Hours / Days available to work: please fill this in if you are applying for part time / shift work.
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun- Personal Details
Title: / Address:
Email address:
Home Tel no: / Postcode:
Mobile Tel no: / National Insurance No:
- Status
To comply with the Immigration & Asylum Act 1997, we are required to make certain checks to assess your eligibility to take lawful employment with Fat Face. Please answer the following question:
Are you a British or EU National? YES / NO
If NO, you will be required to supply two original specified documents, which together will confirm you have permission to enter or remain in the UK and take the employment your application refers to. You will need to bring these to interview.
- Source of Application
How did you hear about the vacancy? Tick as appropriate.
Fatface website / Store Windows / Recruitment Agency / Talent Spotting / Other websiteCurrent Fat Face employee (give name) / OTHER (give details)
Please attach your CV if you prefer.
- Qualifications
Date / Establishment / Subject / Grades
Please give brief details of the course attended
- Employment History
Please give details of your most recent experience/position held first.
Date / Job Title / Name of Company / Reasons for Leaving / SalaryPlease give brief details of your key responsibilities with the role
- Additional Skills
Do you speak any additional languages? YES/ NO
If YES, please give details including levels of fluency______
Do you hold a current Driving Licence YES/ NO Do you hold a Fork Lift Licence YES/ NO
- Additional Questions
Customer Driven
Please give an example of where you think you have delivered excellent customer service?
Team Skills
How would you motivate and encourage a member of your team?
Planning & Organisation
How do you ensure you meet your tasks/goals for the day?
Fat Face
Which of our stores have you visited and what were the three most positive things that you noticed?
Developing Yourself
What are you looking for in your career from Fat Face?
Please complete this section even if CV is supplied
- You
What are your salary expectations? ______What is your notice period? (if applicable) ______
Please give details of any major illness, or condition, that you have suffered from in the last 5 years.
How many days sickness/absence have you had in the last year? ______
Have you previously worked for Fat Face? YES/NO
If yes please give detail of position, location and dates. ______
- Other
Are you facing criminal prosecution? YES/NO
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence that is not regarded as spent
under The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act?YES/NO
If YES, to either of the above questions please give details- Data Protection
By providing the information contained with this application form, you are consenting to its use by the Company for the purposes of processing your application, any subsequent employment and matters relating to that employment.
- Declaration
I declare that the information contained in this form is true and complete. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, that this may result in dismissal from the company
If you are unable to complete and sign the application form yourself, your representative should sign this declaration on your behalf.
The Resourcing Crew, Fat Face Ltd, The Fat Face Estate, Unit 1-3, The Ridgway Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1QJ. Tel: 023 9244 1141(select option 1) Fax: 0870 7877 385
Tear off section
Equal Opportunities
FAT FACE LTD has a commitment that no job applicant or crew member will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of ethnic origins, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability, gender, marital status, age, colour, race or social class. To assist us, please answer the questions below.
This information is used for monitoring purposes only.
I would describe my ethnic origin as follows (tick selection or write in space):
British ____ Irish ____ Other ______
White Black African ___ Other ______
White & Black Caribbean ___ White and Asian ___
Caribbean ___ African ____ Other ______
Indian ___ Pakistani ___
Bangladeshi ___ Other ______
Other Ethnic Group ______
Do you consider you have a disability?
Yes ______No ______
If yes, please give details of the effects of the disability and any assistance you would need.
Age(please circle relevant range)
15 or Under 16 – 25 26 – 35 36– 45 46 - 65 66+
If you are unable to complete the application form in
this format, please contact the Resourcing Crew
on 023 92 441141 (select option 1)