A1 / Does the holding have utilised agricultural area?
To the holdings with ARIB lands informative text is displayed instead:
As at 01.07.2016, there is … ha utilised agricultural area in ARIB. Utilised agricultural area includes also maintained permanent grassland, for which subsidies are received. The areas registered in ARIB can be updated in parts B and C below.
1 Yes
2 No
Utilised agricultural area of the holding does not include land which is rented out; it means that land is reported by the holding which actually uses it.
A2 / Displayed to holdings with no cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and beehives registered in ARIB
Does your holding have livestock, poultry or beehives?
1 Yes If A1=1 →B1 otherwise E1
2 No → If A1=2 → Contact data → END
To the holdings with ARIB-registered cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and beehives informative text is displayed:
As at 01.07.2016, you have … cattle, ... sheep, … goats, … pigs and … beehives registered in ARIB. The number of cattle, sheep and goats is obtained from ARIB also as at 1 September and is linked to the survey data. The number of other animals and lambs and kids not registered in ARIB can be specified in part F below.
A3 / Displayed if there are lands and/or animals registered in ARIB
Confirmation of ARIB data
1 Yes – there are lands and/or animals registered in ARIB (possibility to update in the questionnaire)
2 No – ARIB data is not correct, i.e. there are actually no lands or animals (explanation required) → END


B1 / Displayed if according to ARIB data the utilised agricultural area is >0
The questionnaire is prefilled with the data of crops reported by the holding to ARIB in 2016 (data from 1 July).
The data should be corrected in the questionnaire, if cereals, pulses or industrial crops have also been used for green animal feeds (should be indicated as green fodder) or grass plants for green manure (should be indicated as green fallow), etc. If you didn’t specify between spring and winter crops when submitting data to ARIB, they have been prefilled in the questionnaire on the line for spring crops. If the size of the utilised agricultural area is corrected, its division by ownership type should be specified. If as a result of corrections the sum of utilised agricultural area also changes, an explanation should be provided.
Not displayed to legal persons.
There is a question later about the existence of a kitchen garden not registered in ARIB, where garden products are grown for one’s own family, and this does not require ARIB data to be corrected.
Is there a need to correct data on land use?
1 Yes
2 No → C1
Permanent grassland not used for fodder but only maintained in good condition should be included into utilised agricultural area, if it is eligible for subsidies. Otherwise this land is included in unutilised agricultural area.
Autumn sowings for 2017 yield are not taken into account.
B2_40 / Please correct the areas of crops if necessary.
Please provide all data in hectares.
Areas are prefilled with data from ARIB.
Winter wheat |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Spring wheat |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Rye |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Winter barley |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Spring barley |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Oats |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Buckwheat |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Triticale |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Mixed grains |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Peas |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Field beans |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other pulses |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Potatoes |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Winter rape and turnip rape |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Spring rape and turnip rape |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Linseeds |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Hemp |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other industrial crops |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Vegetables |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Strawberries |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Flowers and ornamental plants (for sale) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Fodder roots and fodder kale |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other leguminous plants (80% and more) on temporary grassland |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other temporary grassland |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Maize for green fodder |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Cereals and pulses for green fodder |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other fodder plants |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Seeds of vegetables, fodder roots and grass plants for sale |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Black fallow |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Green fallow |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Permanent grassland |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Nurseries |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Fruit tree plantations |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Berry plantations |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other permanent crops |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Utilised agricultural area in total |__|__|__|__|__|__| (autosum)
Agricultural area in the ownership |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Agricultural area leased for rent by holder |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other tenure of agricultural area (incl. land used free of charge) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
If several crops are grown on the same area, the main crop should be reported.
Utilised agricultural area is a sum of the crop areas and it can be changed only by correcting the areas of crops. The utilised agricultural area has to be equal to its division by type of ownership.
The data for seed production are prefilled based on the seed production database of the Agricultural Board.


