Fast quantitative detection of cocaine in beverages using nano extractive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
Bin Hu a, Xuejiao Penga, Shuiping Yanga, Haiwei Gua, Huanwen Chen*a, Yanfu Huanb,Tingting Zhangc, Xiaolin Qiao*c
a College of Chemistry, Biology and Material Science, East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou 34400 P. R. China; b College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, 130023 P. R. China; c College of Information Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264000 P. R. China
Supporting Information
Tandem mass spectral data
Red Bull® energy drink
The functional ingredients in Red bull® are: water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrates, carbon dioxide, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, caramel and riboflavin.
Figure S1 Mass spectra collected from Red Bull® energy drink using nanoEESI mass spectrometry.
(a)NanoEESI mass spectrum of Red Bull® sample spiked with cocaine (1 ppt), the inset shows the zoomed view of the signal of VB12, showing sodiated VB12 at m/z 1378.
(b) MS/MS spectrum of protonated lysine. Thefragment ions at m/z129, 130, 119, and 84 could arise from the loss ofH2O, NH3, CO, [NH3, HCOOH]from the precursor ions.
(c) MS/MS spectrum of protonated caffeine, the major fragment ions at m/z 138, 110 were generated by the loss of CH3N=C=O, [CH3N=C=O, CO], respectively.
(d) Protonated vitamin B6 molecules (m/z 170) generated product ions of m/z 152 and m/z 134 by the loss of H2O, successively. In the MS3 spectrum of m/z 152 (inset of Figure S1 d), the precursor ions (m/z 170) yielded the major fragments of m/z 124, 134 by the loss of H2O, CO, respectively.
(e) MS/MS spectrum of protonated taurine. The major fragment ions at m/z 108, 109 were created by the loss of H2O, NH3, respectively.
(f) MS/MS spectrum of protonated inositol. The major fragment ions atm/z163, 180, 181 were produced by the loss of [H2O, NH3],H2O, NH3. respectively.
(g) MS/MS spectrum of the protonated nicotinamide. The major fragment ion atm/z106, 95, 81, 80, 67 were derived from the precursor ions by the loss of NH3, CO,[CO, •HCH•], O=C=NH, [CO, 2•HCH•]. respectively.
(h) MS/MS of the sodiated vitamin B12 [M+Na]+. The major fragments at m/z 1016 represents to [M+ H-basesugar-PO3]+, the ions of m/z 931 corresponds to [M+ H-base-sugar-PO3-CN-Co]+, which is in agreement with the previous results[1].
Figure S2 Mass spectra collected from Coca-Cola® and Pepsi® drink samples using nanoEESI mass spectrometry.
(a) NanoEESI mass spectrum of Coca-Cola® sample spiked with cocaine (1 ppt).
(b) Mass spectrum of Pepsi® sample spiked with cocaine (1 ppt). Note that these spectra(Figure S2 a, b) are similarly with the same major compounds such as sodiated H3PO4 [H3PO4+Na]+ at m/z 121, [H3PO4+H2O+Na]+ at m/z 139, sodiated Fructose [Fru-H2O+Na]+ at m/z185, [Fru+Na]+ at m/z203 [2Fru-H2O+Na]+ at m/z 365, [2Fru-2H2O+Na]+ at m/z 347, and [2Fru-3H2O+Na]+ at m/z 329, respectively. The ammonium adducts was clearly obseved at m/z 198, 180, 162, 144 for [Fru+NH4]+, [Fru+NH4 –H2O]+, [Fru+NH4–2H2O]+, and [Fru+NH4–3H2O]+, respectively. These observations are in good agreement with the previous results [2, 3]. However, many small peaks detected in these two spectra were not identified, probably due to other ingredients in the samples.
(c) MS/MS spectrum of the sodiated Fructose[2Fru-H2O+Na]+ (m/z 365). The major fragments of m/z 185, 203 correspondto[Fru-H2O+Na]+, [Fru+Na]+; the other fragment ions atm/z305,329,347 were generated by the loss of [CH2CO+H2O],H2O, 2H2O, respectively.
(d) MS/MS spectrum of the sodiated Fructose[Fru-H2O+Na]+ (m/z 185). The fragment ions atm/z 167, 125 were bereaved by the loss of H2O, [CH2CO+H2O], respectively.The ions atm/z 145 maybe correspondto[Fru-2H2O+H]+.
(e) MS/MS spectrum of the sodiated Glu[Fru+Na]+. The fragment ions atm/z 185, 143, 113 were produced by the loss of H2O, [CH2CO+H2O], [CH2CO+H2O+CH2O], respectively.
(f) MS/MS spectrum of the ammonium adducts [Glu+NH4–2H2O]+. The fragment ions atm/z 163, 145, 127, 85 were detected due to the loss of NH3, [NH3+H2O], [NH3+2H2O+CH2CO], respectively.
(g)MS/MS spectrum of the sodiated phosphoric acid. The fragment ions atm/z 121 were created by the loss of H2O. In the MS3 spectrum (inset of Figure S 2g), the precursor ions yielded the major fragments of m/z 105, 93 probably by the loss of •O, and H2O, respectively.
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