Fargo Diocese Cursillo

Secretariat Minutes

Feb. 2, 2014

Present; Fr. Cote, Deacon Jim Eggl, Gary and Sandi Horsager, Norm and Joy Olson, Ben Seitz, Jim Haman, and guest Judy Haman.

Fr. Cote led us in prayer with the Leaders Prayer. Then we all shared close moments to Christ.

One correction to minutes. Jim Haman stated that he has Ultreyas with Karlsrue, not grouping. Motion to correct the minutes from last meeting by Jim Haman, 2nd by Joy. All approve.

Joy read treasurers report. Sandi motioned to accept, 2nd by Ben. All approve.

Beginning Balance $15634.63

Total Expense $ 5842.73

Total Income $ 5673.56

Ending Balance $15465.46

Discussion on returning checks to candidates that have signed up and have paid for the weekend then had to cancel. Secretariat agreed to return the money. Motion to approve returning the money to the candidates by Ben 2nd by Sandi. All approve. Also on the subject of who to write the check to. It was stated that the checks should be made out to the Fargo Diocese-Cursillo Movement, not to the Fargo Diocese. Some checks are being sent to the Fargo Diocese. It was said it is so few that it should not matter. No further discussion.

CDC adjustments by Fr. Cote; Adjustments to be made in 2014;

Bible Enthronement and Dethronement will be eliminated.

Chapel visits will be made only in a chapel where the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus) is present.

Blessing over speaker or rollista will be eliminated.

Changing of clothes into suit, tie, and special dress will be eliminated.

Adjustments to be made in 2015 and 2016;

Place more emphasis on the Postcursillo and less on the 3-day weekend

Improve communications between Cursillistas, Secretariat, and School of Leaders.

Spiritual Advisors to support Lay People, not take over leadership role.

Secretariat to keep striving for good communication with Belcourt. Our goal; unity among all.

Secretariat and School of Leaders will keep striving to give equal priority to all sections of the movement; Precursillo, Cursillo, Post Cursillo.

Rectors and Rectora’s will communicate with Spiritual Advisor of Secretariat before asking a Priest, Deacon, or vowed religious to be on the weekend.

The six elements in School of Leaders have been implemented for the most part.

The Secretariat has two Schools of Leaders up and running (Fargo and Valley City). Hoping for more.

We are gradually curtailing the Prayer Backup on site and successfully working to establish Prayer Backup on the home front.

Submitted by Fr. Cote to alleviate discussion on the agenda topic. CDC Adjustments to work on. None of the above points are final.

Discussion on Hosting of Regional Encounter and Jim Wells correspondence. See attachments.

Report on Laptop and Printer that was donated by Ben Seitz. Worked well for Valley City Men’s weekend.

School of Leaders is going well with membership growing. Ben has a video to share with Valley City with Deacon Jim Eggl as speaker.

Norm reported on weekend held in Valley City. Said the adjustments made worked well. The Rollista went before the Blessed Sacrament then returned to their table before their rollo’s.

Rectora and Rector should meet with the Cursillo section before picking their team.

Need to develop a plan so all weekends are run the same.

Jennine Seitz volunteered to help update the back table binders.

Ben reported turnout for prayer backup and palanca signup was amazing.

It was questioned why the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament has to be included in the closing on Sunday as it adds time to the end of the day when maybe some that have a distance to drive want to get on the road home. It was explained that it is in the Pilgrims Guide and it should have been included all this time but was not. It is part of the 4th day to accept his call before the Blessed Sacrament to be His Apostles.

The weekends for 2015 are set; Maryvale Men Jan 29 – Feb 1 Maryvale Women Feb 12 - 15

Hankinson Men March 5 – 8 Hankinson Women March 19 – 22

Belcourt and Harvey yet to be decided

The next meeting set for May 4 in Carrington at 1:30

Motion to adjourn made by Joy 2nd by Sandi. All approve. Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted Norm Olson – Secretary 5/18/2014

Attachment 1

Fargo Diocese Cursillo Movement

School of Leaders Report

February 2, 2014

1. School of Leaders

a. Currently there are 34 Members in the School of Leaders – 2 new members since the last Secretariat Meeting

b. There were two monthly meetings of the SCOL in January; one in Fargo and one in Valley City. Approximately 20 members of the SCOL attended one or the other meeting.

c. Monthly SCOL meetings have been scheduled beginning in January through July 2014.

d. Will work with Father Cote to find Clergy to provide the Doctrinal Talks for the 2014 meetings. Using Drop Box.to move videos out to satellite locations

2. Good News Dispatch Newsletter

a. Monthly Newsletters continue to be produced and posted to the website.

b. 337 Cursillistas currently receive the monthly mailings and 6 by US Mail. Of those over approximately 40% open the email but only 18% click on the link to read the newsletter.

3. Website

a. Numerous updates to the website

i. Posted a Revised POC Listing

ii. Posted all Secretariat Minutes

iii. Instituted a “Virtual Prayer Back-up” system that allowed Cursillistas to register for prayer hours online for each weekend in 2014. Excellent response from Prayer Warriors.

Attachment 2

Spring Regional Encounter

Planning Meeting: January 30, 2014 7:45 PM

Attendance: Rev. Duaine Cote and Ben Seitz


1. Cost is $70 per person whether they stay one night, two nights, or can only attend on Saturday. Cost is higher so folks are encouraged to pay extra if possible.

2. Expect approximately 60 people (30 English and 30 Hispanic)

3. All meals will be provided by the Sisters – Fargo Diocese will not be providing anyone to prepare meals

4. We will track all our expenses and provide receipts if we wish to be reimbursed

5. Fargo Diocese will provide snacks and drinks (water and soda) but the donations for such will go to the Region

6. Fargo Diocese will provide staff for registration on Friday at 5:30 PM and Saturday at 6:30 AM (Two People for each shift)

7. Fargo Diocese will provide musicians for masses and Fiesta

8. Fargo Diocese will provide clean-up and set-up

9. Ben Seitz will be the Fargo Diocese POC & Host Facilitator (701) 540-8248


1. Are you working out the planning for rooms directly with Sister Susanne or do we need to be involved with that? One joint room and then two breakout rooms?

2. The Sisters are providing all of the meals—does that include the food for the Fiesta on Saturday night? Or should we plan to bring food for that?

3. Please send a copy of the agenda and Schedule so that these can be printed and included in the folders


1. Notify the Bishop and invite him for Friday night

2. Invite 2 priests to assist with Reconciliation on Friday night


1. Prepare Folders for each participant (estimate 60 for now) to include paper, pens, agenda

2. Nametags – not pre printed

3. A listing of all those who pre-registered with room for those who did not. (The registration list will come from the Region POC)


1. Coordinate Musicians

2. Advertise through newsletter and emails

3. Act as Primary POC for Fargo Diocese