Second Grade Day One-Bad Dog Dodger

RLA 120 minute block Date:

Activating Strategy: Morning Warm-Up-How can we be responsible family members? T.E. 208L
Phonics: (includes Spelling)LEQ: What sounds are produced by the letter combinations (kn, wr, gn, and mb)?
Introduce concept T.E. 208n-use as a guide
Ashlock method- model and practice blending words with kn, wr, gn, and mb. -Assessment Prompts will be students demonstrating their understanding of the blending techniques
Practice workbook p.73 for assessment
Spelling-Practice 89
Summarizing: Think-Pair-Share-Students will use their numbered heads partners to discuss what they know about the sounds produced by kn, wr, gn, and mb. Use the Monitor Progress section to check for understanding.
LEQ: How does the author use content vocabulary to help you understand the story?
Vocabulary: Amazing Words-behavior-cooperate-obedient- oral discussion
Sing With Me Big Book T.E. 208m-Obedience School-Track 7
Introduce words and definitions-practice-grabbed-chewing-chased-treat-wagged-dripping-bleachers-spectators-dugout- Waltke’s Week- Bad Dog Dodger -Vocabulary and Amazing Words-Powerpoint Week 3-Unit 5
Comprehension: (Whole group)
LEQ: What evidence can you cite to prove the author’s purpose?
Build Background-Graphic Organizer 15-How can we be responsible family members?- T. E.208m- oral discussion
Listening Comprehension-Trouble at the Table- TE page 208-209 read orally-Practice book page 74
Preview-picture walk-student pages 212-225-discussion
Choral reading-Bad Dog Dodger -students will read chorally with the teacher to demonstrate appropriate intonation, volume, and expression
AP-Why do you think Dodger keeps getting in trouble?
Summarizing: Think-Pair- Share- Dodger is the best dog. Is this a fact or opinion?
Fluency: Sing With Me Big Book- -Obedience School-T. E.208m
Choral reading-Bad Dog Dodger
Differentiated Small Group Instruction:
Leveled Reader: Penpals
decodable reader 23
Poem: My Dog
Reader’s Theater: Bad Dog Dodger / Strategic:
Leveled Reader: - Sally and the Wild Puppy
Poem: Lone Dog
Reader’s Theater: Dog Breath / Benchmark:
Leveled Reader: Hubert and Frankie
Poem: A Boy and a Dog
Reader’s Theater: Doris, A Dog’s Life
Waltke’s Web-Powerpoint-I and Me Unit 5 Week 1 by Andrea Dyer
Duplicate grammar transparency 23 to use with distributed guided practice(DGP) for Pronouns (I and me)
Summarizing: Numbered Heads- Students will determine the correct pronoun in each sentence that the teacher writes on the board.
Process Writing (30-45 minutes):
Graphic Organizer : Teacher will model the graphic organizer and students will complete their own-
Handwriting =model and assign