Parade Application

Parade Theme:

Tracks to the Future

Parade Start: 9:00 A.M. July 4, 2009

Name:___________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________



City:______________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:_______________

Title of Entry:_________________________________________________________________________

Description—Information about the Entry for use by Parade Announcer:

Number of Vehicles:__________________________# of Horses_______________&/or______________

Total Length of Entry: _________________________Do You wish to be Judged for an Award? Yes/ No

Does Your Entry Make Noise? Yes / No (No Air Horns Allowed! ----They Scare Horses)

Please Select the Appropriate Box or Boxes / Categories for Trophies:

[ ] Motorized [ ] Float (Towed trailer) [ ] Marching [ ] Mounted [ ] Musical [ ] Animal Drawn [ ] Miscellaneous

Staging Area – Ocotillo Plaza, North of Benson Hospital – Before 8:00 A.M. July 4, 2009

Please submit your $5.00 Entry Fee with this application.

Please submit your Entry by June 26th, 2009.

Any Entry received after June 26th, 2009, WILL be placed at the end of the Parade.

Parade WILL start at 9:00 A.M., July 4th, 2009. Please be in the Staging Area at Ocotillo Plaza just North of Benson Hospital before 8:00 A.M. You will pick up your Parade position at that time.

No sheets of paper OR coupons of ANY type will be released from any moving vehicle or animal during the Parade. (These items do not travel far and attract children into the street, often into the paths of other vehicles and animals.)*

*Walk-Alongs may hand out material at the sides of the street.

Be mindful of potential hazards involved in throwing any objects toward the sides of the streets. Be sure they clear the line of parade, but are NOT hurled into crowd.

Please do not spray water toward the crowd on the sides of the streets.

_______________________________________________________ Date__________________________

[Signature of Applicant]*

Entries Will Be Judged on Appearance, Originality and To Theme

Please Return your Parade Application to one of the following locations:

Benson City Hall Benson Visitors Center or Mail to: Benson Mayor’s Committee

120 W 6th St. 249 E 4th St. P.O. Box 167

Benson, Az. 85602 Benson, Az. 85602 Benson, Az. 85602

For Additional Information, Please Call:

Bob Nilson Benson Visitor Center

(520) 586-4293

Please make Checks payable to: Benson Mayor’s Committee for the 4th of July

(Committee use only)

Parade Number________ Payment Amount__________ Payment Date____________

*Signature – Acknowledges Above Items Were Read and Accepted

Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement


Benson July 4th Celebration 2009

I. The undersigned, on behalf of himself/herself and his/her spouse, children, agents, partners, servants, assigns, heirs, business entities, and each of them (collectively, “Releasors”), and for good and valuable consideration, including the opportunity to participate in the Benson 4th of July Celebration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Releasors hereby release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, indemnify, defend and covenant not to sue, the City of Benson, its officers, agents, servants, employees, committees, commissions [including the Benson Arts Commission and the Benson/San Pedro Valley Chamber of Commerce], successors or assigns (collectively, “Releasees”) from, for and against, any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, property damage, or personal injury, including death, that may be sustained by the undersigned, any of the undersigned’s customers, invitees, suppliers, or employees, or any of their property, whether caused by the active negligence of the Releasees, or otherwise, arising out of, connected with or while participating in the Benson 4th of July Celebration, or while in, or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted.

II. This Agreement is meant to be read broadly, and is meant to include any damage or injury that occurs on property owned, leased, operated or otherwise controlled by Releasees.

III. Releasors have been advised of the potential risks and hereby elect to voluntarily participate in said activity without or without securing independent insurance coverage, including event insurance, with full knowledge that said activity(ies) could be hazardous to Releasors and/or their property. Releasors voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risks of loss, property damage or personal injury and/or injuries, including but not limited to, injuries to clientele including death, that may be sustained by Releasors or by anyone within the area/structure of the City of Benson, including, but not limited to, the 4th of July Parade route, and Lions Park and/or any loss or damage of property owned by Releasors, as a result of being engaged in such activity(ies), whether caused by the active negligence of Releasees or otherwise.

IV. Releasors further hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Releasees from any loss, liability, damage or costs, including court costs and attorney fees, that they may incur due to the Releasors’ participation in said activity, whether caused by the active negligence of Releasees or otherwise. Releasors further agree that no payment must be made by Releasees in order to trigger the duty under this clause, and that the duty of Releasees includes the duty to defend Releasees in the event of any third-party lawsuit.

V. Releasors are aware that they should review their personal insurance portfolio(s), and that they further understand that such insurance may be triggered in the event of any harm arising out of their participation in this activity. This Agreement to indemnify and hold Releases harmless is made notwithstanding the existence or adequacy of Releasors’ applicable insurance coverage.

VI. It is the undersigned’s express intent that this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement shall bind the members of the undersigned’s family and spouse, if undersigned is alive, and the undersigned’s heirs, successors, assigns and personal representative, if undersigned is deceased, and shall be deemed as a release, waiver, discharge and covenant not to sue and hold harmless of the above-named Releasees. Releasors hereby further agree that this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona. Releasees specifically consent to jurisdiction in Arizona Courts and agree that venue is proper only in Arizona, County of Cochise.

VII. If any part of this Agreement is deemed to be unenforceable, that clause will be severed from the Agreement, but the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

VIII. This is a contract that both parties have had a full opportunity to review and amend. Therefore, it is expressly agreed between the parties that the terms of this contract are to be read in a neutral manner, and no clause shall be interpreted against Releasees as drafter.

IX. In signing this Agreement, the undersigned acknowledges and represents that he/she has read the foregoing Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement, understands it and signs it voluntarily as his/her own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written Agreement, have been made; undersigned is at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent, and has full authority to enter into this Agreement. The undersigned executes this Release for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by the same.

Signed on this _____ day of _________________, ________.


_____________________________ _____________________________

Printed Name Signature

Revised April 16, 2009