase” – Audubon


1. You should be familiar with the general structure and function of a plant, and be able to relate the reactants and products of photosynthesis to specific plant structures.

2. You should be familiar with the general structure of a temperate deciduous forest, as well as how temperature, humidity, and light intensity vary daily and seasonally through the layers of a forest.

3. You should be familiar with the processes by which water is transported through a plant from root to leaf, as well as the names of major plant parts involved in the transport of water.

4. You should be familiar with factors that effect the transpiration rate in plants, as well as how transpiration sets limits on the growth of a plant.

5. You should be familiar with the two manners of growth in woody plants, and have more specific knowledge of the lateral growth in association with annual growth rings.

6. You should be familiar with the four general shapes of leaf as well as the four major categories of leaf margins.

7. You should be familiar with the point-quarter method for taking measurements on forest trees, as well as the calculations used to determine tree density, dominance (basal area), and frequency.

8. You should be familiar with Native American and European views and uses of the forest.

9. You should be familiar with the relationships between automotive combustion, tree growth, and the carbon cycle, and be able to complete general calculations and make general conclusions about your life in relation to this cycle.

10. You should be familiar with recent forestry practices that promote the sustainable management and use of forests.



shrub layerground layertreessaplings

old-growth forestsecondary growth foresttemperaturehumidity

light intensityrootstrunkleaves

water absorptionwater transportroot hairsepidermis

cortexendodermiscasparian stripvascular cylinder

xylemphloemactive transportosmosis

capillaritycohesionadhesiontranspiration pull

stomataplant heightcylinderLeonardo’s Rule

woody plantsplant growthprimary growthlengthening

apical meristemsecondary growthlateral growthwidth

vascular cambiumcorkheartwoodsapwood

early woodlate woodannual growth rings leaf shape

simplecompoundpalmate compoundpinnate compound

bipinnate compoundmarginentireserrate


national park systemtree densitytree dominance basal area

tree frequencypoint-quarter methodphotosynthesis carbon dioxide


carbohydratesC6H12O6cellulosecarbon cycle

respirationcombustionfossil fuelsgreenhouse gas

greenhouse effectglobal warmingwood certificationsustainable forestry

tree harvestingpaper productionrecyclinglignin

select cutclear cutlumberagriculture
