Family Preservation ServicesDRAFT10/20/2018
The following table lists the various types of family preservation, in-home services provided by Family Preservation Providers under different agencies and programs.
Service / Description / Rates / Funding Source / Location of ServicesEarly Intervention/Prevention Services
Brief Intervention (TANF) / Services include information and referrals for families screened out for investigation by DFCS. / Total: $500/family ($150 of $500 for mileage) / Family's home.
Early Intervention/Parent Aide (SDM) / Short-term brief information and referral services to families various low risk/screened out CPS cases. Services include in-home visitation, education and instruction on child development, non-physical methods of discipline, household budgeting and housekeeping standards, nutritional planning, assistance in accessing community resources and occasional transportation. Goal - prevent child abuse and neglect. / $500/case.
Includes a one-time referral fee of $20, purposeful visit fees at $30/hour, one-time case management fee of $30, and travel expenses of up to $150/case. / UAS Code 551 / Family's home.
Monthly Contacts (CPS) / Contacts with family to review progress on case plan for low to moderate DFCS risk cases. / Based on level of contact from $40 to $60/hour (bachelor's or master's level) / Family's home.
Parent Aide
Program / Paraprofessional family support and prevention program. Provides parent education, training and support to families through group classes and in-home visitation. / Maximum: $2,900/ Family
$50 - one time referral
$30/purposeful visit
$350/adult-parenting class
$150/child-coexistent child service
$40 - one time written parenting skills
$200 - one time case mng / UAS Code 573 / Family's home
Prevention of Unnecessary
Placement (PUP) Program / Provide services to reduce the risk factors contributing to child maltreatment to ensure the protection and safety of children. Services include emergency housing financial assistance, temporary childcare, counseling, emergency transportation, emergency medical/dental, psychiatric/psychological testing, drug screens, & substance abuse assessments. / Family Max of $8,640 up to 12 months.
Max - $1,500- home repairs
Max - $500 -legal services
Max - 6 months/family
Max - $500/person, medical/dental services / UAS Code 521 / Family's home
Homestead Program / Intensive short term (180 days) assessment and intervention program. Services are designed to address the immediate psychological and social risk that contributes to crisis and risk of child maltreatment. Utilizes professional staff with Master's level education. / Max per case - $3,500
Initial Family Assessment - $60/hr, $75/report.
24-hr crisis intervention - $100/case
Family Counseling - $60/hr, $75/report.
$30/purposeful home visit - Max of $3,500/family
Travel - $400/case maximum
Case Management - $200/case
Program Evaluation Report - $75/report / UAS Code 571 / Family's home.
FPBP Assessment Services
Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment / Assessment to determine child and family needs and make safety, permanency, and well being decisions. Includes infant/toddler screening and/or assessment, psychological, medical/dental, educational and family assessment / $1,400/child. / UAS Code 518 / Placement location. Family's home, foster home, emergency shelter, relative home, etc.
Adolescent Assessment / A strength based and solution oriented assessment of adolescents (ages 14-21) designed to assist youth in transitioning from foster care and working toward achieving self-sufficiency. / $700/adolescent when done independently of a comprehensive child and family assessment. / UAS Code 586 / Placement location. Family's home, foster home, emergency shelter, relative home, etc.
FPBP Wrap-Around Services
Summer Enrichment / For youth age 14 and older. Planned enrichment programs designed to support foster and adoptive families. Programs that enrich children's lives by providing stimulating learning or cultural experiences available in the community (Red Cross, YMCA, school or church related camps, etc.) / $252/child/summer. / UAS Code 518 (Code 80) / Various locations away from placement.
In-Home Intensive Treatment / Services to ensure children in foster care are safely returned to and maintained in stable families. Reunification services to include counseling, interventions, and therapeutic services needs. / Maximum $3,500/case.
Maximum 180 days @ $60/hr
Mileage @ $0.28/mile / UAS Code 518 / Family's home
In-Home Case Management / Case management to families in completing the defined goals and steps in their case plan. Service activities include such things as direct services, coordinating community services, monitoring placements, etc / Maximum $3,000/case
$45/hour and $0.28/mile / UAS Code 518 / Family's home
Crisis Intervention (Clinical0 / Immediate service to stabilize a volatile family situation for a child in aftercare at imminent risk of foster care re-placement or a child experiencing disruption in a relative or foster care placement. / $60/hour for clinical services
$0.28/mile for transportation. / UAS Code 518 / Placement location. Foster home, group home, relative home, etc.