C1 / Displayed if, B2_20 >0
Based on the previous data, the total area of vegetables is (prefilled area) hectares.
How many hectares of the area under vegetables are taken up by vegetables grown under glass, i.e. greenhouse vegetables?
For vegetables grown under glass, only vegetables grown in greenhouses are shown; vegetables grown under a low cover are considered outdoor crops.
Crops under glass are crops which for their whole growth period or the predominant part of it grow in greenhouses which are covered with glass, flexible or rigid plastic.
C2 / Displayed if 0<B2_20+B2_21>C1
Based on the previous data, the total area of outdoor vegetables or strawberries is (B2_20+B2_21) hectares.
What is the share of vegetables and strawberries grown on the open field?
C3 / Displayed if B2_22>0
Based on the previous data, the total area of flowers and ornamental plants for sale is … ha.
How many hectares of the area under flowers and ornamental plants are taken up by flowers and ornamental plants grown under glass, i.e. greenhouse plants?
For flowers and ornamental plants grown under glass, only flowers and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses are shown; flowers and ornamental plants grown under a low cover are considered outdoor crops.
Crops under glass are crops which for their whole growth period or the predominant part of it grow in greenhouses which are covered with glass, flexible or rigid plastic.
C4 / Displayed, if B2_32>0
Based on the previous data, the area of permanent grassland is (prefilled area) hectares.
What is the share of permanent grassland temporarily not used for production purposes, but eligible for area payments?
The area temporarily not used for production purposes is area not used for the production of green fodder or hay or for grazing, but maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions and eligible for area payments.
C5 / Not displayed to legal persons
Does the holding have besides the aforementioned utilised agricultural land also a kitchen garden not registered in ARIB, where garden products are grown for one’s own family?
1 Yes
2 No→C7
Kitchen garden is usually land near a residential building, where products are grown for own family consumption (products are sold only in case of occasional surplus).
C6 / Not displayed to legal persons
What is the size of the kitchen garden (the area is not included in the previous data)? Do not consider decorative garden.
C7 / What is the size of the area where the aforementioned agricultural crops are grown for the sole purpose of producing biofuel or other renewable energy?


D1 / D1 - D14 displayed if utilised agricultural area >0
The following questions refer to irrigation of the agricultural area.
On how many hectares is it possible for you to irrigate the utilised agricultural land (incl. area under glass and kitchen garden)? Consider the maximum area that is irrigable in the survey year with the equipment and water normally available in the holding.
D2 / On how many hectares did you irrigate the utilised agricultural area at least once in the previous 12 months?
The area irrigated at least once in the previous 12 months cannot be larger than the possible irrigable area.
D3_3 / Displayed if D2>0
Which irrigation methods do you use? You can choose several. Do you use …
surface irrigation (directing water by gravitation along the soil surface, e.g. via furrows between plant rows. This includes watering by hand.)
sprinkler irrigation (irrigation of plants by sprinkling water to the soil surface at high pressure)
drip irrigation (irrigation of plants by directing water in droplets to plant roots, using micro-sprays or devices producing fog-like conditions).
D4_5 / Displayed if D2>0
Which water do you mainly use for irrigation?
1 Groundwater from the territory of the holding (well water, spring water and other groundwater)
2 Surface water from the territory of the holding (small natural or artificial ponds, etc., which are in their entirety located on the territory of the holding or which are used by only one holding)
3 Water from lakes and/or rivers outside the territory of the holding (lakes, rivers and other waterbodies, excl. those built for the purpose of irrigation)
4 Water from the water supply network
5 Other water
D5 / Displayed as outdoor arable land (a sum of the previous land use data)>0
The following questions refer to the soil cover of outdoor arable land in winter. The questions are only about arable land, i.e. do not include permanent grassland, permanent crops, kitchen garden or crops under glass. Based on the previous data, your area of outdoor arable land is SUM(B2_1; B2_31 )- C1 – C3) ha.
How many hectares of this outdoor arable land where covered with winter crops last winter? (Prefilled with the total area of aforementioned winter crops: winter wheat, winter barley, rye, triticale, winter rape and turnip rape)
D6 / Was covered with ploughed-in cover crops (green fallow)? (prefilled )
D7 / Was covered with plant residues? (Plant residues include stubble, straw, etc., excl. potato stalks.) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
D8 / Was bare?
D9 / Was covered with multiannual grass plants?
D10 / Displayed as outdoor arable land (a sum from the previous land use data)>0
The following questions refer to tillage methods of outdoor arable land. The questions only refer to the area of outdoor arable land that has been tilled in the current year, i.e. the area was not covered with multiannual grass plants. Based on the previous data, your area of outdoor arable land is SUM(B2_1; B2_31 )- C1– C3) ha.
Did you apply zero tillage or conservation tillage on that area?
1 Yes
2 No → D13
D11 / What is the size of the area where you applied zero tillage? Zero tillage is a tillage method where the soil is not tilled between harvesting and sowing |__|__|__|__|__|__|
D12 / What is the size of the area where you applied conservation tillage? Conservation tillage is a tillage method, where to avoid erosion the soil is only partially tilled between harvesting and sowing, and at least a third of the plant residues are left on the soil |__|__|__|__|__|__|?
D13 / The following question refers to crop rotation.
What is the share of arable land in crop rotation? Crop rotation is the planned rotation of crops on a certain field every consecutive year, so that one species would not grow on the same field without interruption. Land is considered in crop rotation if crops have been rotated at least once in three years. Short-term grassland and area of crops under glass, also areas where vegetables and strawberries are rotated with only vegetables, strawberries, flowers and ornamental plants are always considered as fully in crop rotation. Crop rotation can also be used for different cereals.
1 0%
2 Less than 25%
3 From 25% to less than 50%
4 From 50% to less than 75%
5 At least 75%


