DRAFT – 1209/0807/2011

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Outcome Measure Application (OMA)

Data Collection Questions

Q1: What are the responsibilities of data entry staff for clients with no “Pre”, “Update” or “Post” outcome scores?

A1:Each agency will determine the responsibilities of the data entry staff they employ. With regard to PEI outcomes, it is the treating clinician’s responsibility to know the required outcomes for each EBP they are delivering, and ensure that the outcomes are collected during the appropriate phases of treatment.

It’s the clinician’s responsibility to provide the data entry person information regarding each client receiving PEI Services (i.e., demographic and treatment information at the beginning and end of treatment, and information regarding the required outcome questionnaires). The MHSA Implementation and Outcomes unit has developed optional worksheets, available at the DMH OMA Wiki, detailing the required information necessary to save client records in the PEI OMA.

Q2:What is the protocol when all required “Pre” questionnaires are not collected? (Example: client completes the YOQ-SR but the parent does not complete the YOQ).

A2:It’s the clinicians’ responsibility to provide the data entry person with information regarding why the clinician was “Unable to Collect” required outcome questionnaire data. The MHSA Implementation and Outcomes unit has developed optional worksheets that are available on the MDH OMA Wiki, detailing the required information necessary to save client records in the PEI OMA.

Q3: Can “Update” questionnaire data be entered if “Pre” questionnaire data has not been entered?

A3:Yes, “Update” questionnaire data can be entered into the PEI OMA, as long as an “Unable to Collect” reason has been identified for the missing “Pre” questionnaire. Each required outcome questionnaire must be acknowledged in the PEI OMA in one of two ways (a) the questionnaire score(s) is entered into the appropriate fields or (b) “Unable to Collect” is selected and the appropriate reason is identified.

Q4: Can “Post” questionnaire data be entered if “Pre” questionnaire data has not been entered?

A4:Yes, DMH is interested in the “Post” treatment data as well as data reflecting change from “Pre” to “Post.” Therefore, “Post” questionnaire data can be entered into the PEI OMA, as long as an “Unable to Collect” reason has been identified for the missing “Pre” questionnaire. Each required outcome questionnaire must be acknowledged in the PEI OMA in one of two ways (a) the questionnaire score(s) is entered into the appropriate fields or (b) “Unable to Collect” is selected and the appropriate reason is identified.

Q5:I just noticed that the birth date for the client in the PEI Outcomes Measures Application is incorrect. I checked the IS and it appears to be incorrect there as well. How do I change the client’s date of birth?

A5:To correct the client’s date of birth, you will need to change the information within the IS system. Once the information is changed in the IS, the information in the PEI OMA will be updated within 24 hours.

Q6:What should data entry staff do when a clinician is unable to collect required PEI outcome questionnaire data but does not know what reason should be selected for “Unable to Collect.”

A6: Each agency should determine policies regarding the roles of clinical and support staff. The clinician providing the PEI EBP services is responsible for collecting the required PEI outcome questionnaire data. When the clinician is unable to determine the most appropriate “Unable to Collect” reason, the clinician should consult with his/her supervisor, the agency’s EBP lead, or LACDMH’s MHSA Implementation and Outcomes Unit.

Q7:Should my agency collect a “post” measure(s) if the practice was not fully completed.

A7: It is up to your agency to determine policies regarding collecting “post” outcomes when a model is not fully completed. If the person does not complete the EBP you are not required to collect “post” outcomes. However, if the client did not complete the EBP and the clinician is considering transferring the client into a new EBP, it may be clinically useful to collect “post” treatment outcomes information.

Q8:Should the diagnosis entered into PEI OMA for any ““updates” and/or the “post” be the same as for the “pre”?

A8:When entering the client’s treatment information into the PEI OMA, the client’s current diagnosis should be used.

Q9:Why doesn’t the PEI OMA application calculate the total score?

A9:Not all Totals for all Questionnaires are straight sums: in some cases other things are being totaled (Example: “How many of the scores in the section are “1’?), and some totals come from look-up tables (T Scores, for example). The Outcome Measure Application does not calculate any scores. Scores are generated based on the design of the questionnaire. In some cases the data generated is a Total Score; in other instances a Raw Score or T-Score may be used.

Q10:Does DMH get the CiMH spreadsheets for TF-CBT, Triple P and MAP clients, or are we expected to re-input all that data into the PEI OMA system?

A10:We do not expect agencies to enter data for the CiMH supported EBPs into the PEI OMA. The contract we have with CiMH continues for another year, and during this time agencies will continue to send outcome data for Triple P, TF-CBT and MAP to CiMH. We will work with CiMH to get the data from them. When (if) our contract with CiMH expires, we will work with agencies regarding submitting Triple P, TF-CBT and MAP outcome data to the PEI OMA rather than CiMH. However, we will give providers ample notice.

