Prayer List
Nancy Avery
Rachel Avery
Family of Teresa Babbo
Willard Berkebile
Betty Burner
Rico Caruso
Jim Davis
Wendell Davis
Sean Felcyn
Nancy Fetterman
Deb and Greg Hartman
Doug Johnson
Barbara Kelley
Bonnie Kramer
Darlene Krider
Ron Lutz
Cindy Minster
Kathy Mitchell
Deb Mohr
Rick Mohr
Mark Renicker
Alisa Shephard
John Sontag
Bonnie Unkefer
Ralph Wellendorf
Continuing Needs
Jim Beavers
Dick Borne
Helen Cross
Erik Loy
Joseph Moore
Steve Phillips
Sophia Rae
Annika Shankle
Reagan Terry
Logan Trizna
Nursing Homes
Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s
Joyce Carroll - Canton Christian HomeSue Halsey - Altercare - Louisville
Carolyn King - Hospitality House
Bea Lowery - Woodlawn
Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's
Denise VanVoorhis – Hennis Care
Gary Young – Group home
IndianRun Christian Church
December 13, 2015
The Lord's Day
8368 Hill Church Street, SE
East Canton, Ohio 44730
"Like" Us on Facebook
Terry Bailey, Minister330-488-2957
Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister 330-904-4419
Sunday Services
8:00 a.m.and 10:15 a.m. - Worship
9:15 a.m. - Sunday School
6:00 p.m. - Social Time
6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study
6:30 p.m. - Youth Group
Worship Leader Ladies Team 2
MeditationJim Shephard
Offering PrayerGary Wellendorf
WashingChris Fallot
ServersArchie Sanders (Usher)
Craig Yoho (Usher)
Jeff Burner(Usher)
Joe Costello(Usher)
Paul Fox, Jr.
Charlie Reed
Dick Sutton
Josh VanVoorhis
Zach VanVoorhis
Gary Wellendorf
Order of Worship
Time of Silent Prayer
Scripture Luke 1:32-33
A Time for Praise
Praise Team
A Time for Prayer
Worthy, You Are Worthy
(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)
Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer
A Time for Preaching and Response
Message- Inherit the Kingdom
Special Music - Norma Johnson, Nancy Griffith, Flo Shephard
*Silent Night! Holy Night!
A Time for Remembrance
and Giving
What Child Is This?
(All Christians are welcome to partake)
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Birthdays and Anniversaries
*Joy to the World!
* Congregation please stand if able
Today's Activities
6:00 p.m. - Social Time
6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study
6:30 p.m. - Youth Group
6:30 p.m. - Play Practice
7:30 p.m. - Board Meeting
Upcoming Activities
Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Service
at 6 pm
Items of Interest
Please consider donating a pantry item inDecember. We are asking for canned soup such as chicken noodle, tomato, vegetable, etc. There is a box across from the office for your donations. Thank you!
Play practice TODAY at 6:30 pm. See Jeanelle Thorn, Amy Burner, or Caleb Bailey with questions.
Att. / Offering / Totals8 a.m. / 51
Sunday School / 63
Worship / 152 / $3,973.00
Budget amt. needed per wk. / $3,426.11
Faith Promise / $475.00 / $10,608.00
Faith Promise Pledge / $21,000.00
Amount needed wkly / $403.85
Bread Offering / $19.00 / $1,046.00
~ Building Vision Fund ~
Clay Pot / $12.00 / $918.00
Scrap Metal / $0 / $4,745.00
Matching Funds / $2,445.00 / $16,715.00
Indian Run Church has adopted two families for Christmas. Please visit the sign-up table to choose a gift to purchase. Pull the tab, wrap the gift, tape the tab on gift and drop it off to the church by Dec. 20. Your generosity is appreciated.
You are cordially invited to attend the
60th Anniversary Celebrationof Willard and Jean Berkebile today from 2-4 pm at IRCC. We'd love your well wishes and congratulations too.No gifts are necessary, we just would like to see you!
Flowers are in honor of Willard and Jean Berkebile's 60th Wedding Anniversary.
All ladies of Indian Run are invited to attend our Annual Ladies Christmas Dinner at the Canton Women's Club on Dec. 16th. The cost is $17.00 per person +tip. Friends are welcome. A signup sheet is located on the table. If you have any questions, please see Stacey Fallot.
December Birthdays
14 - Suzie Felcyn
14 - Barb Strickler
16 - Mark Stark
17 - Diane Gross
18 - Denise VanVoorhis
December Anniversaries
14 - Archie and Mary Sanders
15 - George and Christina Leyda
17 - Willard and Jean Berkebile
18 - Dwain and Kathy Foltz
Dec. 6, 2015