E4 / The following questions refer to land tenure other than utilised agricultural area. If possible, wooded area and other land areas are prefilled with data of the Land Cadastre of the Land Board. If necessary, the data can be corrected. What is the area of the following land types in hectares?
Please provide in hectares the size of:
unutilised agricultural area |__|__|__|__|__|__|
wooded area |__|__|__|__|__|__|
of which wooded area under short (up to 20 years) rotation coppices |__|__|__|__|__|__|
other land |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Unutilized agricultural area is area, which is not used in the reference year for the production of agricultural products. The area which is maintained by mowing but not eligible for area payments is included. Fallow lands in crop rotation are excluded.
Rotation period is the time between the first sowing/planting of trees and the harvest of the final product, where harvesting does not include thinning. The species which are included are, for example, alder, poplar and Salix.
Other land includes areas under buildings, decorative gardens, roads, quarries and inland waters, infertile land (marshland, heaths). If the holding has buildings (residential building, stables), then the holding also has other land.
The total land tenure which includes utilised agricultural area is (B2_37+ E1+ E2+ E4) hectares.


Displayed, if A32=1

F1 / The following questions refer to livestock. Please note the numbers of animals as at 1 September 2016.
If according to ARIB data there is cattle, then F1, otherwise F2
Based on ARIB data, on 1 July you had (prefilled number) cattle. The numbers displayed in the questionnaire do not need to be updated with 1 September data (the numbers are updated based on ARIB data and are linked with survey data).
Is there a need to correct the number of cattle registered in ARIB?
1 Yes → F3
2 No → F11
F2 / Does the holding have any cattle?
1 Yes
2 No → F11
F9 / Please provide corrections
Data of cattle by age groups are prefilled on the basis of ARIB data.
Bovine animals under one year old |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Male bovine animals at least one but less than two years old |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Female bovine animals at least one but less than two years old |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Dairy cows at least two years old (include dairy cows with milk production, in-calf cows and heifers which have already calved) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other cows at least two years old (include fattened cows, nurse cows and fat stock cows) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Male bovine animals two years old and over |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Heifers, two years old and over (include female bovine animals which have not yet calved) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
The total number of cattle on the basis of ARIB data was (prefilled number). ….
The actual number of cattle is ….
The total number of cattle is the sum of cattle of different age groups and it can be changed only by correcting the number of cattle by age groups.
F10 / If according to ARIB data there are 0 bovine animals and F3 to F9>0
In whose name are the ARIB-registered bovine animals whose data was added in the questionnaire? Asking for the ID and name of the animal owner.
F11 / If according to ARIB data there is sheep or goats, then F11, otherwise F12a
According to ARIB data, as of July 1 there are registered in your name
….. sheep and ….. goats. The numbers displayed in the questionnaire do not need to be updated with 1 September data (the numbers are updated based on ARIB data and are linked with survey data). There is a separate question about lambs not registered in ARIB, and in order to record them, it is not necessary to update the number of animals registered in ARIB.
Do you wish to provide more details about the sheep and goats registered in ARIB?
1 Yes → F12b
2 No → F17
F12a / Does the holding have any sheep or goats?
