How long does the application process take? The admissions process normally takes between four and six weeks of the receipt of the last piece of pertinent information.

What office do I call for an application or other required information?

At UHManoa the number for the Admissions Office is 9568755. You may also refer to their web site at For information on other 4year institutions, start with a call to the Admissions Office.

What might the application process include?

Transcripts/test scores, essay, letters of recommendation, personal interview

When should I apply?

Transfer students must meet the admissions deadline. Students are encouraged to

apply early, even up to one year in advance of your projected enrollment date.

Is there and application fee?

Most colleges have a nonrefundable application fee. At UHManoa the fee is $40.00. If you

find yourself in a situation of financial hardship you can also write a letter explaining your

situation and ask for a fee waiver.

How are transcripts usually handled?

Official transcripts (those mailed directly from the registrar's office) are considered official transcripts. Hand delivered or copies are not acceptable.

Are class sizes usually the same as in a community college setting?

Generally class sizes are larger at 4year institutions, particularly in the lower level courses required by most students. As courses get more specialized, class sizes get smaller,

Are there any support services?

Most schools offer support services to transferring students. At UHManoa these services include the First Year Center, and the Professional Advising Center (PAC).

How does counseling at a community college differ from counseling at a

4year institution?

Counseling at a 4year college is usually more therapeutic, whereas at a community

college these services may be more academically oriented.

How do I know if my credits will transfer?

You will need to check with the college you are applying to.

Do I have to pick a major before I can be processed for admission?

Again this varies from college to college. Most colleges require you to specify a major in your transfer application. At Manoa students are asked to declare a major when they are nearing 80 credits.

I am still taking classes. Can I apply even though I don't have my final grades?

Yes. In fact, it is strongly encouraged that you apply early. You must submit transcripts from every post-secondary institution you have attended. You can be tentatively admitted based on these grades. When you finish your final semester you are responsible for making sure your final transcripts are sent the schools you applied and were accepted to. Sending these guarantees your full admission.

Do I have to wait until I have everything together before I send my application?

No. You can send your transcripts, test scores, application and application fee one at a time or together. The most important thing is that all necessary materials are received by the application deadline.

Do I need an Associate's Degree to transfer?

No, you just need to meet the admission requirements of the university to which you are transferring.

How many credits do I need to transfer?

For UHManoa you need 24 credits to transfer. For other schools you wilt need to find out this information from personnel in the Admissions Office.

What is the minimum GPA I need to transfer?

UHManoa requires a 2.0 GPA. For other schools you will need to check with the Admissions Office.

What are WUE and WICHE?

WUE is the Western Undergraduate Exchange. Hawaii is part of this program. Students in participating states may enroll in designated twoyear and fouryear public institutions and programs in other participating states at a special, reduced tuition. For more information visit WICHE the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education is as similar program for those students interested in professional degrees. For more information about participating states and professional programs visit

Are there any distance learning opportunities?

Most 4year institutions now offer this kind of educational setting. UHManoa and KCC also offer distance learning opportunities.

Are the freshman and sophomore courses that students take at KCC the same as those at the fouryear universities?

Most lower level courses taken at community colleges are equivalent to those taken at a 4-year institution. Currently UHManoa accepts all credits from KCC students who have completed an AA degree. However, 4-year colleges vary from institution to institution, so you will need to ask the school's registrar. Usually the school will compare the course description from you school's catalog to what the course requirements are at that school.

How can I improve my chances for being accepted to the university of my choice?

It is important to be as academically well prepared a possible. Work with a counselor to develop a student educational plan that will include completion of your lower division general education and major preparation. At universities where the admissions process is more competitive, having a strong grade point average is also important. In addition, some universities are looking for students who cannot only excel academically but who are also involved in campus and community activities.

Maida Kamber Center, Transfer Workshop