SCAAE Fall Meeting

Sept. 10th, 2014

Farm Bureau Building, Cayce SC


Attendees: Nate Bellamy, Keith Cox, Tim Kweon, Billy Keels, Waylon Priester, Mindy Sandifer, Jillian Lash, Jason Gore, Marie Bolt, Henderson Rowe, Derrick Cooper, Blake Berry, Kristen Rinehardt, and Sims Asbill

Meeting called to order at 4:34

Invocation was given by Nate Bellamy

Minutes Approved and Treasurer’s Report -

Mindy presented the minutes which were approved as written.

Mindy presented the budget for 2014-2015 and the treasurer’s report with a detailed expense report. The report was approved as presented. Current balance is $9,921

Officer Responsibilities -

Officer Responsibilities were presented. Jillian asked about her situation moving out of town and how to replace her position as President Elect. Discussion proceeded on the lack of any guidelines in the bylaws for this situation. Derrick stated that Ohio had bylaws stating that an exec. Board could replace a president elect. Mindy nominated Nate Bellamy as President Elect. Marie seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Jason Gore will move up into Pee Dee VP position and the Peedee region will elect a new assoc. VP at their fall region meeting.

State Report -

Billy provided the state report. He introduced TK as the new staff member and stated that they are still seeking funding to fill the position that was once held by Chris Corzine. Dr. George Askew has been named interim dean and Dr. Whitwell has been named the school director (replacing Dr. Layton). Our new division chair is Dr. Pat Zongoli and may become our department chair. Billy will be meeting with her tomorrow to give her an idea of how AG ED is set up. AGED faculty have been hired temporarily to help get the school through the changing of personnel. Freddie Waltz, an Ag mechanics based teacher, was hired and a man from Iowa was also hired part-time. These positions are being advertised to be filled full-time.

Billy reported that camp is going to receive $250,000 for the roofs and most of the buildings at camp will get a new roof. Kathy Coleman assisted with this process.

William Nelson has resigned as camp director and began teaching at a middle school in S.C. We are now searching for a new camp director.

Keith began discussion of upcoming region meetings. The agenda for the meetings was presented for discussion. Mt. Olive University will be on hand to present at the COW. They will most likely make a donation to the host chapter. They have heard that Brevard University may be about to begin AG ED.

Keith apologized for anyone who lost their rooms through the housing block. The FSU vs. Louisville will play in KY on Thursday night and that is causing problems with housing and most likely with traffic. Plus, we have more chapters and students attending convention than in the past.

State FFA officers are ready to visit classrooms, but Keith requested that you give them until they finish the COW’s before requesting a visit.

SCAAE Conference Planning –

Derrick stated that he and Billy have already contacted Clemson regarding our summer conference for 2015. They were able to confirm the dates for the week of July 23, 2015. Madren Center will be our host hotel.

Mindy made the motion to have the 2015 Summer Conference at Clemson University. Marie seconded. Motion carried.

Ideas for the conference were discussed. Billy stated that the general session seems to be a waste of time and wanted to see how we can have the session to provide more necessary information. Billy asked the group if we agreed. Billy suggested allowing the sponsors to speak during a luncheon or other locations. The group was in agreement.

Mindy suggested using Pendleton High School for workshops and a luncheon. Blake stated that his food service staff is awesome! They will use all certified grown products as well if asked.

Marie made the motion to examine using Pendleton High School as the host for our summer conference workshop and luncheons. Motion was seconded and approved. Blake will seek approval.

Mindy requested that we provide a survey of this past year’s conference to all teachers during the upcoming teacher’s meetings. She will create the survey and email to all VP’s.

Mindy will send an email for technical school personnel to get them more involved in SCAAE activities.

SCAAE Activities:

Derrick stated that we need to set a deadline for the application process of the scholarship. Nate stated that the application was a rough draft and needs to be narrowed down. He asked if the scholarship will be used for a freshman in college or a senior going into student teaching. The senior going into student teaching would be more invested and likely to continue in our profession.

Discussion continued about the requirements of this scholarship. Disagreement as to who should be eligible continued. Mindy asked that the topic be tabled and continued at the Jan. meeting. The item will be discussed at the region meetings. Nate suggested appointing a scholarship committee. The scholarship committee will be made up of the region VP’s or assoc. VP’s if needed. Nate stated that we agreed to use half of what we made on the silent auction so this year’s amount would be $500. Henderson brought up waiting until January to present the actual money after presenting the award during our summer conferences. The funds will be more likely to be used as intended if held until time for the student to begin their student teaching.

Discussion of nominations for SCAAE awards began. Mindy stated that we believes we should return to the old way of submitting one nomination for each region. Jason stated that he would like to see state staff approve completion of the applications as a professional development credit on the year-end report. Further discussion led to the option for someone who is not nominated at the region meetings to still have the opportunity to apply. If the non-nominated member applies and is chosen as the state winner, the nominee from the region meeting is not recognized as the region winner. Mindy stated that VP’s should warn nominees not to advertise that they are the “region winner” until it is actually presented at the Summer Conference and is for sure.

The deadline for the applications will be Feb. 1st. The motion was made by Blake to have each region nominate a candidate for every award area with the option for others to apply as well. Mindy seconded. Blake stated that every VP makes sure that everyone is eligible to apply. Motion passed.

Plant Presentation Day is April 8th, 2015. Mindy will put together some community service activities to be presented at the Jan. meeting.

Legislative Policy Seminar was discussed briefly and left alone.

Teach Ag bracelets will be given to all teachers during the upcoming region meetings to present to their students that they feel will make great Ag teachers.

No further business.

Meeting adjourned at 6:31pm.

Respectively submitted by Mindy Sandifer