FATHER’S DAY June 18, 2017 Teague Bible Church

To be a good earthly father you must be in intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father.

It was never intended for you to start from scratch in this most important endeavor.

It was never intended for you to attempt such a task in your own power.

A man’s ability to be a good father lies essentially in his attitude toward himself.

If this father never felt accepted by his own earthly father, and has never dealt with that issue through knowing the Heavenly Father, then all he will do is unconsciously continue a pattern of wounding his family like he was wounded.

It becomes too complicated to deal with alone. Stoic pride won’t overcome this.

It takes real knowledge, real power from God, not of yourself.

It will take a cooperation with the Heavenly Father.

Hebrews 12:5-11

“for our good”

Therefore discipline is;not to release frustration;

or simply to make the moment better for social reasons.

to share His holiness

God is open to us, not closed or self –centered

Romans 8:14-16

This is the acceptance you are looking for,, this will break the pattern of the past!


EPH. 6:4 (Col. 3:18-21 Parallel passage)

It is right for parents to demand obedience. Discipline is essential in the home, but not unnecessary rules and regulations and endless petty corrections which make children discouraged. Your emotional reaction must fit the situation. If the emotions stay too high it becomes counterproductive.

“bring them up” - Literally to “nurture them up,” that is to, “develop with pain and care.”

“of the Lord”

Deferring to the One you will have to release your children to anyway.

Not your rules; but His.

Keep it before them that you are a temporary steward.

Your kids are not there to fulfill some insecurity you have! (Possessive love)

COL. 3: 18-21 Wives/ Children **************************

v. 19 “not be embittered”- present tense = “keep on choosing not to be embittered”

against your wife.

Control your emotions, and do not bring up the past in the heat of the moment. Just deal with the issue before you at that moment. If you keep bringing up the past did you really forgive them before? You can discuss the patterns they may be following, but let them know the past is forgiven.Terms like “you never!”/ “you always!”/ will make them feel hopeless. You don’t want your wife and kids to feel hopeless do you?

Ex. Contrast : Condemnation of Satan-Rev 12:10,

vs. Conviction of the Holy Spirit toward a believer is always hopeful and

Hestresses your new identity in Christ. Romans 8:1

Did you know God is not embittered against you?

Did you know He is not exasperatedwith you? Learn from The Father!

All your sacrifice you have done towards your kids becomes nullified by the poor way you treat your wife.

Your son will treat his wife the way you treat your wife, and it will break your heart when you see it!

Your daughter will assume this is the treatment she deserves and no more. You will be puzzled that she would be willing to take such abuse from someone she dates, and then someone she marries.

v. 21

“exasperate” (gk.- eretho) to excite in a negative way; a habit of nagging

“lose heart” present tense - “continues to realize, I can never measure up”

Father to son:

EX. Orange County Chopper show : Son built a bike to remember 343 fireman who died on 9/11

Situation: Dad was unapproachable, would never admit wrong, treated 35 year old son as if he had no self-motivation so dad mercilessly pounded on him 24-7!

Anger, intimidation, name –calling, competing with, and jealous of his son.

Dad thought his anger would motivate the son. So he used anger all the time.

Ex. If two aspirin helps pain,a whole bottle will cure you, right? No it kills you!

The sonwas a great artist,but he will never feel he measures up!


  1. Get to know the heavenly Father.

When your children see you have a Father you want to please,

it makes you more approachable.

  1. Talk to olderkids about how you feel the influence of your own earthly father and mother has affected you.

Bring out the good and bad, but be careful not to conclude that you are helpless to change the negative, because the Heavenly Father will help and give all of us the power to be the family we were intended to be.

3. Talk much about their future and the kind of people they want to become.

Make sure “success” means becoming more like Christ,

not looking good in the eyes of the world.