The Muhlenberg County Farm Bureau will award two college scholarships for the current school year. A $1000.00 scholarship will be awarded to two students from MuhlenbergCountyHigh School. Payment will be made directly to the college or technical school.
To be eligible these guidelines will be enforced:
Finish high school within the year they apply for the scholarship
Must be a graduate of MuhlenbergCountyHigh School
Must have been a Farm Bureau member or a member of a Farm Bureau family in MuhlenbergCounty for one year prior to applying for the scholarship, and is a current member.
Scholarship form must be completed fully; failure to do so will result in the application being disqualified.
Recipient must enter college in the fall semester following graduation.
Recipient must enroll as a full time student, by the fall semester of 2017, in any accredited college, but must pursue a four year course of study.
The funds will be sent to the school of choice.
Applications must be postmarked by April 27, 2017 or hand delivered by that date to the Muhlenberg County office on 200 Dean Rd. in Greenville. Late entries will not be judged.
The scholarship committee will answer any questions concerning the scholarship. The decision of the committee is final.
All applications become the property of the Muhlenberg County Farm Bureau and will not be returned.
Please print or type all information on this application.
(First) (Middle) (Last)
(Street) (City) (Zip)
Phone______Mobile Phone______SSN______
Email Address______
Date of Birth______Age______Sex______
Farm Bureau Membership (Name)______
Parent’s Name or Guardian______
College you plan to attend______
High School______Counselor______
Class Rank______Class Size______GPA ( Based on 4.0 )______
ACT score______SAT score______
Financial Need Assessment:
In the following space, please provide an estimate of how much money may be available to you for the 2017-2018 school year.
Scholarship #1______$______
Scholarship #2______$______
Scholarship #3______$______
Father’s Employer:______
Mother’s Employer:______
Family’s net taxable income last year$______
Number of Dependent Children including yourself:______Ages______
Number of children attending college______
You must include:
A transcript of your high school grades including the second semester senior schedule.
One page resume highlighting awards, achievement, community service and extra curricular activities.
Two letters of recommendation on citizenship and leadership qualities. One letter should be from a school official and one from a non-relative.
An essay in 200 words or less on “Why I Am Pursuing a College Education”.
A current photograph.
Applicant’s Signature______Date______