1 Yes
2 No → F17
F15 / What is the number of sheep and goats by age group?
Breeding female sheep (lambed and not yet lambed) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other sheep |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Total number of sheep SUM(F12b+F13)
Breeding female goats |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other goats |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Total number of goats SUM (F14+F15)
F18 / Displayed if F11= 2
How many lambs not registered in ARIB does the holding have? |__|__|__|__|__|__|
How many kids not registered in ARIB does the holding have? |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Total number of sheep based on ARIB data (LAMBADX)
Total number of sheep is SUM(F12b+F13+F17))
Total number of goats based on ARIB data (KITSEDX)
Total number of goats is SUM (F14+F15+F18)
F19 / If according to ARIB data there are 0 sheep and goats, and F12b to F15>0
In whose name are the sheep and goats in ARIB whose data were recorded in the questionnaire? Asking for the ID and name of the animal owner.
F32 / If the data about other livestock were available from ARIB (on 1 July 2016), they have been prefilled in the questionnaire. Data have to be corrected if:
- the number of livestock is actually larger or smaller than is registered by you in ARIB,
- number of animals has changed for 1 September.
The number of horses has been prefilled with the number of horses that subsidy was received for, and if necessary, this number should also be corrected.
What is the number of other livestock, poultry and beehives?
Equidaes (include riding and racehorses and horses used only for the holder’s own family leisure purposes) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Piglets (with live weight under 20 kg) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Breeding sows (with live weight at least 50 kg, regardless of whether they have farrowed or not) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other pigs (young pigs with live weight 20–<49 kg, fattening pigs, cull boars and cull sows) |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Total number of pigs (F21+F22+F23)
Beehives |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Broilers |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Laying hens and breeding cocks (for the production of hatching eggs and eggs for consumption, incl. pullets, who do not yet lay eggs)
Turkeys |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Ducks |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Geese |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Ostriches |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Other poultry |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Total number of poultry |__|__|__|__|__|__| (F25+F26+F27+F28+F29+F30+F31)
Female rabbits |__|__|__|__|__|__|


G1 / Displayed only to natural persons
Does the household consume more than a half of the holding’s agricultural final production (based on value)? (Household comprises the holder’s family, the members of which live together, share a part or all of their income and resources, and consume together certain goods and services, mainly housing and food. Final consumption in the sense of this characteristic is agricultural products suitable for consumption in the household (cereals and pulses, potatoes, vegetables, oil seed crops, medicinal and culinary plants, fruits and berries, livestock, poultry and honey). 50% should not be considered as an exact estimate, but rather as a range.)
1 Yes
2 No
G2 / Does the direct sale of agricultural products to final consumers constitute more than a half of the total sales of the holding? (Direct sale to final consumers means the sale of the holding’s processed or unprocessed production directly to consumers for immediate consumption. 50% should not be considered as an exact estimate, but rather as a range. Final consumer usually means a natural person, i.e. restaurants and other similar businesses are not taken into account.)
1 Yes
2 No