Q11:Will data going to CiMH continue to be submitted to them every 6 months?


Q12:Should I enter “update” scores for all questionnaires?

A12:Administration and data entry of “update” outcome measure are required to be completed after a client has been in a single EBP for six months. “Update” outcome measures are not required when the client has completed treatment in less than six months. Treatment in most of the PEI EBPs usually last less than six months, making it unnecessary to complete “update” outcome measures.

As long as it is in accordance with the policies/procedures of the legal entity, “Update” PEI OMA outcome measures may be administered if a client has been in an EBP less than six months. Before administering an “update” outcome measure when it is not required, consider the fact that many of these outcome measures are very costly. However, if a clinician would like to complete “Update” questionnaires more frequently for clinical purposes, the data collected could be entered into the OMA.

Q13:When does a lockout occur in the application? When would PEI OMA reject outcome measure data?

A13: When the difference between the First and/or Last EBP Session date and the Administration date exceeds 14 days PEI OMA will generate an error message, indicating that the data cannot be entered.

Q14:Who should be entering data into PEI OMA?

A14:Whoever is deemed as the data entry staff person by each provider agency, with training in PEI outcome applicationOMA, should enter data into PEI OMA. Each agency will determine the responsibilities of the staff they employ. That being said, only staffs who have attended the OMA PEI Data Entry trainings should be entering outcome measure data into PEI OMA.

Q15:How often/frequently should we be entering data into the PEI OMA?

A15:Persons entering data into OMA should follow the policies/procedures set by each legal entity regarding frequency of data submission into PEI OMA. There is no set time limit, however, entering data on a regular, on-going basis as it becomes available is important, as any reports generated on PEI outcome data will contain the most recent data entered into the PEI OMA. Entering data as soon as it is available will ensure any reports developed will contain the most up-to-date information, helping provider agencies, our Department, and the State receive the most up-to-date information [d1].

Q16:What outcome data is submitted to the DMH PEI Outcome Measures Application (OMA)?

A16:The outcome data submitted to DMH PEI OMA will depend on the EBP that is being used and whether or not the EBP is being supported by DMH or CiMH. Each EBP has been assigned General Outcome Measures and Specific Outcome Measures, to be completed based on the age of the client at the beginning of the intervention.

Outcome data for the following practices are submitted to the DMH PEI OMA[d2]:

  • Seeking Safety (SS)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
  • Alternatives for Families-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF - CBT)
  • Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
  • Prolonged Exposure (PE)
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression (IPT)
  • Depression Treatment Quality Improvement (DTQI)
  • Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depression (Group CBT for Depression)
  • Incredible Years (IY)
  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • UCLA TIES Transition Model (UCLA TIES)
  • Reflective Parenting Program (RPP)
  • Caring for Our Families (CFOF)
  • Loving Intervention Family Enrichment (LIFE)
  • Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
  • Aggression Replacement Training - Skill Streaming (ART)
  • Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)
  • Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)
  • Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
  • Functional Family Therapy (FFT) - (YOQ & YOQ - SR data only)
  • Multisystemic Therapy (MST) - (YOQ & YOQ-SR data only)
  • Crisis Oriented Recovery Services (CORS)
  • Early Detection & Intervention for Prevention of Psychosis (EDIPP)

Outcome[d3] data derived from outcome measures for Evidence Based Practices (EBP) that are supported by the California Institute for Mental Health (CiMH), such as Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP), Triple P, and Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT) are to continue to be submitted to CiMH. Outcome data derived from IMPACT/MHIP or Nurse-Family Partnerships (NFP) should be submitted to the specific data collection systems/databases designed for those particular practices.

Q17:I work for a Contract Provider. I’m working on the details of applications for Secure ID cards for our staff that will be entering PEI Outcome Measures and I need some information:

  • What Access Role code will be used in the Applications Access form as data entry staff won’t need – and should not have – access to opening/closing episodes, viewing sensitive billing information, etc.
  • Though they will be going to the link and need to enter data there - If they happen to know about and go to the link, will the Access Role code prevent them from viewing/editing information in this area of the IS?
  • Do the Applications Access, Confidentiality Oath, and Downey forms all need to be submitted?

A17: Your staff do not need a data entry role in the IS to be able to enter data in the outcomes applications. If you are concerned about staff viewing sensitive data, you can request they have GEN01. This will just show the information screen where they can read messages in the IS. If you want staff to be able to look at client information but not change any information, like a “read only” role, they can have a CLN01R and CLN02R role. The forms you would need to submit are the Downey Data Center SecurID Token AUP, Applications Access Form, and Downey Data Center Registration Form.

