
A farewell letter is any letter that bids goodbye to a person you’ve known well for a long time, or even to say goodbye to a work colleague or a senior. Farewell letters typically express sadness about the person’s departure. They also wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Farewell letters express a twinge of sadness while also praising the person’s prior work [if the letter is in an official context] or reminiscing about the past happenings that the writer and the receiver might have shared [if the context is informal].

Farewell letters, depending on the context, are either lengthy or short. If the letter is written in an official capacity, the length of the letter is short. And if the letter is written in an unofficial context, the length of the letter is long.

Farewell letterTips

Some tips to write a good farewell letter:

  • It’s assumed that the person is slightly sad while leaving the place/organization/job. Therefore farewell letters are always cheer the person up by telling him that he will be missed and by wishing him all the best for whatever future plans he might have.
  • Farewell letters can be emotional if the writer and the receiver know each other quite well.
  • Farewell letters always reminisce a little bit about the person’s past life. They may also employ humor to make the person feel better and to improve his spirits.
  • Farewell letters that are officially written, for example by the representative of a company, cannot employ humor in too obvious a capacity. Official farewell letters have to be polite, concise, and to-the-point.

Sample Farewell letter











I cannot believe that it’s time already for you to shift once again. It only seems yesterday that you walked into the classroom as a transfer student from Ahmednagar. And now you’re moving again—to Pune. You have to know that you’ll be sorely missed.

We had lots of good times together. It was great fun partying with you. You were a genuine person, an authentic friend and a caring human being. And your family was one of the best I’ve ever known! I’m going to miss your mom and dad almost as much I will miss you!

Do you remember the time we traveled together to London on that exchange program? Those were some of the best days of my life. I traveled abroad again several times after that, but somehow the fun was slightly altered or missing. Just goes to show that you can illegally drink beer with only one person and have a jolly good time doing it! I feel a bit sad that we’re adults now.

Do tell your parents that I asked how they are. I hope your Dad’s blood pressure is under control. Take care of your mom as you travel—she tends to feel lonely a lot! Tell her I’ll miss reading her poems! I’ll miss you all a lot. I’ll always be there in case you need me. Feel free to write to me or call me anytime you want. Take care.


____ [your name]

Farewell letterTemplate










Dear______[Name of receiver]

It saddens me greatly to know that you won’t be staying here anymore. We have had some good times in the past and it’s a great shame to see you go.

I hope your new job/home/life will do you good. Give ______my love and regards. Have a great life ahead! Feel free to call me anytime you need help.

Take care,


_____ [Your name]


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