Crisis Intervention (paraprofessional) / Immediate service to stabilize a volatile family situation for a child in aftercare at imminent risk of foster care re-placement or a child experiencing disruption in a relative or foster care placement. / $30/hour for paraprofessional family services
$0.28/mile for transportation / UAS Code 518 / Placement location. Foster home, group home, relative home, etc.8
Promoting Safe and Stable Families (96 programs statewide)
Adoption Promotion & Foster Care Transitional Support (3) /
- AP-Foster Care Emancipation Support Services (2)
- AP-Professional Interventions & Support (1)
Family Preservation (23) /
- FP-Relative Caregiver Support Services (7)
- FP-Residential Care Aftercare Services (3)
- FP-Therapeutic/Crisis Intervention Services (13)
Family Support (55) /
- FS-Parent Support Services (47)
- FS-Substance Abuse Treatment & Support Services (8)
Time-Limited Reunification (15) /
- TLR-Family Visitation Centers (5)
- TLR-Post Substance Abuse Treatment and Transitional Support (1)
- TLR-Professional Interventions and Supports (9)
Department of Juvenile Justice
Basic Counseling / DJJ Grant
Wrap-Around Services / Support services, including monitoring the home and family situation for families awaiting court or placement. The development of a family plan to ensure child's safety and interfamilial support. / Based on level of contact from $45 to $60/hour (behavior aide to therapist) Usually time limited, i.e. six hours in six weeks. / Family's home.
Group Counseling
Summer Enrichment / I.e. Camp CHRIS
Family Assessments / Identification of key family members, social history of child, and family history. Recommendations are made based on the needs of the child and family based on the assessment and clinical observations. / $250/assessment. / Family's home.
Behavior Aide
Mental Health
Intensive Family Intervention (IFY) / Time limited family preservation intervention intended to stabilize the living arrangement, promote reunification, or prevent the out-of-home therapeutic resources. / $89.36/hour -- billed at $22.34/15 minute increments. / Medicaid Code Y3033 / Family's home.
MATCH Wrap-Around Services / Services being provided to children leaving a MATCH placement and returning to the community. Services are designed to maintain the youth in the community. / $90/day.
Other Services
CAFAS/PECFAS Testing / Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) and Preschool and Early Childhood Functional Assessment Scale (PECFAS). Testing of children and youth suing a national normed scale designed to determine the level of functioning at a given point in time. / $00
County specific as part of the overall assessment rate of $1400/child. / Placement location.
Family Conferencing / Facilitating of a group family conference that draws upon the family's strengths and resources, community resources, extended family, and the resources of the Child Welfare System to ensure safety and identify permanency options/plans for children. / $00
No separate rates. Included by some counties in the $1400/child assessment rate. / Various locations, usually in a neutral setting.
Translation Services / Language or other translation services between the client and the public agency. / Usually not covered, although some counties will pay for or provide. / Various locations.
Court Services / Testimony on involvement with various cases from various agencies. Usually involves agency's involvement with the family. / $00 -- No fees for time or mileage, regardless of how many times called to testify on a particular case. / Juvenile or other Court.
Relative Home Evaluations / Assessment of relatives identified as a possible placement resource for a child/sibling. Over ten specific domains are assessed including finances, educational levels, criminal history, etc. / $350/relative assessment / UAS Code 558 / In the relative' home.
Adoption Studies / Adoption Child Life History. A narrative of the child's functioning, history and adoption needs. Put together in a package to go to the adoptive parent. (Includes birth record, psychological, educational, medical, termination order, etc.) / $500/life history / Family's home.
Independent Living Services / Life Skills Training. Competency based Educational Life Skills Workshops(s) that promote self-awareness, positive social interactions and a "can do" attitude for youth's transitioning to independence. / $250/life skills training (2 hours). Also can include fees purposeful visits, group teen parenting classes, written parenting skills material, and travel expenses. / County specific. / Community setting, placement location or family' own home.