Q18:What do you do if you cannot collect either a “Pre,” “Update,” or “Post” outcome measure?

A19:There is an “Unable to Collect” field in the PEI OMA created for those instances when clinicians are unable to administer outcome measures. Clinicians will use the “Unable to Collect” field to indicate the reason for being unable to collect data for a “Pre,” “Update,” or “Post” measure.

Q20:Does a previous agency treating a child transfer information from outcome measures to the new agency if client moves to a new EBP?

A20:Individual providers should follow their agency’s guidelines as well as Standards of Practice Guidelines regarding interagency sharing of client information.

Q21:How do we collect and enter outcomes into PEI OMA if the client is receiving multiple EBPs simultaneously (e.g. Seeking Safety Group and Trauma-Focused CBT or Seeking Safety Group and MAP trauma)?

A21:Before answering this specific question, it needs to be stated that it is advised that clients be enrolled in only one EBP at a time. To answer the question posed above, the appropriate outcome measures should be given and data should be entered for any EBP in which the client is enrolled.

Q22: My clinician did not administer a questionnaire within 14 days, and I can’t record my “Unable to Complete”. When I go to put in the actual questionnaire Administration Date, PEI OMA will not let me move forward because it’s not a legal date.

A22: This is an issue in the software: we must check the date, and that contradicts your ability to register a date that is out of range. Please enter a date that will fit in the range even though it is not the actual date of Administration.

Administration of Outcome Measures

Q23:What is the timeline for administering PEI outcome measures?

A23:Clinicians have 14 days from the date of the First EBP Treatment Session to collect the “Pre” outcome questionnaires, and 14 days from the date of the Last EBP Treatment Session to collect the “Post” outcome questionnaires. PEI outcome questionnaires should also be administered at the 6 month mark (an “Update”) to clients enrolled in an EBP that lasts 6 months or longer. Clinicians should also administer “Update” questionnaires at the 6th month mark to clients enrolled in EBPs that last 6 months or longer.

Q124:Why is it a 14 day window? What if I need one more week[d4]?

A124:It is a 14 day window period because for a “Pre” score, if it is any longer than 14 days it will no longer be considered valid. it will be considered mid-treatment, as most EBPs are short-term in duration; and anything past 14 days from the end of EBP treatment will also no longer be a valid “Post” EBP treatment score, as other factors in the client’s life may affect the scores at that point. Also, the PEI OMA will not accept scores beyond the 14 day window period, as an error message will pop up.

Q25:Can you bill for administering, scoring, and interpretation of outcome measures?

A25:No. You cannot bill for the cost of purchasing the measures, administration, scoring, or anything else related to outcome measures.

Q26:Can “Pre” outcome measures be administered used during the initial assessment phase?

A26:It is strongly recommended that PEI outcome measures that will be used to provide data for PEI OMA not be administered during the assessment phase. Reasons for this recommendation are as follows: “Pre” PEI outcome measures need to be administered within two weeks of the EBP start date. The date of the initial intake is usually not the EBP start date. Additionally, there is the potential that “Pre” PEI outcome measures administered during the initial intake will become invalid because clients often start treatment more than two weeks after the date of the initial intake[d5].

Q27:Can the “Post” measures be administered one week before the last EBP treatment session?

A27:A “Post” measure must be administered on the last day of the EBP treatment session, and up to 14 days later. If you[d6] attempt to enter a “Post” score on the PEI OMA that has an administration date prior to the Last EBP Treatment Session, you will get an error message. The reason for this is that a “Post” outcome measure, by definition, should be administered after the EBP treatment ends, not before; otherwise, it is not truly a “Post” score. Clinicians may opt to schedule a longer Last EBP Treatment Session so that outcome measures can be administered at the beginning of the final session. Additionally, some outcome measures may be scored quickly during that Last EBP Treatment Session, allowing scores to be shared with clients on-the-spot for clinical utility and/or feedback regarding progress of the EBP treatment[d7].

Q28:What if a client gets moved to a new EBP- do we keep the pre-measures, or do we administer new pre-measures?

A28:Each time you begin a new EBP, you need to administer the General and Specific outcome measures that apply to the selected EBP . The exception to this is that a “Post” EBP general outcome measure (the YOQ, YOQ-SR or OQ) may be used as a “Pre” EBP general outcome measure for the new EBP if the administration dates between the “Post” and “Pre” general outcome measures are within[d8] the 14-day window (e.g. if the “Post” EBP YOQ-SR was administered on 7/22/11- the date of the last EBP treatment session, and the new EBP begins on 8/5/11, you may use that previous EBP’s “Post” score as the new EBP’s “Pre” score for the general outcome measure (OQ, YOQ, YOQ-SR).