The Club shall be called the FARANANI ATHLETICS CLUB (F.A.C) (hereinafter referred to as THE CLUB) and shall be governed in terms of this Constitution and regulations as laid down in this document.
The club’s postal address is: PO BOX 28118, Sunnyside, 0132
The Club shall be affiliated to Athletics Gauteng North as a full member.
The official colours of the club shall be Royal Blue and White. The logo of the club shall be used on all official club communication and branded material.
The objectives of the Club shall be:
4.1To operate as a non-profit organisation.
4.2To promote, encourage and support athletics development within Gauteng, Limpopo and South Africa.
The mission of the club is to build a competitive running club that promotes friendship, a spirit of sportsmanship and adequate physical fitness.
The Financial Year of the Club shall be from 01 January to 31 December of each year.
Registration is open to all anyone, both male and female, of all ages. Individuals desiring to be members of the Club, must register with the Club at any point throughout the year, but preferable between January and February. On registration the potential member must fill out a compulsory registration form.
7.2Registration fee
The annual registration fee for the club shall be determined on a yearly basis by the Club’s executive committee. An additional amount to register the athlete to Athletics South Africa (ASA) will be levied on the registration fee.
7.3Running gear
Upon registration, all members must purchase the official club running vest. Runners are humbly requested to wear the official club kit during any official race, so as to advertise the club.
8.1 At the Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings, voting for newcommittee shall be as follows:
8.1.1All members are entitled to one (1) vote at all meetings.
8.2All members are entitled to their respective votes provided they have fulfilled the following conditions:
i)All outstanding dues owing to the Club be paid before voting commences
8.3 Conditions applicable to all Classes of Membership for voting at meetings:
8.3.1No proxy voting
8.3.2(50% + 1) of all members entitled to vote shall form a quorum.
8.4The President/Chairperson of the Club shall have only a casting vote at all meetings.
A body known as the Club Committee, which shall consist of the following members, shall govern the Club:
9.1.1The Club Executive Committee shall consist of:
The Club Committee and Executive Committee will hold office for one (1) year and will have full power to fill any vacancy which may arise until the next AGM or deal with any matters as set out in Paragraph 9.2. Wherever possible, no Office Bearer may hold more than one portfolio position on the Committee.
9.2 The Executive Committee shall inter alia have power to:
9.2.1 Do such things consistent with the proper conduct of the affairs of the Club including all day-to-day operational decisions and ad-hoc emergency actions except such as are expressly required by this Constitution to be done with the sanction of Council.
9.2.2 Frame new or alter any existing bye-laws provided such new or amended bye-
laws/regulations are not at variance with this Constitution.
9.2.3 To purchase and/or acquire, to sell, rent or otherwise deal with expandable and
capital in the name of the Club
9.2.4 Co-opt additional members to serve on the Committee in any capacity
deemed necessary without voting rights or affecting the Committee’s quorum
10.1The Committee will meet as and when necessary. Threemembers personally presentwill form a quorum. Any Committee member, after missing three (3) meetings in acalendar year, without a valid reason, shall automatically forfeit their position on the Committee with immediate effect.
10.2A notice of the AGM must be sent out to all registered members in writing at lease fourteen (14) days before the meeting
10.3The actions of members present at all meetings shall be binding on theClub.
10.4The Committee may co-opt or invite for such a period as it may deem fit any person or persons who can be of some assistance to the AGM. Such persons may take part in the discussions, but shall have no voting rights.
The Chairperson of the Club who shall ipso facto be Chairperson of all meetings of the Club and who shall only have a casting vote in the case of equality at all meetings. He/she shall also represent the Club as a delegate to the Sports Council meetings and those convened by the provincial federation.The Chairperson shall fulfill the role of a link between Athletics Gauteng North.
The Secretary shall deal with all the Club’s correspondence and any instructions given to him/her by the Chairperson. He/she shall take minutes of all meetings and circulate these to all members within 7 working days of the date of such meeting. He/she is responsible for maintaining the minutes in the club file and performing general administrative tasks.
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended by the Club. He/she shall report at every General Meeting on the status of registration of clubs and shall balance her accounts monthly and present them at Committee meetings and report thereon at any time when called upon to do so by the Council. The treasure approves purchases in conjunction with the Chairman.
The Captainis responsible for the organisation of races and practices throughout the year, as well as being involved in the organisation of team trials, and tours. The Captain is also required to show leadership to the club, and to take the initiative in organizing fun events / time trials / weekends away etc, and encouraging participation.
The caretaker is responsible for safe guarding the Club’s equipment, such as the gazebo, chairs, etc. The caretaker must avail the equipment upon the request of the Executive Committee, during races and events.
12.1 The Club shall be a legal entity distinct from its members and shall enjoy perpetual succession unaffected by changes in membership from time to time.
12.2 Any person ceasing to be a member of the Club shall have no interest in or claim toany assets of the Club.
13.1 The Club may be dissolved on a resolution by the two-thirds majority of full members in good standing financial standing with the Club and present at a duly constitutedSpecial General Meeting, called for this purpose and who shall have been given twenty one days notice of such meeting.
13.2 On dissolution, the net assets of the Club shall be taken over by a club to be predetermined by the Executive Committee.
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