ESIU-symposium in Oslo 15.Dec. 2017
Fast facts in urogenital infections and prostate cancer
The first GPIU symposium in Norway
Chairs: Florian Wagenlehner and Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen
ESIU: European Section of Infections in Urology EAU: European Association of Urology GPIU: Global Prevalence study of Infections in Urology
11:00-11:05 / OPENINGBjørn Gulvog, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Norway
The Norwegian Directorate of Health
Time slots / Speaker / Affiliation / Title
11:05-11:20 / DominiqueMonnet / ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden / Multidrug-resistant bacteria in returning international travellers: implications for prophylaxis and treatment of infections in urology
11:20-11:35 / TommasoCai / Trento, Italy / Infective complications and recommended prophylaxis in prostate biopsies - a global perspective based on GPIU data.
11:35-11:50 / Zafer Tandogdu / Newcastle, UK and Oslo, Norway / Urosepsis, the most feared infective complication. What is it really? Interim data from the GPIU-Serpens study
11:50-12:05 / Knut Kvernebo / Oslo, Norway / Can we foresee the development of septic shock by measurement of skin microcirculation?
12:05-12.20 / Vladimir Mouraviev / Florida, US / Can we improve prophylaxis and treatment of UTI by means of urine microbiome analysis?
12:20-12.35 / Riccardo Bartoletti / Pisa,
Italy / MRI and prostate biopsy. Can a smartfinger with microchip replace it all?
12:35-12-50 / Vitaly Smelov / Lyon, France / Is prostate cancer an infectious disease? New insight based on microbiome studies
12:50-13:30 / LUNCH
13:30-13:45 / Bjørn Wullt / Lund, Sweden / The immune response in UTI
13:45-14:00 / Reino Heikkilä / Oslo, Norway / Immune check point inhibitors and how it translates to treatment of prostate cancer
14:00-14:15 / Tamara Perpeanova / Moscow, Russia / Antimicrobial resistance and the role of bacteriophage treatment in Russia
14:15-14:30 / Oleg Apolikhin / Moscow, Russia / P4 medicine a new paradigm in the prevention of UTI
(predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory)
14:30-14.45 / Ekaterina Kulchavenja / Novosibirsk, Russia / Occurrence, resistance and treatment of urogenital TB in Russia.
14:45-15:00 / Bela Koves / Budapest, Hungary / Evidence based management of catheter-associated urinary tract infections
15:00-15.15 / Zafer Tandogdu / Newcastle, UK and Oslo, Norway / Can we foresee antimicrobial resistance by means of mathematical modelling?
15:15-15:25 / Kurt Naber / Munich,Germany / Revival of old antibiotics to cope with antimicrobial resistance
15:25-15:35 / Florian Wagenlehner / Giessen, Germany / Novel antibiotics in the treatment of urinary tract infections
15:35-15:40 / CLOSE
Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen
Oslo, Norway
15:40-15:55 / Erlendur Helgason / Oslo, Norway / Where and how to apply for research funding from EU
Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen Florian Wagenlehner
Professor, overlege Professor, avdelingsleder
Urologisk avdeling Avdeling for urologi, barneurologi og andrologi
Oslo Universitetssykehus Universitetssykehuset i Giessen, Tyskland
Co-chair ESIU/EAU Chair ESIU/EAU